Aquatic Invasive Species Team Quarterly Update (2024 Q2)
April – June
Invasive Algae Management and Coral Restoration:
- The AIS team outplanted 21,200 urchins to Kāneʻohe Bay as part of continued efforts to mitigate invasive algae. Read more about urchin outplanting as a part of the Cape Flattery Settlement Restoration project here.
- Continued to assist the DAR urchin hatchery with urchin broodstock collections, spat counts, and harvesting.
- The AIS team monitored 172 coral modules outplanted by the Hawaiʻi Coral Restoration Nursery and assisted with the initial outplanting of 23 modules at the Kakaʻako outplant site and 8 modules at the Reef Runway site. Modules are monitored regularly over the 5 years following outplanting.
- Conducted bi-annual SNAP surveys to monitor invasive algae in the Waikīkī Marine Life Conservation District.
Rapid Responses:
- Collected samples of a potentially non-native zoanthid by Kualoa.
- Removed the non-native coral Montipora foliosa from Kāneʻohe Bay.
- Responded to a report of a non-native soft coral by Kualoa.
- Investigated reports of non-native Acropora sp. in Laie.
Monitoring and Management:
- Conducted follow-up survey of Discosoma at Ala Wai boat harbor.
- Conducted initial follow-up surveys of Montipora foliosa in Kāneʻohe Bay.
Partner Agency Collaborations:
- Attended The Nature Conservancy’s Post-Storm Response Methods Workshop.
- Conducted a walkthrough with Paepae o Heʻeia at Heiʻia fish pond for upside-down jellyfish.
- Attended a workshop held by the Limu Lab at UH on Avrainvillea.
- Consulted with the Burns Lab at UH Hilo to improve SfM of coral outplant sites.
- Began Chondria experiments.
- Assisted Nancy Treneman from the University of Oregon with shipworm studies across harbors on Oʻahu.
- Worked with Mālama Maunalua to continue Tripneustes gratilla caging studies in Maunalua Bay. Learn more about the collaboration here.
- Continued to collaborate with CGAPS, DoD, Bishop Museum, USFWS, NOAA, UH, and colleagues from DAR on the Unomia infestation within Pearl Harbor. For more information, please visit here. Please send any information on suspected non-native species like octocorals to
Training and Conferences:
- Attended the Honolulu Harbor Resiliency Workshop.
- Attended the Ballast Water Group Meeting in Portland, Oregon.
- Chondria Conference.
- Presented to ~40 students at Punahou.
- Attended Earth Day at the Waikīkī Aquarium.
- Attended Malama Pupukea’s Ocean Day Event.
- Attended the Kupu Environmental Fair.