MW Components




  1. Awareness Raising and Outreach (ARO). The MW Program trains volunteers to provide ocean users with useful, site-specific information related to the marine ecology, geography, culture, history, applicable resource regulations, safety, best fishing practices and proper reef etiquette;
  2. Observation and Incident Reporting (OIR). Although Awareness Raising and Outreach may help to encourage compliance with regulations and pono practices, poaching and other detrimental activities may continue in some areas. To reduce the willful disregard for laws governing marine resource use, Volunteers are trained to accurately observe, identify and report resource violations to DOCARE. MW volunteers support effective resource protection by serving as the “eyes and ears” in the community, observing and reporting potential resource violations and illegal activity to the DLNR-DOCARE.
  3. *Optional*  Human-use Monitoring and Biological Literacy Education (HUMBLE).  Biological information about the MW sites will be included in the Awareness Raising and Outreach component. Biological monitoring oriented towards education is an important part of Raising Awareness for MW volunteers and the general public, as it promotes active stewardship and further engagement. Additionally, Human use monitoring may be incorporated into Observation and Incident Reporting as it can serve as an informative activity to be carried out while volunteers are making observations. Support may be provided by partner organizations to help Site Programs develop this element.