The Archaeology Branch of the State Historic Preservation Division includes a Branch Chief and staff members with expertise in archaeology and its subsets. The Archaeology Branch manages a number of aspects including Review and Compliance, Survey & Inventory, certain types of mitigative actions, and maintains a list of permitted archaeological firms.
Listing of Permitted Archaeological Firms
The Archaeology Branch maintains a listing of State of Hawaii permitted archaeological firms annually. Permitted firms may be contracted to provide archaeological services for private individuals and public agencies. Firms are responsible for submitting updated permits with the accompanying fee for each calendar year. The Archaeology Branch reviews each permit to ensure individuals and companies seeking permits meet the minimum standards for professional qualifications outlined in Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) 13-281.
Click here to see a list of permitted archaeological firms for the Calendar Year of 2025
Review & Compliance
The branch reviews federal, state and local projects with potential impacts to historic properties under Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) 6E and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Staff reviews projects for impacts to Hawai‘i’s historic places.
In the event a project will affect a significant historic property, certain mitigative actions are necessary to reduce the potential impacts. Under HRS 6E and its implementing administrative rules, the Archaeology Branch maintains mitigation plans and reports including archaeological monitoring plans and reports, data recovery plans and reports, and preservation plans. Staff work with the SHPD Librarian to ensure that mitigation plans and reports are available to the public through the SHPD library.
To access surveys, reports, and other documentation, please make a request through the library request form.
For more information on the HRS 6E review process, visit this link: Forms
For more information on the 106 review process, visit this link: ACHP
Survey & Inventory
Properties are surveyed through the compliance process, nomination process, or for planning purposes. The Archaeology Branch assists in reviewing Statewide Inventory of Historic Places (SIHP) requests and provides guidance for archaeological surveys and testing methodologies. Staff work with the SHPD GIS Specialist and Librarian to ensure that survey data is included in the State Inventory of Historic Places and that finalized reports are available to the public through the SHPD library.
To access surveys, reports, and other documentation, please make a request through the library request form.
Hawaii & National Registers of Historic Places
The State and National Registers of Historic Places are the official lists of historic places worthy of preservation. Listing on the National and Hawaii Registers provides recognition of a property’s historical, architectural, engineering, cultural or archaeological significance. Buildings, sites, objects, structures and districts are eligible for the Hawaii Register if it is at least 50 years old, retains historic integrity, and meets established criteria. A property is eligible for the National Register if it retains integrity and meets established criteria.
The Archaeology Branch will assist with the preparation of nominations and technical review of nominations. Please see the Register Program page for more information: Register Program, Review Board
To contact the SHPD Archaeology Branch, see Contacts.