Wailuku River State Park
Photo Credit: Sean Newsome


Monitor local surf and weather reports prior to your park visit.

[KAUA’I] UPDATED - 7/25/24: Wailua River State Park, Opaekaa Falls restroom is CLOSED  due to a water main break until further notice.  

[KAUA’I] UPDATED 7/24/24 – Road to Kōkeʻe and Waimea Canyon State Parks has REOPENED. 

[MAUI] UPDATED 7/24/24 – Polipoli Spring State Recreation Area: Access to the park and cabin has REOPENED.

[KAUAʻI] UPDATED 6/18/24 –Kalalau Trail, Nāpali Coast State Wilderness Park: Camping permits held back for local residents during summer, see Kalalau Trail site for more information.

[KAUAʻI] UPDATED 6/18/24 – Kōkeʻe State Park: The gate to Puʻu O Kila Lookout will be closed to vehicular traffic due to road repairs beginning 3/19/24. The lookout will still be accessible by pedestrians, parking is available at Kalalau lookout.

Wailuku River State Park

[HAWAIʻI] UPDATED 5/13/24 – Wailuku River State Park: Rainbow Falls; tree trimming starts today until 6/7/24, the park will remain OPEN but some areas may be temporarily closed due to safety.


Rainbow Falls: Daily During Daylight Hours

Boiling Pots: Daily 7:00am – 5:30pm

Gates lock at 6:00pm

Entrance Fee None


Viewpoints of geologic and scenic interest along Wailuku River. There are two separate park areas.  Boiling Pots is a succession of big pools connected by underground flow or cascades and whose waters roll and bubble as if boiling. The exposed hexagonal columns that line the pools were formed by the slow cooling of basalt lava. The 80-foot Rainbow Falls is renowned for the rainbow formed from its mist many mornings. Legends say that the cave beneath the waterfall was the home of Hina, mother of the demigod Maui. (16.3 acres)


Both park sections are accessed via Waiānuenue Avenue, downtown Hilo; Boiling Pots Area at the end of Peʻepeʻe Falls Drive; Rainbow Falls Area on Rainbow Drive.