‘Ike Kai project materials
The purpose of this guidebook is to introduce Makai Watch volunteers to identifying regulated marine life and providing and overview of Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) rules related to marine life and fishing.
This guidebook is part of a larger project that includes an in-person training covering site-specific elements of the book and a toolkit with materials to support the volunteers from each Makai Watch group.
This information directly supports the Awareness-Raising and Outreach and the Observation and Incident Reporting components of the Makai Watch program.
Updated 8/24/2015 to include Haʻena Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area (CBSFA) rules
Download the minimum size fish cut out activity:
FISH_cut outs FINAL_11X17_Part 1
FISH_cut outs FINAL_8.5X11_Part 2
Fish cut out instructions:
You will need two sizes of paper, 8.5X11 (standard size) and 11X17 (template size), as well as a printer that can print the larger size. Printing works well with heavy duty photo paper, but you could use any type. You can then laminate and cut out the fish by hand, but please do what is useful to you and your event. They will automatically print to the DAR’s legal minimum size. For additional minimum size information, please see the ʻIke Kai guidebook or the DAR website: https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dar/fishing/fishing-regulations/marine-fishes-and-vertebrates/