Information and Education

As part of the enforcement program, the division provides several information and education services. Posters, stickers, and coloring books are made available in identifying marine animals, closed season periods, protected species and more. DOCARE officers are available upon request to appear and speak at schools, youth organizations and community events. Often times officers provide youth material of our endangered species of native birds, and insects. They also work in partnership with other DLNR divisions that have a wide variety of coloring books, stickers, finger puppets, and face masks.

DOCARE can also provide information for job fairs, high schools career day, and seminars. During the holiday season, officers from the division participate in events like “shop with a cop” and “cop on top.” 

When requested DOCARE also provides representatives to speak at county and state law enforcement academies. Topics covered include what DOCARE does and how we coordinate with partner agencies


For further information on this service please contact us at [email protected].