Photo Credit: Tim DelaVega
hawaii wave


Monitor local surf and weather reports before your park •

[KAUA’I] - UPDATE 3/11/25: Kalalau trail, Nāpali Coast SWP has REOPENED for DAY HIKING ONLY as far as Hanakapi'ai Falls.  Stream flooding has subsided, but the trail has been compromised further out due to heavy rain and runoff, with impassable sections.   Emergency repairs will be undertaken at the earliest convenience, and the trail will be reopened as soon as it is deemed safe, which we expect to be within days.

[MAUI] UPDATE 3/4/25 - Polipoli Spring State Recreation Area: Beginning April 1, 2025 through April 30, 2025 the park, cabin campgrounds and access road to Polipoli Forest Reserve will be closed due to tree mitigation work. 

[OʻAHU] UPDATED 2/7/25 – Diamond Head State Monument (DHSM): Full park closures have commenced Tuesdays through Fridays beginning March 4 to March 14, and April 1 to April 11. Full park closures will also occur Monday through Thursday April 14 to April 17.  Partial park closures from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM occur on Monday’s during these dates. Partial park closures from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM will resume again Monday through Friday, (excluding weekends and holidays) on April 21.   Normal park hours from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM will resume during Spring Break March 17 to March 28, Good Friday Holiday on April 18, and Weekends.  The project began January 6, 2025, and will run to July 25, 2025, or upon completion of the rock fall mitigation construction project at the Kahala Tunnel. During Partial park closures from 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM, the last reservation time slot for Parking and Entry and Entry Only will be 12:00 p.m. If you reserved at 12:00 p.m., you must enter the Park no later than 12:30 p.m. or you will be denied entry. Please check back for updates.



Posted on Dec 16, 2024



The State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources (“DLNR”), Division of State Parks (“DSP”) is issuing an Invitation for Bids (“IFB”) to qualified parties interested in a Mobile Food Truck Concession Agreement to operate a Mobile Food Truck (“MFT”) Concession pursuant to Chapter 102, Hawaii Revised Statutes (“HRS”), on state-owned lands within the the Makena State Park situated at Makena, Kihei, Island of Maui, Hawai ‘i TMK: (2) 2-1-006:030 (Portion) (“Premises”), as shown on the concession area map in Exhibit “A.” Any party that may be interested in providing a bid may inspect the concession premises by calling DSP at (808) 587-0505 Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Hawaii Standard Time (“HST”) except Federal and State Holidays.

The successful bidder shall have the right to use and occupy the site for operation of a MFT Concession from a vehicle, which shall be removed in its entirety from the Premises each evening. Allowable for sale primarily shall be food items such as plate lunches, sandwiches, non-alcoholic beverages, snacks, ice cream, smoothies, and sundry items as approved in writing by DSP. Additionally, the successful bidder shall support and enable DSP to provide enhanced visitor services while generating revenue, as needed.

Before any prospective bidder may submit a formal Sealed Bid Proposal (“Bid Proposal”), the prospective bidder must meet the minimum qualifications set forth in the IFB and shall submit a completed Qualification Questionnaire and give written notice of intent to bid on the Notice of Intention to Bid form by close of business day HST on January 6, 2025, to the office of DLNR-Division of State Parks, Property Manager, Ms. E. Keiki Kipapa, at 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 310, Honolulu, HI 96813.

DSP intends to contract two separate MFTs at Makena State Park, but in different locations within
the Park. This IFB is for one MFT only. The IFB for the second MFT will be posted at a later date.

Unless otherwise specified, the IFB, including required forms for bidding such as the General Instructions to Bidders, Qualifications Questionnaire, Specifications, and Intention and Proposal Forms relating to this offering (“IFB No. SPM25-0l 01A” or “Bid Packet”), may be obtained from DSP Monday through Friday, except Federal and State Holidays, between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM HST. Requests for these Bid Packet materials may also be made to Ms. E. Keiki Kipapa, DSP Property Manager, by email to earleen.k.kipapa(

Prior to permitting any interested party to bid, the DLNR shall satisfy itself of the prospective bidder’s financial ability, experience, qualifications, and competence to carry out the terms and conditions of the concession contract that may be awarded. Prospective bidders will be informed whether or not they have been deemed as “qualified.” Qualified bidders will be notified by DLNR that they may prepare and submit a Bid Proposal, as specified in lFB No. SPM25-0l 01A.

A disqualified bidder may appeal the disqualification by submitting a written appeal to the DSP Property Manager within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of notification of disqualification by DLNR. The appeal shall state the reasons bidder believes disqualification to be improper and may only reference documentary evidence submitted to DLNR with the original Bid Proposal. No new evidence will be accepted or considered to keep all bidders on an equal footing. The appeal shall be addressed to the Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources (“Chairperson”), whose decision in any such appeal shall be final. 


Due Diligence. Bidders are responsible for acquainting themselves with all IFB No. SPM25-0 IO I A documents and for making all necessary investigations and examinations of the physical location and characteristics of mobile food truck concession Premises at the Makena State Park, especially to familiarize themselves before submitting a Bid Proposal. Failure to do so will not be grounds for any claim that the bidder did not understand the MFT Concession Agreement conditions and will not act to relieve any condition of the Mobile Food Truck Concession Agreement or IFB No. SPM25-0I0IA documents. The submission of a Bid Proposal shall be considered conclusive evidence that the bidder has made such investigations and examinations.

Bidder’s Communications. The DSP Property Manager shall be the contact for any communications. Should a bidder find discrepancies or ambiguities in, or omissions from the Bid Packet for IFB No. SPM25-0I0IA, or be in doubt as to their meaning, the bidder shall submit a request for interpretation or correction to DLNR Division of State Parks, c/o DSP Property Manager, Ms. E. Keiki Kipapa, at 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 310, Honolulu, HI 96813. Any interpretation or correction to the Bid Packet will be made only by written addendum transmitted to all known qualified bidders who received a Bid Packet and timely submitted a completed Notice of Intention to Bid. While verbal requests for clarification may be made, no responses except those made in writing signed by the DSP Property Manager shall constitute an official position of DSP. The State will not be bound by any oral statements or other non-written representations. Only timely submitted, written questions may generate an official response, which response shall be issued solely at DLNR’s discretion. Please do not email or fax any official forms or Bid Proposal materials. Any additional inquiries regarding IFB No. SPM25-0101A, and any requests for special accommodation (e.g., large print materials), should please contact the DSP Property Manager, as specified above.

Bid Proposals. A qualified Bid Proposal must be accompanied by a sufficient “Bid Deposit” required by and in conformance with section 102-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes (“HRS”). The form and amount of the Bid Deposit shall be as stated in the Bid Proposals section of this offering.

Deadline. Bid Proposals and all accompanying materials (including the Bid Deposit) are due and must be received by the close of business, 2:00 PM HST, on January 24, 2025, to DLNR Division of State Parks, c/o DSP Property Manager, Ms. E. Keiki K.ipapa, at 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 310, Honolulu, HI 96813.

Accommodations. Please direct any inquiries regarding the IFB and for any persons requiring a special accommodation (e.g. large print materials) to the DLNR-Division of State Parks Property Manager, Ms. E. Keiki Kipapa, by email to

Process for Reviewing Bid Proposals. All Bid Proposals received will be time-marked and held by DSP until the hour of bid opening. Any mailed Bid Proposals must arrive before the deadline and are the sole responsibility of the bidder. Any Bid Proposals received after the deadline will be returned unopened to the sender. Bid Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope and shall be clearly labeled as a “Bid Proposal” for “lFB No. SPM25-0 IO l A.” Faxed or emailed Bid Proposal materials will not be accepted.

Bid Proposals timely submitted and properly received will be opened after the submission deadline on January 24, 2025, at approximately 3:00 PM HST. In case of a tie of identical high bids made timely by qualified and responsible bidders, DLNR may reject all bids or may award the MFT Concession Agreement to the tied qualified and responsible bidder who is best qualified by experience and financial means, as determined by the Chairperson.

Modifications and/or Cancellation. DLNR reserves the right to amend, modify, or cancel this Invitation for Bids relating to IFB No. SPM25-0 l O l A, readvertise a new request, reject any and all responses in whole or in part, require amendments or modifications to the responses, or waive any requirement in this request, with no liability whatsoever, when doing so is in the best interest of the State. DLNR also reserves the right to amend or supplement requirements and materials, in writing signed by the DSP Property Manager, at any time prior to the bid submission deadline. The Chairperson may cancel lFB No. SPM25-010 l A at any time including after bids have been opened, and the Chairperson may reconsider any decision made in connection with IFB No. SPM25-0101A, including any decision to cancel IFB No. SPM25-0 l O l A, as may be determined by the Chairperson to serve the best interests of the State.

See Full IFB: