Hunter Education Course Manuals Now Available From DLNR
Posted on Dec 13, 2016 in AnnouncementsDEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES
News Release
For Immediate News Release December 13, 2016
HONOLULU — The Department of Land and Natural Resources Hunter Education Program is expanding education and outreach efforts by offering free Hawai‘i Hunter Education Manuals to the public, while supplies last.
Manuals are normally provided to students at the beginning of each Hunter Education course. These courses are offered free of charge to the public statewide.
By providing the public access to the Hawai‘i Hunter Education Manuals before class, students can review the course material in advance, and individuals who may be interested in Hunter Education can preview material before committing to a class. The updated Today’s Hunter—Hawai‘i manual will be replacing the Hawai‘i Hunter Education Manual.
Anyone can request a free copy of the Hawai‘i Hunter Education Manual. Simply email your request to: Please include your name and complete mailing address in the request. The Hunter Education Program will cover the cost of postage and mail your Hawai‘i Hunter Education Manualwithin 1-2 weeks of receiving your request. Limit two manuals per request.
The Hunter Education course is designed to benefit anyone who has an interest in conservation, safety, and the responsible use of our natural resources. Program goals are to:
- Reduce hunting related accidents.
- Encourage recognition for the lifetime activities of hunting and shooting sports as viable recreation activities.
- Increase the public’s knowledge of Hawai‘i’s wildlife resources and their management.
- Create awareness and sense of responsibility among outdoor users of their legal and ethical responsibilities when enjoying or harvesting wildlife, thus improving the image of hunters and hunting.
- Improve skills and techniques of outdoor resource users.
The basic 12-hour Hunter Education course covers the following topics in more detail: Outdoor ethics and responsibility, principles of conservation, wildlife management and identification, firearms familiarization and safety, muzzleloading safety, bowhunting safety, hunting rules and regulations, outdoor survival and first aid, and game care.
For more information on the DLNR Hawai‘i Hunter Education Program, schedule of upcoming courses, and to register for a free course, visit: or call 1-866-563-4868.
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Media contact:
Deborah Ward
DLNR Communications Specialist
Phone; (808) 587-0320