Photo Credit: Tim DelaVega
hawaii wave


Monitor local surf and weather reports prior to your park visit.

[KAUA’I] UPDATED - 7/25/24: Wailua River State Park, Opaekaa Falls restroom is CLOSED  due to a water main break until further notice.  

[KAUA’I] UPDATED 7/24/24 – Road to Kōkeʻe and Waimea Canyon State Parks has REOPENED. 

[MAUI] UPDATED 7/24/24 – Polipoli Spring State Recreation Area: Access to the park and cabin has REOPENED.

[KAUAʻI] UPDATED 6/18/24 –Kalalau Trail, Nāpali Coast State Wilderness Park: Camping permits held back for local residents during summer, see Kalalau Trail site for more information.

[KAUAʻI] UPDATED 6/18/24 – Kōkeʻe State Park: The gate to Puʻu O Kila Lookout will be closed to vehicular traffic due to road repairs beginning 3/19/24. The lookout will still be accessible by pedestrians, parking is available at Kalalau lookout.


Posted on Jan 20, 2016

DLNR Seeks Input on the Alternatives for the Park Master Plan

UPDATE 2/1/16 – Interested people are invited to review and discuss the preliminary alternatives for the management and development of Kealakekua Bay State Historical Park on Hawaii Island following a meeting on Saturday, January 30, 2016 at Konawaena Elementary School. The findings of  studies conducted for the planning were shared, along with the alternatives that address public use, management of important resources, and proposed facilities. Kealakekua is one of the most culturally and historically significant places in Hawaii and the goal of this park planning is to balance the preservation of the cultural values and historical sites with the recreational use of the park, especially the very popular Kealakekua Bay. 

The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), Division of State Parks in partnership with Belt Collins Hawaii (BCH) is hosting this meeting as part of the planning process for the Master Plan Update and an Environmental Impact Statement. If you were unable to attend this meeting, you may send email comments to: [email protected].

Comments will be accepted until February 28, 2016.

“As we update our master planning for Kealakekua Bay State Historical Park, we’ve made a concerted effort to integrate planning for the bay and ocean recreation with the land-based park and the concerns of the local community” said Curt Cottrell, DLNR State Parks Administrator. “We know how popular this bay is with both residents and visitors and are seeking input on management and development alternatives that will balance recreational use with the historical and cultural values of this very special place,” Cottrell said.

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Kealakekua Master Plan Video Album:

Kealakekua Mtg. Flyer_1-30-16

Kealakekua Agenda

Alternatives matrix



John Kirkpatrick 
Belt Collins Hawaii, LLC.
(808) 521-5361
[email protected]