This is the story of one lucky honu (green sea turtle) who had a bad encounter with a vessel in waters off Kaua`i.

Please click on this link and read on. 

If you care about turtles, whales and other sea life, please go slow in the shallows, post a second lookout on your boat to watch the waters ahead and to the the sides of your vessel.  Make this a happy habit so generations can enjoy the diversity and majesty of our ocean creatures.  

You Can Make a Difference and Save a Marine Animal In Distress.

It is essential for boaters and ocean users to report injured or distressed marine animals.  It could mean the difference between life and death.  The toll-free, reporting hotline for all fishery interactions and other marine wildlife incidents is 1-888-256-9840.  DLNR and NOAA Fisheries urge all fishermen and other ocean users to save this number in their mobile phones for timely use whenever they see a marine animal that is in need of assistance. For additional information, visit:


For more information about sea turtles, please visit:


All photos associated with this post courtesy of NOAA.