Aquatic Invasive Species Team Quarterly Update (2024 Q3)

Posted on Feb 24, 2025 in Main, slider

Aquatic Invasive Species Team Quarterly Update (2024 Q3)


Invasive Algae Management and Coral Restoration

  • The AIS team outplanted 1000 urchins to Kāneʻohe Bay as part of continued efforts to mitigate invasive algae. Read more about urchin outplanting as a part of the Cape Flattery Settlement Restoration project here.
  • Continued to assist the DAR urchin hatchery with broodstock collection, spat counts, and harvesting.
  • The AIS team monitored 126 coral modules outplanted by the Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration Nursery at the Kakaʻako and Reef Runway outplant sites. Modules are monitored regularly over the 5 years following outplanting.

    Removal of M. foliosa from Reef 8 in Kāne‘ohe Bay

Rapid Response

  • Conducted snorkel and SCUBA delineation surveys of the area surrounding Mokoliʻi island due to reports of a potential non-native soft coral.
  • Investigated reported damage to a fringing reef Kāneʻohe Bay due to an unknown vessel strike. Performed SfM photogrammetry at the site.
  • Responded to reports of a potential coral disease at Makai Pier.
  • Responded to reports of secondary non-native Montipora foliosa outplant from Reef 8 in Kāneʻohe Bay. Removed and scheduled biannual and annual follow up surveys to assess success of removal.

Monitoring and Management

Measurement of vessel scar from P3 in Kāne‘ohe Bay

  • Performed large-scale SCUBA and snorkel surveys of Kualoa Beach Park to investigate a potentially non-native soft coral.
  • Performed scheduled three month follow-up survey of non-native coral removal.

Partner Agency Collaboration

  • Assisted Smith Lab with chemical injections of Avrainvillea lacerata at Kualoa Beach Park to test novel eradication methods.
  • Provided support to the US Navy during the disposal of unexploded ordnance in Kāneʻohe Bay to ensure no endangered or protected species were present.

Training and Conferences

  • Attended and ran a booth at the Hawaiʻi Conservation Conference held by a consortium of environmental groups from across the Hawaiian Islands.
  • Attended the Hilo MEGA Lab Orthoimagery Workshop to hone skills related to underwater photogrammetry and model building.
  • Attended the American Fisheries Society Conference.


  • Tabled with Protected Species team at Kanoelani STEAM fest. Communicated concerns around invasive species to students of various ages
  • Created and distributed outreach material for all pet stores on the island as part of the Don’t Let It Loose campaign, designed to help spread the word on the issues surrounding aquarium releases and invasive species introductions.