Shark Quiz

How much do you know about sharks? Take the Shark Quiz and see if you can get them all right.
True or False?

Shark Quiz

1 / 16

Sharks have poor vision.

2 / 16

Most sharks are dangerous to people.

3 / 16

All sharks are carnivores.

4 / 16

Tiger sharks are known to hunt people.

5 / 16

All sharks give birth to live young.

6 / 16

Sharks have no bones.

7 / 16

Most sharks have to keep swimming to breathe.

8 / 16

Shark teeth are embedded in sockets in their jaws.

9 / 16

Sharks are mostly found in murky waters.

10 / 16

You can hit a shark to make it go away.

11 / 16

Sharks cause more deaths in Hawaiian waters than any other animal.

12 / 16

You’re more likely to be struck by lightning than bit by a shark in Hawaii.

13 / 16

Sharks may be attracted to any type of human body fluid.

14 / 16

Sharks must roll over to bite.

15 / 16

Sharks are dumb.

16 / 16

Sharks attack submarines.

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