PLTIS Encumbrance Specifications

As indicated in the overview of Act 54 and the Public Land Trust Information System (PLTIS), all State and County agencies must submit any/all encumbrances that have been issued by the agency over State and County land, regardless if the agency owns the land, and regardless if the encumbrances generate revenue or not. Encumbrances include, but are not limited to, leases, permits, right-of-entries and easements. The goal here is to have all encumbrances issued over State-owned and County-owned land represented in the PLTIS.

Encumbrance data must be provided in a specific format so it can be uploaded successfully into the PLTIS. This format is detailed in the PLTIS Encumbrance Data Template. A spreadsheet containing sample encumbrance data has also been provided to help illustrate how data should be represented within the template. It is important to adhere to the template so that data will be imported into the PLTIS successfully.

In general, long term (30+ days) encumbrances must be reported as separate line items. However, we understand that agencies also have short term encumbrances, and it would not be feasible to list every single encumbrance. DLNR, for example, issues wedding permits which last only a few hours per day. In these cases, DLNR aggregates the data by beach for the prior fiscal year and submits the data to the PLTIS accordingly. You will see an example of this in the aforementioned sample encumbrance spreadsheet.

If an agency does not hold title to land, the agency only needs to submit encumbrance data. If, however, the agency holds title to land, the agency must also submit parcel data as detailed in the PLTIS Parcel Specifications.