Visit to learn about mosquito-borne illnesses (including zika, dengue, chikungunya, and others) and how to minimize your risk. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DAVID Y. IGEGOVERNOR VIRGINIA PRESSLER, MD DIRECTOR   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 30, 2016                                                                              16-040  HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH RELAUNCHES “FIGHT THE BITE” EDUCATIONAL CAMPAIGN ABOUT MOSQUITO-BORNE DISEASE PREVENTION HONOLULU – As summer ...
Read More DOH Launches “Fight the Bite” Campaign for Mosquito-Borne Diseases

HISC_RTI_position_paper – Executive Summary: Research and technology are vital functions to Hawaii’s management strategy against alien invasive species. The Hawaii Invasive Species Council should strive to maintain a consistent funding mechanism to support a balanced and diverse research and technology portfolio targeting high priority species.