Kaua’i Forest User Website

Kaua’i Forest User Website

Posted on Jan 22, 2020

Honopu Beach

Here you can learn about the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife’s proposed Kaua’í projects, as well as provide your mana’o as a forest user.

Hunters, hikers, cultural practitioners, and other visitors are the eyes and ears of the forest and can greatly inform where the DLNR-Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) should focus its limited resources. Many of these changes require willing private landowners or the cooperation or other agencies. Other changes will require additional funding, which DLNR-DOFAW will seek through requests for grants or State Funds.

This interactive map displays where hunting areas, trails, shelters, and other recreational features exist. It also contains layers showing where new features – such as new public hunting areas – are planned. Also shown are locations of high conservation value for rare Hawaiian plants and wildlife. The Division of Forestry and Wildlife’s current plans for protecting small sections of these forests by fencing hooved animals are included in the map. Below you can find more detailed information on the individual layers.