Ahihi Kinau Management Plan and Working Group

Ahihi Kinau Management Plan and Working Group

Management Plan Development Process

In 2008 a diverse and representative community and government working group began the process of developing a draft management plan for  ‘Ahihi-Kina‘u Natural Area Reserve. The plan they envisioned aims to preserve and protect the Reserve’s unique natural and cultural heritage by addressing both new and long-standing issues well into the future.

The planning process was supported and guided by a unique partnership between DLNR’s Natural Area Reserve System and The Nature Conservancy of Hawai‘i. The 20-member working group worked together and consulted with experts in more than 15 meetings from 2008 to 2010. They established the vision, priority resources, threats, goals, objectives and strategic actions for preserving ‘Ahihi-Kina‘u NAR.

The working group finalized a draft plan in December 2010 after considering and incorporating public comment. Comments on the draft plan were invited during the open comment period: October 20 – November 20, 2010. A public meeting was held on November 3, 2010, which provided the public with another opportunity to provide input and comments. View the submitted comments here.

In January 2011, the working group presented the draft plan to the public and the ‘Ahihi-Kina‘u NAR/Keone‘o‘io Advisory Group – a stakeholder group that provides guidance to DLNR regarding the management of the Reserve and Keone‘o‘io. 
The Advisory Group recommended the plan be moved forward to the Natural Area Reserves Commission, who reviewed the draft management plan and implementation plan at their meetings on March 7, 2011 and June 4, 2012.

June 4, 2012 Meeting Materials for the NARS Commission

The draft management plan is now being revised based on NARS Commission meeting comments, and will next be reviewed by the Board of Land and Natural Resources in the Summer of 2012. Once the Board approves the draft management plan it will become final.

Managment Plan Working Group Meeting Notes
ʻĀhihi-Kinaʻu Advisory Group
ʻĀhihi-Kinaʻu Closure Information