PLTIS Parcel Specifications

As indicated in the overview of Act 54 and the Public Land Trust Information System (PLTIS), State and County agencies that hold title to land must submit their entire parcel inventory, regardless of the public land trust status, whether or not there are any encumbrances on the land, and whether or not revenue is being generated on the land. The goal here is to have all State-owned and County-owned land represented in the PLTIS.

Parcel data must be provided in a specific format so it can be uploaded into the PLTIS. This format is detailed in the PLTIS Parcel Data Template. A spreadsheet containing sample parcel data has also been provided to help illustrate how data should be represented within the template. It is important to adhere to the template so that data will be imported into the PLTIS successfully.

Keep in mind that an agency should not submit parcel data if the agency does not hold title to the parcel. An example of this is when an agency is granted management rights of land via Executive Order (EO). In the case of EOs, DLNR technically holds title to the land, so DLNR will be responsible for submitting parcel information to the PLTIS.

Regardless if an agency holds title to land, all agencies must report any/all encumbrances (leases, permits, right-of-entries, easements, etc) that are issued over State and County lands. Please refer to the PLTIS Encumbrance Specifications for details on submitting encumbrance data.