HRS 6E-8 & 6E-42 Review Process

The Constitution of the State of Hawaii recognizes the value of conserving and developing the historic and cultural property within the State for the public good. SHPD reviews projects for impacts to historic properties in order to lessen or mitigate those impacts. There are are three types of historic preservation reviews under HRS 6E: 6E-10, 6E-08, and 6E-42. The implementing administrative rules for 6E-08 and 6E-42 are Hawaiʻi Adminstrative Rules (HAR) 13-275 and 13-284. HRS 6E-10 has no corresponding administrative rules. HAR 13-275 and 13-284 outline a 6-step review process described below:

HRS Chapter 6E 08 and 42 Review Steps 

Step 1: Identification and Inventory 

13-275/284-5(b): The agency shall first consult with the SHPD to determine if the area proposed for the project needs to undergo an inventory survey to determine if historic properties are present. The SHPD shall supply a response in writing within 30 days. 

  • 275/284-5(b)(1) The response shall justify that no historic properties are present or likely to be present  
  • 275/284-5(b)(2) The agency submits information claiming that no significant historic properties are present and SHPD agrees  
  • issue determination of no historic properties affected within 30 days and historic preservation review ends 
  • 275/284-5(b)(4) The agency submits information and SHPD determines an adequate survey exists for which significant historic properties are present  
  • 275/284-5(b)(5) The SHPD determines an inventory survey is needed to adequately identify, document, and evaluate historic properties  
  • Proceed to Step 2 

Step 2: Evaluation of Significance 

275/284-6(d) Each significant historic property identified shall be assessed for its significance and be submitted to the SHPD in writing. The SHPD shall agree/disagree with the significance evaluations within 45 days. 

  • 275/284-6(e) The SHPD agrees with the evaluation that none of the historic properties are significant 
  • issue determination of no historic properties affected and historic preservation review ends 
  • 275/284-6(e) The SHPD agrees that significant historic properties are present – 
  • Proceed to Step 3 

Step 3: Determining Effects to Significant Historic Properties 

275/284-7(a) The agency shall determine the effects of a project on significant historic properties and provide a determination of either “No Historic Properties Affected” or “Effect, with proposed/agreed upon mitigation commitments” 

275/284-7(c) Effect determinations shall be submitted to SHPD for review 

275/284-7(c)(2) The SHPD shall respond to effect determinations within 45 days of receipt 

  • 275/284-7(e) The SHPD agrees with the effect determination that no historic properties will be affected by the project  
  • issue determination of no historic properties affected and historic preservation review ends 
  • 275/284-6(e) The SHPD agrees that significant historic properties will be affected by the project  
  • Proceed to Step 4 

Step 4: Mitigation Commitments 

275/284-8(a) If a project will have affect significant historic properties than mitigation commitments must be proposed/agreed to. Mitigation shall be specific to each property affected. 

  • 275/284-8(b) The SHPD shall notify the agency within 45 days if mitigation commitments are not acceptable 
  • Consultation shall occur to resolve disagreements and commitments shall be resubmitted to the SHPD 
  • 275/284-8(c) The SHPD shall notify the agency within 45 days if mitigation commitments are acceptable  
  • Proceed to Step 5 

Step 5: Development of Mitigation Plans 

275/284-8(h) After mitigation commitments are accepted, the agency shall develop detailed mitigation plans and provide them to the SHPD. 

  • 275/284-8(h)(7) The SHPD shall notify the agency within 45 days if mitigation commitments are not acceptable 
  • Consultation shall occur to resolve disagreements and commitments shall be resubmitted to the SHPD 
  • 275/284-8(h)(8) The SHPD shall notify the agency within 45 days if mitigation commitments are acceptable  
  • Proceed to Step 6 

Step 6: Verification of Mitigation Completion 

275/284-9(a) Once mitigation plans are accepted and carried out, the agency shall submit verification reports to the SHPD. The report shall document successful completion of the mitigation tasks. 

  • 275/284-9(b) The SHPD shall notify the agency within 45 days if mitigation commitments are not acceptable 
  • Consultation shall occur to resolve disagreements and commitments shall be resubmitted to the SHPD 
  • 275/284-9(c) The SHPD shall notify the agency within 45 days if mitigation commitments are acceptable  
  • The historic preservation review process ends 

275/284-9(d) When mitigation commitments involved preservation, data recovery, architectural recordation, an agency may request an accelerated, 2 step verification process. During the accelerated process, SHPD shall supply responses within 30 days. 

Review Times 

Total Time for initial consult: 30 days 

Total Time to review survey, evaluations, effect, and mitigation commitments: 45 days 

Total Time to review mitigation plans: 45 days 

Total time to accept verification reports: 45 days 

Maximum total time: 165 days