Hawaii Coral Reef Strategy
Hawaii Coral Reef Strategy-Priorities for Management in the Main Hawaiian Islands 2020-2030
- HCRS 2030 Makai Restoration Action Plan – Goal 1: Bleaching
- Hawaiʻi Coral Reef Strategy 2030 Makai Restoration Action Plan for Goal 2 is open for public comment 2/19/2025-3/31/2025
- If you would like to provide comment on the Hawaiʻi Coral Reef Strategy 2030 Makai Restoration Action Plan for Goal 2: Coral Restoration for Coastal Protection please continue with one of the following:
- Download the Word.doc [DRAFT for Public Comment], ensure “track changes” is on in “review” mode, save, and send the edited draft to
- Provide comment through the Google Form for HCRS2030 MRAP Goal 2 Coastal Protection for Public Comment
- Email any comments directly to
- Your comments are greatly appreciated, thank you!
Hawaii Coral Reef Strategy-Priorities for Management in the Main Hawaiian Islands 2010-2020
Technical Reports
Coral Restoration Implementation Guide
Kahekili Herbivore Fishery Management Area—Results Brief
Informational Guides
Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area Designation Procedures Guide
The Fragment Conundrum: Issues with In-Water Fragmentation in Hawaii
Why Grow Big Corals Versus Lots of Little Corals: The Concept of Size Refuge
Sourcing Hawaiian Corals for Restoration
Impacts of West Hawaii Marine Protected Areas on Yellow Tang Stocks and Fishery Sustainability
Reef Fish Stocks and Fishing Impacts in the Hawaiian Islands
Research Articles
FY 2022 Projects
- West Hawai‘i Fish and Habitat Monitoring and Assessment
- DAR Legal Fellow
- DOCARE Legal Fellow
- West Maui Priority Watershed Coordination
- South Kohala Priority Watershed Coordination
- Mauka-Makai Watch
- Marine 30×30 Implementation
- Coral Restoration Coordination
- DAR Database Expansion
- DOCARE Observation and Enforcement Analysis, Reporting and Mapping
FY 2021 Projects
- West Hawai‘i Fish and Habitat Monitoring and Assessment
- DAR Legal Fellow
- DOCARE Legal Fellow
- West Maui Priority Watershed Coordination
- South Kohala Priority Watershed Coordination
- Mauka-Makai Watch
- Marine 30×30 Implementation
- Coral Restoration Coordination
- DAR Database Expansion
- DOCARE Observation and Enforcement Analysis, Reporting and Mapping
- Fisheries supplementary survey design to capture all types of fishers
- Reducing Sedimentation in S. Kohala by Establishing Critical Firebreaks
FY 2020 Projects
- West Hawai‘i Fish and Habitat Monitoring and Assessment (PI: M. Hamnett)
- DAR Legal Fellow (PI: M. Hamnett)
- West Maui Priority Watershed Coordination (PI: J. Nobriga)
- South Kohala Priority Watershed Coordination (PI: C. Wiggins)
- DOCARE Legal Fellow (PI: M. Hamnett)
- Mauka-Makai Watch (PI: M. Hamnett)
- Fishing Rules App for Hawai‘i (Fish Rules LLC)
- West Maui Kumuwai (WMK) Targeted Stakeholder Engagement (PI: L. Foote)
- Eyes of the Reef Training Material (PI: M. Hamnett)
- Stomach Content Analysis of Targeted Herbivores in Hawai‘i (PI: R. Toonen and E. Franklin)
FY 2019 Projects
- West Hawai‘i Fish and Habitat Monitoring and Assessment (PI: S. Honarvar)
- DAR Legal Fellow (PI: D. Antolini)
- West Maui Priority Watershed Coordination (PI: J. Nobriga, Staff: T. Callender)
- South Kohala Priority Watershed Coordination (PI: C. Wiggins, Staff: J. Rose)
- DOCARE Legal Fellow (PI: D. Antolini)
- Mauka-Makai Watch (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: K. Deitschman)
- Fishing Rules App for Hawai‘i (Fish Rules LLC)
- West Maui Kumuwai (WMK) Targeted Stakeholder Engagement (PI: L. Foote)
- Eyes of the Reef Training Material (PI: TBD)
- Stomach Content Analysis of Targeted Herbivores in Hawai‘i (PI: TBD)
FY 2018 Projects
- Kona Fish & Habitat Monitoring and Assessment-Yr 9 (PI: D. Duffy and W. Walsh)
- Hawaii Coral Reef Strategy Assessment (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: R. Minato)
- DAR Legal Support (PI: D. Antolini)
- West Maui Marine Coordination (PI: J. Nobriga, Staff: T. Callender)
- South Kohala Marine Coordination (PI: C. Wiggins, Staff: J. Rose)
- DOCARE Legal Support (PI: D. Antolini)
- Makai Watch 2.0 (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: L. Kekoa)
- Social Marketing to Advance Watershed Management in West Maui (PI: L. Foote)
- Low-Impact Design and Development for West Maui (PI: M. Reyes)
- Sewage Pollution Source Tracking on Puakō’s Reefs (PI: Tracy Wiegner)
- Repair and Replace Conservation Boundary Fencing in West Maui (PI: C. Morden)
- Community Driven Wastewater Treatment in Puakō (PI: E. Perez)
- Implementing the Roadmap to 30×30 – Community Engagement Phase (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: TBD)
- Strategic Planning and Facilitation Support for the Hawai‘i Coral Reef Strategy 2020-2030 (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: TBD)
- DAR Centralized Database – Development to Implementation Phases (DataHouse Consulting)
- Piloting and Aerial Survey Approach to Monitor Coral Bleaching (Aloha Helicopter Tours)
- West Hawai‘i Coral Health Maps (PI: G. Asner)
FY 2017 Projects
- Hawaii Coral Reef Strategy Assessment (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: R. Minato)
- DAR Legal Support (PI: D. Antolini, Staff: TBD)
- DOCARE Legal Support (PI: D. Antolini, Staff: Ian Garrod)
- West Maui Marine Coordination (PI: J. Nobriga, Staff: T. Callender)
- Makai Watch 2.0 (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: L. Kekoa)
- Social Marketing to Advance Watershed Management in West Maui (PI: L. Foote)
- Low-Impact Design and Development for West Maui (CORAL)
- Sewage Pollution Source Tracking on Puakō’s Reefs (PI: Tracy Wiegner)
- Repair and Replace Conservation Boundary Fencing in West Maui (PI: C. Morden)
- Using Marxan to Set Conservation Targets-Phase 3 of 3 (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: A. Meadows)
FY 2016 Projects
- Kona Fish & Habitat Monitoring and Assessment-Yr 8 (PI: D. Duffy and W. Walsh)
- Hawaii Coral Reef Strategy Assessment (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: R. Minato)
- DAR Legal Support (PI: D. Antolini, Staff: D. Sakoda)
- DOCARE Legal Support (PI: D. Antolini, Staff: Misha Nishiki and Ian Garrod)
- West Maui Marine Coordination (PI: J. Nobriga, Staff: T. Callender)
- South Kohala Marine Coordination (PI: C. Wiggins, Staff: J. Rose)
- Corals of Opportunity as a Restoration Tool (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: A, Rosinski)
- Makai Watch Coordination (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: L. Kekoa)
FY 2015 Projects
- Kona Fish & Habitat Monitoring and Assessment-Yr 7 (PI: D. Duffy and W. Walsh)
- Hawaii Coral Reef Strategy Assessment (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: R. Minato)
- DAR Legal Support (PI: D. Antolini, Staff: D. Sakoda)
- DOCARE Legal Support (PI: D. Antolini, Staff: J. Foster)
- West Maui Marine Coordination (PI: P. Crozir, Staff: T. Callender)
- DAR Coral Bleaching Plan (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: A, Rosinski)
- Corals of Opportunity as a Restoration Tool (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: A, Rosinski)
- Makai Watch Coordination (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: L. Kekoa)
- Community-Based Social Marketing; West Maui Facilities in Storm Water Management (PI: L. Foote)
- Makai Watch – Building a Database of Rules (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: L. Kekoa)
- Sewage Pollution Source tracking Along Puakō’s Shoreline (PI: T. Wiegner)
FY 2014 Projects
- Kona Fish & Habitat Monitoring and Assessment-Yr 6 (PI: D. Duffy and W. Walsh)
- Implementation of the NOAA Coral Capacity Assessment (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: R. Minato)
- DAR Legal Support (PI: D. Antolini, Staff: D. Sakoda)
- Kiholo and West Maui: Integrating Local Knowledge through Moon Calendars (PI: A. Friedlander, Staff: E.Schemmel)
- South Kohala Implementation Coordination (PI: D. Learner, Staff: S. Tobiason)
- South Kohala Marine Coordination (PI: K. Hum, Staff: J. Rose)
- Ecological Assessment of 60 Day-Use Moorings in Kona (PI: M. Hamnett, Staff: J. Milisen)
- West Maui Post Fire Rehabilitation Materials (PI: P. Crozir)
- West Maui Ocean Friendly and Good Housekeeping (PI: L. Foote)
- South Kohala Coastal Community Naturalist Program (PI: C.Wiggins)
- Kahekili-Kaanapali Makai Watch (PI: L.Foote)
FY 2013 Projects
- Kona Fish & Habitat Monitoring and Assessment-Yr 5 (PI: D. Duffy and W. Walsh)
- Hawaii Coral Reef Strategy Assessment (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: R. Minato)
- DAR Legal Support (PI: D. Antolini, Staff: D. Sakoda)
- Keanu‘i‘omanō Stream Bank Stabilization Project (PI: A. Hood)
- West Maui Priority Site Coordination (PI: W. Nohara, Staff: T. Callender)
- Identifying and Preserving the Resilience of West Maui Coral Reefs (PI: B. Howland)
- Integrating local ecological knowledge with a novel scientific tool to refine traditional community-based fishing moon calendars in Kiholo and West Maui (PI: A. Friedlander, Staff: Eva Schemmel)
- Assessment of coral settlement distributions and environmental conditions (PI: P. Jokiel and K. Rogers)
- DAR Coral Fellow (PI: M. Hamnett and K. Davidson, Staff: A. Rosinski)
- Reef Resilience Virtual Tour (PI: L. Foote)
FY 2012 Projects
- DAR Legal Fellow
- Kona Monitoring- 2013 Report, 2013 Detailed Report
- 32nd U.S. Coral Reef Task Force Meeting Coordination (Sept 2014)
- South Kohala Communications Plan
- Urchin biocontrol for alien algae
- West Maui Curb Inlet Basket Pilot
- Understanding the consequences of land-based pollutants on coral health in S. Kohala
- • Final Report
- • The Nature Conservancy Report
- Maui Makai Watch Implementation
- Hanakao`o Slope Stabilization
- West Maui Fire Mitigation Plan
- Reef Friendly Landscape Management Plans
- Stream Corridor Assessment, Erosion Monitoring, and Recommendations
- West Kumuwai Social Marketing Campaign
- Day Use Mooring Buoy- Phase III
FY 2011 Final Reports