World’s Top Watermen Training State Conservation Officers This Week; iWaterman Provides Elite-Level Jet Ski Rescue Training for Free
Posted on Jun 15, 2018 in AnnouncementsDEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES
News Release
For Immediate News Release June 15, 2018
iWaterman Provides Elite-Level Jet Ski Rescue Training for Free
(Honolulu) – In preparation for the expected July 4th flotilla off Waikiki, five DLNR Division of Conservation and Resource (DOCARE) officers are engaged in a week-long jet ski rescue training course. Over the past few years DOCARE officers, along with people from multiple partner agencies, have rescued dozens of people who’ve been unable to reach shore during flotillas, due to alcohol use, improper flotation devices, exhaustion and changing ocean conditions.
This month DOCARE established a new Marine Enforcement Unit on O‘ahu to provide specially trained officers dedicated to marine resource protection and safety. DOCARE Officer Patrick Chong Tim is DOCARE’s lead operations trainer.
iWaterman, founded by world-renowned ocean rescue experts Brian Keaulana and Archie Kalepa provides the week-long course, with 25 hours of on-water training, free-of-charge to DOCARE officers. Keone Downing, who’s also a well-known Hawai‘i waterman and is a member of the State Board of Land and Natural Resources said, “The State, DLNR and DOCARE are extremely fortunate to have training from a group of experts who are literally known around the globe for pioneering open ocean jet ski rescue techniques.” Keaulana of iWaterman added, “We are pleased to offer our training at no cost to DOCARE officers, as we understand and appreciate their critical role in ocean safety and enforcing laws that are designed to keep all ocean users safe and to provide efficient rescue when needed.”
iWaterman, founded about five years ago, has trained dozens of professionals from government agencies, such as rescue personnel from the Honolulu, Maui and Kaua‘i Fire Departments, ocean safety organizations and many other public and private sector groups that require elite-level advanced rescue training. The training is combined with ocean risk management. Keaulana commented, “Our program focuses on developing and fully testing jet ski driver skill sets and the ability to adapt to adverse conditions, especially in extreme water conditions and high surf environments like those found here in the Hawaiian Islands.” Keaulana and Kalepa are two of the innovators of Jet Ski rescue as they developed and set standards for lifeguards and surf rescue more than 25 years ago.
Media Contact:
Dan Dennison
Senior Communications Manager
Hawaii Dept. of Land and Natural Resources
1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 131
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 587-0396 (Communications Office)
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(808) 295-8749 (Cell)