Minute Orders

All documents in this table have also been filed in the main documents library. 

Date filedDoc. No.SignerMinute Order Number and Title
31-Mar-16001ChairMinute Order No. 01, Notice of selection of Riki May Amano as Hearing Officer on subject contested case; Exhibit 1; COS
8-Apr-16003BLNRMinute Order No. 02, Order delegating the conduct of the contested case hearing to a hearing officer, and confirming that the chairperson was authorized to engage the services of a hearing officer; COS
29-Apr-16011ChairMinute Order No. 03, Order setting deadlines for responses to Hearing Officer's supplemental disclosures; COS
6-May-16014BLNRMinute Order No. 04, Order regarding objections to the selection process, and regarding objections to the Hearing Officer; COS
9-May-16016H.O.Minute Order No. 05, Order setting pre-hearing conference; COS
23-May-16041ChairMinute Order No. 06, Order setting response date; COS
26-May-16044H.O.Minute Order No. 07, Order regarding 1st prehearing conference and Amano fourth supplemental disclosure; COS
27-May-16049H.O.Minute Order No. 08, Order setting hearings on motions to intervene and 2nd pre-hearing conference; COS (3)
3-Jun-16063BLNRMinute Order No. 09, Order denying Petitioners' motion for reconsideration of Minute Order No. 4 filed on May 6, 2016 and/or Motion to strike selection process and to disqualify various members and Hearing Officer; COS
6-Jun-16065H.O.Minute Order No. 10, Order regarding hearing /conference room rules and extended coverage; COS
9-Jun-16066H.O.Minute Order No. 11, Order regarding relocation of hearings on motions to intervene
12-Jul-16082ChairMinute Order No. 12, Order denying Temple of Lono's motion for refund of filing fee, filed June 23, 2016; COS
21-Jul-16115H.O.Minute Order No. 13, Order on the hearing on admission or intervention as a party; Second pre-hearing conference; COS
22-Jul-16124BLNRMinute Order No. 14, Order denying Dwight J. Vicente's motion to disqualify Judge Riki May Amano (ret.); State of Hawaii lack of jurisdiction tohear the contested case hearing; COS
9-Aug-16185H.O.Minute Order No. 15, Order regarding change of location for August 12, 2016 continued hearing and 3rd pre-hearing conference; COS
22-Aug-16238H.O.Minute Order No. 16, Order regarding third prehearing conference; COS
26-Aug-16245BLNRMinute Order No. 17, Order denying motion objecting to the Hearing Officer and the Hearing Officer Selection Process; COS
19-Sep-16274H,O.Minute Order No. 18, Order regarding site visit to Mauna Kea - September 26, 2016; COS
23-Sep-16281H.O.Minute Order No. 19, Order granting Perpetuating Unique Educational Opportunities, Inc.’s motion to set the issues Doc. 99; Order setting issues; COS
26-Sep-16 289H.O.Minute Order No. 20, Order setting fifth pre-hearing conference; COS
10-Oct-16344H.O.Minute Order No. 21, Order regarding fourth pre-hearing conference; COS
10-Oct-16345H.O. Minute Order No. 22, Order denying Harry Fergerstrom's (1) Motion to reconsider all motions, application, and/or request for admission or intervention as a party or other parties in this matter; and (2) Motion to strike all motions, applications, decision, etc,: Essentially making moot the entire hearing (Doc. 96); COS
10-Oct-16 346H.O.Minute Order No. 23, Order denying Temple of Lono's motion for partial summary judgement (Doc 78); COS
10-Oct-16347H.O.Minute Order No. 24, Order denying Kalikolehua Kanaele's motion to exclude/remove PUEO, TMT, UH Manoa/Hilo, and all petitioners seeking for permit for TMT by circumvention of religious protections of the Hawaii Constitution Article XI and HRS 7-11-1107 comitting desecration; COS
10-Oct-16348H.O.Minute Order No. 25, Order denying Stephanie-Malia:Tabbada's motion to vacate entire process for violation of BLNR and University of Hawaii fiduciary trust, rights, responsibilities, breach of contract, etc. mandated the by the law of the land (Doc 97); COS
10-Oct-16349H.O.Minute Order No. 26, Order denying Maelani Lee's motion to intervene (Doc 84); COS
10-Oct-16 350H.O.Minute Order No. 27, Order denying Petitioners' request for continuance on submissions and next hearing date (Doc 81) and Petitioners' supplemental request for continuance on submissions and next hearing date (Doc 82); COS
10-Oct-16351H.O.Minute Order No. 28, Order denying Mehana Kihoi's motion to deny the intervention of Perpetuating Unique Educational Opportunities as a party in the contested case hearing (Doc. 98); COS
10-Oct-16352H.O.Minute Order No. 29, Order denying Temple of Lono's motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction based on unresolved land claims (Doc 126); COS
10-Oct-16353H.O.Minute Order No. 30, Order denying Kamahana Kealoha: Motion invoking Quo Warranto, respectfully, a demand of jurisdiction; Declaratory judgement on a constitutional issue / violation resubmitted 8/8/2016 (Doc 180); COS
10-Oct-16354H.O.Minute Order No. 31, Order denying motion for protective order for the Honorable David Y. Ige, Suzanne Case and Stanley Reohrig (Doc 182); COS
10-Oct-16355H.O.Minute Order No. 32, Order denying motion to strike motion for protective order for the Honorable David Y. Ige, Suzanne Case and Stanley Roehrig, filed on August 8, 2016 (Doc. 187); COS
10-Oct-16356H.O.Minute Order No. 33, Order denying Temple of Lono's motion to dismiss out of time (Doc. 179); COS
11-Oct-16363H.O.Minute Order No. 34, Order denying Kamahana Kealoha's motion demanding inventory of the so-called ceded lands containing the specific land and parcel the TIO plans to be sub-leased by UH who leases said lands from the BLNR, a survey of these lands also (Doc. 191)
13-Oct-16365H.O.Minute Order No. 35, Order re: dismissal of Shelley Stephen's request to be part of Contested Case Hearing (Doc. 213)
14-Oct-16376BLNRMinute Order No. 36, Order voiding permit
19-Oct-16388H.O.Minute Order No. 37, Order denying motion to strike Conservation District Use Application, HA-3568, dated September 2, 2010, and/or motion for summary judgement (Doc. 94)
19-Oct-16389H.O.Minute Order No. 38, Order denying motion to disqualify BLNR's and Hearing Officer's counsel (Doc 95)
28-Oct-16406BLNRMinute Order No. 39, Order denying renewed motions to disqualify Hearing Officer (Doc 340)
28-Oct-16407BLNRMinute Order No. 40, Order denying J Leinaala Sleightholm's motion to clarify minute order No. 36 (Doc. 376), Order voiding permit (Doc 382)
20-Jan-17446H.O.Minute Order No. 41, Order regarding date to set witnesses; COS
17-Feb-17464H.O.Minute Order No. 42, Order granting Flores-Case Ohana's request for subpoena for Samuel Lemmo - Adminstrator, Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands, DLNR, State of Hawaii (Doc. No. 452) and denying the University of Hawaii at Hilo's motion to quash Flores-Case Ohana's request for Samuel Lemmo - Administrator, Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands, DLNR, State of Hawaii (Doc 444); COS
18-Apr-17552 H.O.Minute Order No. 43, Order setting post-hearing deadlines; COS
20-Apr-17553H.O.Minute Order No. 44, Order regarding documentary evidence
2-May-17590H.O.Minute Order No. 45, Order granting in part / denying in part petitioners Mauna Kea Anaina Hou, et al.'s request for further status conference and/or consideration of proposed scheduling (Doc. 254); and related Doc. Nos. 257, 258, 259, 261, 294, 296 & 298
2-May-17595H.O.Minute Order No. 46, Order related to Temple of Lono motion to recuse Hearing Officer (Doc. Nos. 262, 434, 436, 536, 544); COS
4-May-17609H.O.Minute Order No. 47, Order related to Temple of Lono motion for summary judgement (disqualification) (Doc. 263); COS
12-May-17631BLNRMinute Order No. 48, Order denying the Temple of Lono's emergency motion to Board to stay proceedings, filed April 27, 2017 [Doc. 573] and related documents [Docs 582, 583, 584, 585, 600, 602, 624]; COS
17-May-17637BLNRMinute Order No. 49, Order denying parties' petition to the Board for online access to the transcripts, filed May 5, 2017 [Doc. 622] and related document [Doc. 627]; COS
23-May-17646H.O.Minute Order No. 50, Order denying reconsideration of Minute Order No. 43; COS
25-May-17647H.O.Minute Order No. 51, Order denying protector/parties’ petition for declaratory judgment and motion to vacate Minute Order 43, filed May 11 2017 [Doc. 629], and related document [Doc. 636]; COS
26-May-17649H.O.Minute Order No. 44, Amended, Order regarding documentary evidence; COS
26-May-17650BLNRMinute Order No. 52, Order denying protector/parties' petition for declaratory judgment and motion to vacate Minute Order No. 43, filed May 11, 2017 [Doc. 629], and related document [Doc. 636]; COS
27-May-17654H.O.Minute Order No. 53, Order denying the Temple of Lono motion for summary judgment (desecration) (Doc. 264) and motions to strike University of Hawai`i at Hilo’s and TIO opposition to Temple of Lono motion for summary judgment (Doc. No. 474 and 490); COS
29-May-17656H.O.Minute Order No. 54, Order denying William Freitas’ motion to amend Doc 281 Minute Order 19 (Doc. 283), Temple of Lono motion for reasoned explanations and extension of time (Doc. 286), Joseph Kuali`i Lindsey Camara’s motion to reconsider Minute Order 19 (Doc. 291) and Temple of Lono motion for reconsideration (Doc. 293); COS
29-May-17659H.O.Minute Order No. 55, Order denying William Freitas motion to amend second witness list Doc. 166 to include William Freitas as additional witness to contested case hearing (Doc. 300); COS
29-May-17660H.O.Minute Order No. 56, Order denying motions for extension of time for filing of motions, witness and exhibit lists and direct testimonies and pre-hearing statements (Doc. Nos. 304, 305, 306, 323, 326, 328, 329, 337, 338); COS
31-May-17674H.O.Minute Order No. 57, Order denying Temple of Lono motion to schedule pending motions (Doc. 324); COS
2-Jun-17681H.O.Minute Order No. 58, Order denying Temple of Lono motion to strike for failure to serve or extension of time and rescheduling of hearing (Doc. 364); COS
2-Jun-17682H.O. Minute Order No. 59, Order denying Kamahana Kealoha motion of reconsideration on decision to motion of quo warranto (Doc. 379); COS
2-Jun-17683H.O. Minute Order No. 60, Order denying Mehana Kihoi's motion for reconsideration to deny the intervention of Perpetuating Unique Educational Opportunities as a party in the contested case hearing (Doc. 380); COS
2-Jun-17684H.O. Minute Order No. 61, Order granting J. Leinaala Sleightholm's motion to accept pre-hearing statement, witness testimony, witness and exhibit list (Doc. 381); COS
4-Jun-17685H.O. Minute Order No. 62, Order denying Cindy Freitas' motion to dismiss contested case hearing re: Conservation District Use Application HA-3568 (Doc. 391) (Non-hearing motion); COS
4-Jun-17686H.O. Minute Order No. 63, Order denying Temple of Lono motion to restore cross-examination rights (Doc. 410); COS
4-Jun-17687H.O. Minute Order No. 64, Order denying motion to be a party to TMT case by Shelley Stephens (Mahi-Hanai) (Doc. 420); COS
5-Jun-17 688H.O. Minute Order No. 65, Order denying the Temple of Lono motion to dismiss TIO as intervenor or alternatively, stay this proceeding (Doc. 427) and Harry Fergerstrom's motion to remove TMT/TIO as a party, for lack of standing including any and all submissions into the evidentiary library (Doc 429); COS
5-Jun-17689H.O. Minute Order No. 66, Order denying the Temple of Lono request for witness subpoena for David Lassner, President of the University of Hawaii system (Doc. 438)
5-Jun-17 690H.O. Minute Order No. 67, Order denying Temple of Lono request for witness subpoena for DLNR employee to testify on whether DLNR has a form to fill out requesting permission to build an altar on Mauana Kea (Doc. 439); COS
5-Jun-17692H.O. Minute Order No. 68, Order denying Flores-Case Ohana's request for witness subpoena for 'John Doe' and for a subpoena duces tecum to disclose unidentified Maunakea (sic) Observatories Support Services employee involved with the destruction of ahu (shrine) on Mauna Kea in August of 2015 (Doc. 447); COS
5-Jun-17693H.O. Minute Order No. 69, Order granting J. Leinaala Sleightholm's motion to appear by phone (Doc. 449); COS
6-Jun-17696H.O. Minute Order No. 70, Order granting Brannon Kealoha motion of clarification reserving rights to participate (Doc. 450); COS
6-Jun-17 697H.O. Minute Order No. 71, Order granting Joseph K. L. Camara's motion to allow witness testimony (Doc. 453): COS
7-Jun-17698H.O. Minute Order No. 72, Order granting Kahea: The Environmental Alliance's motion to permit lve testimony of rebuttal witness Brian Cruz (Doc. 459): COS
9-Jun-17699H.O. Minute Order No. 73, Order granting in part applicant University of Hawaii at Hilo's motion for leave to present rebuttal testimony (Doc. 461); COS
10-Jun-17703H.O. Minute Order No. 74, Order denying motion to bring on rebuttal witness on behalf of Kealoha Pisciotta and Mauna Kea Anaina Hou (Doc. 462); COS
11-Jun-17707H.O. Minute Order No. 75, Order denying Mauna Kea Anaina Hou motion requesting time to respond to exhibit objections and related matters (Doc. 522); COS
11-Jun-17708H.O. Minute Order No. 76, Order denying Temple of Lono motion for protective order (Doc. 546); COS
11-Jun-17709H.O. Minute Order No. 77, Order re: no decisions for non-motion submissions (Docs. Nos. 330, 366, 403, 411, 149, 421, 422, 437, 454, 460, 496, and 550); COS
11-Jun-17710H.O. Minute Order No. 78, Order denying Temple of Lono motion to reconsider Minute Order No. 46 (Doc. 610)
12-Jun-17711H.O. Minute Order No. 79, Order denying Temple of Lono motion to reconsider Minute Order No. 47 (Doc. 619)
12-Jun-17 712H.O. Minute Order No. 80, Order denying William Freitas response, to TIO's opposition to reconsideration to Minute Order's No. 43, Doc. 604, and Minute Order No. 44 Doc 614, TIO opposition and UHH joinder to TIO. Doc 607 and No. 44 Doc 616 (Doc 628); COS
12-Jun-17713H.O. Minute Order No. 81, Order denying William Freitas, motion to procedural clarification concerning transcript errors (Doc. 633); COS
12-Jun-17715H.O.Minute Order No. 82, Order denying Dight (sic) Vicente's motion for stay Finding of Fact Conclusion of Law (Doc. 658): COS
14-Jun-17739H.O.Minute Order No. 83, Order denying Brannon Kamahana Kealoha: Motion pleading for more time to submit my FOF; Motion moving to joinder all petitioners FOFs recommending denial of permit for the TMT; Motion to joinder all petitioners recommending denial of permit in regards to every single one of said petitioner's requests, motions, memos, and amendments since 12/8/17 including, but not limited to, all items ruled upon and the many not ruled upon by the honoarable (sic) Hearing Officer (Doc 663); COS
15-Jun-17745H.O.Minute Order No. 84, Order denying William Freitas, pro-se, filed William Freitas's motion to amend second witness list (Doc. 166) to include William Freitas as additional witness list to contested case hearing (Doc. 300) ("Motion") (Doc. 691); COS
17-Jun-17748H.O.Minute Order No. 85, Order denying Flores-Case Ohana's motion for full disclosure re: spoliation of evidence (Doc. 676)
23-Jun-17750H.O.Minute Order No. 86, Order denying TMT International Observatory, LLC's request for Board to act upon denial of intervention pursuant to HAR §13-1-31(G), filed August 26, 2016 [Doc. 246]; COS
23-Jun-17751H.O.Minute Order No. 87, Order denying Temple of Lono's motion to Board of Land and Natural Resources to dismiss HA-3568, filed March 25, 2017 [Doc. 516] and related documents [Doc. 518, 525, 549]; COS
10-Jul-17758BLNRMinute Order No. 88, Order denying Temple of Lono's motion to vacate Minute Order No. 39, or alternatively to partially reconsider Minute Order No. 39, filed November 6, 2016 [Doc. 409], and related document [Doc. 417]; COS
10-Jul-17759BLNRMinute Order No. 89, Order denying Mauna Kea Anaina Hou et al.'s motion for reconsideration of Minute Order 49, filed May 20, 2017 [Doc. 643], and related documents [Doc. 652, 653]; Exhibit "A"; COS
13-Jul-17762H.O.Minute Order No. 90, Order denying Flores-Case Ohana's motion for full disclosure re: spoliation of evidence (Doc. 676); COS
13-Jul-17763H.O.Minute Order No. 91, Order denying Temple of Lono motion for reconsideration of Minute Order No. 53 (Doc. 675); COS
13-Jul-17764H.O.Minute Order No. 92, Order denying Cindy Freitas' motion to file motion out of time (Doc. 227); COS
14-Jul-17765H.O.Minute Order No. 93, Order denying Temple of Lono motion to reconsider Minute Order 57 (Doc 694): COS
14-Jul-17766H.O.Minute Order No. 94, Order denying William Freitas' motion to amend Doc 274 site visit to include areas proposed in Doc 214 (Doc. 277): COS
14-Jul-17767H.O.Minute Order No. 95, Order denying Cindy Freitas' motion to amend Doc 274 site visit to include request in Doc 220 (Doc. 278); COS
14-Jul-17768H.O.Minute Order No. 96, Order denying Flores-Case 'Ohana motion for reconsideration of Minute Order 85 (Doc. 752); COS
14-Jul-17769H.O.Minute Order No. 97, Order denying requests for continuances and next hearing date (Docs. Nos. 89, 90, 91, 92); COS
14-Jul-17COS 90-97OCCLCOS for Minute Orders 90 to 97
15-Jul-17772H.O.Minute Order No. 98, Order denying Flores-Case Ohana's motion for clarification or, in the alternative reconsideration re: Minute Orders No. 43 and 44, filed 4/15/17 & 4/27/17 [Doc. Nos. 558 & 577] (Doc 634); COS
15-Jul-17773H.O.Minute Order No. 99, Order rescinding Minute Order No. 90 denying Flores-Case Ohana's motion for full disclosure re: spoliation of evidence (Doc. 676); COS
17-Jul-17774H.O.Minute Order No. 100, Order re: second no-decisions for non-motion submissions (Docs. Nos. 141, 143, 188, 190, 225, 231, 248, 252, 279, 280, 285, 287, 288, 331, 339, 398, 400, 401, 412, 413); COS
17-Jul-17775H.O.Amended Minute Order No. 96, Order denying Flores-Case Ohana's motion for reconsideration of Minute Order 85 (Doc. 752): COS
24-Jul-17 781H.O.Minute Order No. 101, Order denying Cindy Freitas motion to admit exhibits out of time (Doc. 760); COS
25-Jul-17782H.O. Minute Order No. 102: Declaration Record Closed; COS
28-Jul-17784ChairMinute Order No. 103, Order regarding filing exceptions to Hearing Officer's recommendations and setting oral arguments on exceptions; COS
7-Sept-17834ChairMinute Order No. 107, Regarding Oral Argument Before the Board of Land and Natural Resources; COS