Proposed Rule Changes

Proposed Rule Amendments

The Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands proposes to amend  Hawaii Administrative Rules Chapter 13-5 relating to the Conservation District. 

On October 14, 2022 we prepared a report to the Board of Land and Natural Resources regarding the proposed amendments.  The Board meeting was deferred, though the report is linked below.   

We will shortly begin scheduling a series of informational briefings and public consultations on the proposal.  This web page updated as the process moves forward.   Written comments can be emailed at any time to [email protected].

OCCL staff report to BLNR for October 14, 2022  (contains discussion on proposed amendments)

HAR 13-5 proposed amendments 04.30.24

Table of public comments received

prior drafts

HAR 13-5 proposed amendments 10.14.22

HAR 13-5 proposed amendments 11.18.22

     OCCL note on changes from 10.14.22 draft

Administrative Rules are regulations established by the department through an extensive public review and hearing process. The procedure for administrative rules is set by Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS) Chapter 91.  A proposed rule (or amendment) is drafted by the department, approved by the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) for public meetings/hearings, and reviewed by the Department of the Attorney General (AG). Then the draft is taken out to public meetings and/or hearings, where the public can give formal testimony on the draft rule. The rule is revised, if necessary, and then submitted to the Board of Land and Natural Resources for final approval. Then it is reviewed again by the AG, and after signing by the Governor and filing with the Lieutenant Governor, it has the effect of law.