Make a Report
Submitting a report is easy through the Eyes of the Reef Network!
Simply go to to report unusual observations of coral disease, bleaching, Crown-Of-Thorns-Starfish (COTS), Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS), and sick/dying fish or other marine life.
Photos are extremely helpful, please send any photos of your observation to:
Please do not collect samples or specimens, samples should only be collected by DLNR staff and their designees.
What happens to my report?
Your report will be forwarded to the EOR Island Coordinators and the RRCP Coordinator at the Division of Aquatic Resources. This team will verify your observation and decide whether it warrants a Rapid Response assessment.
What happens after a Rapid Response assessment?
The Rapid Response assessment will allow scientists and managers to determine the severity of the event. This information is given to the Management Response Team, made up of managers and scientists, who will use it to evaluate further research, monitoring, and management options.