Photo Credit: Tim DelaVega
hawaii wave


Monitor local surf and weather reports prior to your park visit.

[KAUA’I] UPDATED - 7/25/24: Wailua River State Park, Opaekaa Falls restroom is CLOSED  due to a water main break until further notice.  

[KAUA’I] UPDATED 7/24/24 – Road to Kōkeʻe and Waimea Canyon State Parks has REOPENED. 

[MAUI] UPDATED 7/24/24 – Polipoli Spring State Recreation Area: Access to the park and cabin has REOPENED.

[KAUAʻI] UPDATED 6/18/24 –Kalalau Trail, Nāpali Coast State Wilderness Park: Camping permits held back for local residents during summer, see Kalalau Trail site for more information.

[KAUAʻI] UPDATED 6/18/24 – Kōkeʻe State Park: The gate to Puʻu O Kila Lookout will be closed to vehicular traffic due to road repairs beginning 3/19/24. The lookout will still be accessible by pedestrians, parking is available at Kalalau lookout.


Posted on Mar 20, 2020

Diamond Head State Monument Among Closed Parks

(Honolulu) – To facilitate social distancing recommendations, The Hawaii Division of State Parks is announcing the closure of all State Parks, Recreation Areas, State Monuments, Historic Parks and Wilderness Areas, and Recreational Piers to help reduce the potential spread of COVID-19.

  • State Parks Offices statewide are closed to in-person access
  • Caretakers will continue to maintain, monitor and service parks during these closures.
  • Camping and pavilion use permits are suspended.
  • Vendors and concessions have been contacted with cease-of-operations instructions.
  • All parks will be closed effective March 20, 2020

Chairperson Suzanne Case commented, “While we are disappointed to have to close parks and facilities and to cancel hunts, camping, special use permits and events, due to the necessity of social distancing, the health and safety of our staff serving the public and the safety of the community is our highest priority. We continue working very closely with other state agencies and will provide updates about any additional closures or restrictions that might be necessary to keep everyone safe.”