Summer Volunteer Days!

Posted on Jun 23, 2015 in News and Events



Join the Mauna Kea Forest Restoration Project (MKFRP) as we head up to the slopes of Mauna Kea to cool off and restore its unique forest. 

Mark your calendars!
A volunteer trip for everyone….


July 18, Saturday

Art Adventure: Palila Hike and Seed Collecting

Ka‘ohe Restoration Area
9am – 3:30pm

Explore Mauna Kea in partnership with the Hawai‘i Nei Art Contest! MKFRP’s Jackson Bauer will lead an inspiring nature hike to visit palila in their home of the māmane-naio high-elevation forest. We’ll start the day collecting seeds that will be used to restore this fragile habitat. Then in the afternoon, we’ll explore this unique forest searching for the critically endangered palila. There will be plenty of time for bird watching, sketching and soaking in this beautiful and unique Hawaiian landscape. Artists-at-heart are also welcome! Participants will be given a $5 coupon that can be used towards your Contest registration fee. The $10 fee benefits environmental education programs.

August 14, Friday

Sandalwood Outplanting and Palila Hike

Ka‘ohe Restoration Area
9am – 3:30pm

Join us as cool off and head up ma uka to plant ‘iliahi (sandalwood) Mauna Kea in partnership with the Hawaiian Reforestation Program Foundation. We’ll be working at the Ka‘ohe Restoration Area at about 6,500 feet on the southwestern slope of Mauna Kea. Afterwards, weʻll explore this unique forest and keep a look out for a palila or two!

Register Now!