Royal Hawaiian Groin Replacement
The existing Royal Hawaiian groin, located between the Waikiki Sheraton and the Royal Hawaiian hotels, is in an extremely deteriorated condition. Its failure would result in the destabilization and loss of 1,730 feet of sandy shoreline located to the east of the groin. The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) proposes to repair or replace the existing Royal Hawaiian groin with a stable, engineered groin. The objective of the proposed project is to maintain the beach so that it can provide its intended recreational and aesthetic benefits, facilitate lateral access along the shore, and provide a first line of defense to the backshore in the event of storm wave attack. The groin would be designed so as to maintain the approximate beach width of the 2012 Waikiki Beach Maintenance shoreline nourishment project. No enlargement of the beach is proposed.
Four options for a new groin are proposed: 1) a new 180-foot-long rock L or T-head groin, 2) a new 280-foot-long rock L or T-head groin, 3) adaptive re-use of the existing groin as the core of a new 160-foot-long rock L-head groin, and 4) a new160-foot-long vertical concrete wall groin. Selection of the preferred option will be made following coordination and review of the Draft Environmental Assessment (DEA). Expected impacts of the four options are similar.
Island: Oʻahu
District: Honolulu
TMK: (1) 2-6-001:019
Proposing Agency: Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawaiʻi. 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 131. Honolulu, HI 96813
Consultant: Sea Engineering, Inc. Scott Sullivan, President. 259-7966
Environmental Assessment (EA): Draft EA published on January 23, 2016
OCCL Staff: Bradley Romine, 587-0049
Public Hearing:
Board Hearing: