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Health and Trees References

Wolf, K. L., Lam, S. T., McKeen, J. K., Richardson, G., van den Bosch, M., & Bardekjian, A. C. (2020). Urban Trees and Human Health: A Scoping Review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(12), 4371. 

Astell-Burt, T., Navakatikyan, M. A., & Feng, X. (2020). Urban green space, tree canopy and 11-year risk of dementia in a cohort of 109,688 Australians. Environment International, 145, 106102. 

Takano, Nakamura, Watanabe  (2002). Urban residential environments and senior citizens’ longevity in megacity areas: the importance of walkable green spaces.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), (2008). Using Trees and Vegetation to Reduce Heat Islands.


Leung, W. T. V., Tam, T. Y. T., Pan, W.-C., Wu, C.-D., Lung, S.-C. C., & Spengler, J. D. (2019). How is environmental greenness related to students’ academic performance in English and Mathematics? Landscape and Urban Planning, 181, 118–124.

Donovan, G. H., Butry, D. T., Michael, Y. L., Prestemon, J. P., Liebhold, A. M., Gatziolis, D., Mao, M. Y. (2013). The Relationship Between Trees and Public Health. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 44(2), 139-145.

Ulrich, R.S. (1984). View Through a Window May Influence Recovery from Surgery. Science, 224(4647), 420-421.


Nowak, D. J. (2002) The Effects of Urban Trees on Air Quality.


Hawaiian Electric (HECO), (2014). Planting the Right Tree in the Right Place.


Kuo, F. E., Taylor, A. F. (2004). A Potential Natural Treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Evidence From a National Study. American Journal of Public Health, 94(9), 1580-1586.

Matsuoka, R. H. (2010). Student performance and high school landscapes: Examining the links. Landscape and Urban Planning, 97(4), 273-282.

Taylor, A. F., Kuo, F. E., Sullivan, W. C. (2002). Views of Nature and Self-Discipline: Evidence From Inner City Children. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 22(1-2), 49-63.

Berto, R. 2005. Exposure to Restorative Environments Helps Restore Attentional Capacity. Journal of Environmental Psychology 25, 3:249-259.

Shibata, S., and N. Suzuki. 2002. Effects of the Foliage Plant on Task Performance and Mood. Journal of Environmental Psychology 22, 3:265-272.

Lohr, V. I., C. H. Pearson-Mims, and G.K. Goodwin. 1996. Interior Plants May Improve Worker Productivity and Reduce Stress in a Windowless Environment. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 14:97-100.