Act 54 and the Public Land Trust Information System (PLTIS)

This page is intended to be a temporary resource for State and County agencies that will submit data for inclusion into the Public Land Trust Information System (PLTIS).


Senate Bill 2, SD2, HD1, CD1 was signed into law as Act 54 (SLH, 2011) by Governor Neil Abercrombie on May 20, 2011 with an effective date of July 1, 2011. Act 54 mandates the establishment of a comprehensive information system to inventory and maintain information about the lands of the public land trust as described in section 5(f) of the Admission Act and article XII, section 4 of the Hawaii State Constitution. Due to resource issues, DLNR requested and received an extension to launch the PLTIS by December 31, 2014. The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) has been working with a consultant to develop a Public Land Trust Information System (PLTIS) to satisfy the requirements of Act 54. The PLTIS will be a GIS-based system and aims for a complete inventory of all state-owned and county-owned lands, as well as a complete inventory of encumbrances issued by State and County agencies over these lands. In order to meet these goals, each State and County agency must submit comprehensive lists of their land and encumbrance inventories.

Parcel Data

State and County agencies that hold title to land must submit their entire land inventory, regardless of the public land trust status, whether or not there are any encumbrances on the land, and whether or not revenue is being generated on the land. The goal here is to have all State-owned and County-owned land represented in the PLTIS. Parcel data must be submitted using the PLTIS Parcel Data Template which can be found on the PLTIS Parcel Specifications Page. A spreadsheet containing sample data is also available to help illustrate how the data should be populated. It is important to adhere to the template format as the PLTIS upload process requires data to be submitted in the exact format specified by the templates. An agency does not have to submit parcel data if the agency does not hold title to land. However, the agency must still submit encumbrance data as indicated in the following section. If the agency holds title to land, the agency must submit parcel data as well as encumbrance data, as indicated in the next section.

Encumbrance Data

All State and County agencies must submit encumbrances that they have issued over State-owned and County-owned land, regardless if they hold title to that land or not. This includes all encumbrances including, but not limited to, leases, permits, right-of-entries, and easements. All encumbrances must be submitted, regardless if they generate revenue or not. The goal here is to have all encumbrances issued over State-owned and County-owned land represented in the PLTIS. Encumbrance data must be submitted using the PLTIS Encumbrance Data Template which can be found on the PLTIS Encumbrance Specifications Page. A spreadsheet containing sample data is also available to help illustrate how the data should be populated. It is important to adhere to the template format as the PLTIS upload process requires data to be submitted in the exact format specified by the templates. If an agency does not hold title to land, the encumbrance data is the only data the agency needs to submit. However, if the agency holds title to land, the agency must submit parcel data in addition to encumbrance data.

Submission Deadline

DLNR respectfully requests agency cooperation in submitting parcel and encumbrance inventories by September 15, 2014.

Agency POCs

During the informational gathering phase of this project, DLNR contacted the Administrator of each agency for a Point of Contact (POC) for this project and created a list of Act 54 POCs. If your agency’s POC must be updated, please contact us via the methods listed below.


Although the PLTIS is still under development, we have posted a few preliminary screenshots to give you an idea of what the system looks like.

Questions and Contact Information

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the PLTIS. Our goal is 100% agency participation, and we want to provide sufficient guidance to make the data submission process as easy as possible. Please direct any questions you have regarding the PLTIS to Mr. Russell Tsuji, Land Administrator, via email at [email protected].