Responses to Submitted Questions


Responses to Submitted Questions

Please see the Department’s responses to submitted questions.  This page will be updated as additional responses are developed.

Q:  In regards to RFP-LD-1 6-001-SW for Goods and Services for a Replacement Land Management Information System, will the State consider providing   vendors with a native Excel file of Appendix C – Detailed Requirements?

Please advise on the ability of the State to provide the native Excel file of Appendix C – Detailed Requirements.

Would it be possible for you to send us the RFP-LD-16-001-SW documents below in native format?

  1. request-for-proposals
  2. appendix-a-technical-specifications-document
  3. appendix-b-business-requirements-document
  4. appendix-c-detailed-requirements-list


A:  The Department is agreeable to releasing only Appendix C- Detailed Requirements in its native Excel format.  Please see the link to the file below.  Please be aware that the spreadsheet submitted with any proposal shall be an original, unaltered version.

       Appendix C Detailed Requirements

Q:  1. Would the Department consider removing requirement 7 d. on page 21 to allow vendors without an office in Hawaii to propose their level of on-site presence for DLNR consideration?

  1. If not, would the Department consider relaxing the requirement to allow vendors who include a local subcontractor as a Deputy PM or similar role that can be immediately on-site at all times, with the full team of key resources being onsite as necessary for success as described above?


A:  The Department will not amend or remove any requirements in the Request for Proposals.  A local subcontractor may be used for the work described above subject meeting all applicable requirements in the Request for Proposal.  Please be aware that any proposal utilizing subcontractor(s) shall be evaluated on the basis of the subcontractor’s qualifications in addition those of the Offeror.

Q:   Main RFP, Section 3.  Section 3 of the main RFP document specifies the required content and format for vendor responses.  However, there are several items with Section 2, Scope of Work that have language indicating “The Offeror should describe …”.    Please clarify if the items within Section 2 that contain said language should be responded to during the proposal stage, or whether that will be expected at a later stage.   If vendors should address Section 2 items, where in their proposal response should they place their responses?

A:  Vendors should provide responses to all questions posted in Section 2 in the Proposal.

Q: RFP Page 14 in Appendix A: Are the volumes specified annual figures?

A: Those figures represent the data in the current system and  the appropriate duration for which the data is processed. The data is not limited to annual figures.

Q: RFP Page 27 in Appendix A: To assess the data migration requirements, will the State be willing to provide access to the current system and documentation on data schema, etc. to vendors?

A: There are numerous reports generated from SLIMS, as noted in the requirements section.  The selected vendor will have access to our current system [possibly on a test server] as a platform to design the new one.  During the “Discussion with Priority Listed Offerors” section planned in our RFP, a demonstration of the system and reports could be planned for those selected.        

Q: RFP Page 48 in Appendix A: Reporting requirements – is the State willing to share samples of the current reports with vendors?

A: Same as Q.3 above

Q: RFP Pages 49 & 98 in Appendix B, Requirements FR-83, 84, 85: Are you currently billing for water meter readings in SLIMS?  Please confirm if a replacement water utility billing solution is part of the scope of this project.  If it is not, please clarify the type of billing required.

A: Yes, the current system generates billing for individual accounts on actual usage based on inputted data. The current system involves a two-part process, namely, (1) the calculation of the actual dollar amount  based on water meter readings collected in the field and inputted in the system which will be multiplied by the unit rate for water usage; (2) the posting of charge described in (1) to individual tenant account.  It is intended the new system will continue to generate such bills.  The Division is open to options provided by the vendor as to the billing solution.