
Surface Water Use Permit Applications, Integration of Appurtenant Rights and Amendments to the Interim Instream Flow Standards, Na Wai Eha Surface Water Management Areas of Waihee, Waiehu, Iao and Waikapu Streams, Maui

Upstream View of Wailuku River Water flows in Wailuku River just upstream of Waiehu Beach Road.
Downstream view of Waikapu Stream Water released from the Wailuku Water Company system flows downstream in Waikapu Stream.

On June 20, 2024, the Supreme Court of Hawai‘i issued its Opinion in Case No. SCOT-21-0000581.

On June 28, 2021, the Commission on Water Resource Management issues its Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order.

**Be sure to view additional legal filings and updates below in the Hearing Information Section.

Minute Orders

Sep. 23, 2021 Minute Order #21: Order Denying Mahi Pono, LLC’s Motion for Partial Reconsideration of Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Decision & Order Filed on June 28, 2021, as Amended by Errata to Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision & Order Filed June 30, 2021
Sep. 23, 2021 Minute Order #20: Order Denying MMK Maui, LP’s Motion for Clarification or, in the Alternative, for Partial Reconsideration of the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Decision and Order Filed June 28, 2021
Sep. 23, 2021 Minute Order #19: Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Hui o Nā Wai ‘Ehā and Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Inc.’s July 6, 2021 Motion for Partial Reconsideration of Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order Filed June 28, 2021
Jul. 26, 2021 Minute Order #18: Order Setting Deadline for Wailuku Country Estates Irrigation Company and Wailuku County Estates Community Association to Respond to Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Hui o Nā Wai ‘Ehā and Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Inc.’s July 6, 2021 Motion for Partial Reconsideration of Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order Filed June 28, 2021
Oct. 21, 2019 Minute Order #17: Order Regarding Oral Arguments Before the Commission on Water Resource Management
Sep. 9, 2019 Minute Order #16: Granting Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company’s and Mahi Pono, LLC’s Joint Motion for Withdrawal and Substitution of Parties for SWUPA 2206
Aug. 8, 2019 Minute Order #15: Order Regarding Location of the Hearing on Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company’s and Mahi Pono, LLC’s Joint Motion for Withdrawal and Substitution of Parties for SWUPA 2206
Jun. 6, 2019 Minute Order #14: Order Regarding Responses To and Hearing on Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company’s and Mahi Pono, LLC’s Joint Motion for Withdrawal and Substitution of Parties for SWUPA 2206
Nov. 14, 2018 Minute Order #13: Order Regarding Site Visit By Commission
Nov. 1, 2017 Minute Order #12: Hearings Officer’s Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order

Hearings Officer’s Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, & Decision and Order (2.5 MB)

Feb. 10, 2017 Minute Order #11: Order Granting Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Hui o Nā Wai ‘Ehā and Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Inc.’s Motion for Leave to Supplement the Record
Jan. 31, 2017 Minute Order #10: Deadline for the filing of Proposed FOF, COL, and D&O for all parties is extended to COB, February 10, 2017
Nov. 28, 2016 Minute Order #9: Parties to Submit Their Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision & Order
Oct. 7, 2016 Minute Order #8: Continued Hearing on the Surface Water Use Permits and Hearing on Amendments to Interim Instream Flow Standards
Sep. 14, 2016 Minute Order #7: Continued Hearing Date, Time and Place
Jun. 22, 2016 Revised Certificate of Service
Jun. 15, 2016 Revised Certificate of Service
Jun. 1, 2016

Minute Order #6: Deadline to File List of Witnesses for Cross Examination

Revised Certificate of Service

May 16, 2016 Minute Order #5: Extension of Prehearing Deadline, Prehearing Conference, and Petition to Reduce Water Available for Offstream Uses
Mar. 18, 2016 Revised Certificate of Service
Mar. 7, 2016 Minute Order #4: Amended Service Requirements and Pre-Hearing and Hearing Timetable
Feb. 3, 2016 Revised Certificate of Service
Jan. 15, 2016 Minute Order #3: Pre-Hearing and Hearing Deadlines
Oct. 6, 2015 Minute Order #2: Summary of the Prehearing Conference for the Contested Case Hearing on Appurtenant Rights and Water-Use Permit Applications
Jun. 25, 2015 Minute Order #1: Prehearing Conference for the Contested Case Hearing on Appurtenant Rights and Water-Use Permit Applications

Hearing Information

Jun. 20, 2024

The Supreme Court of Hawaii issued its Opinion in Case No. SCOT-21-0000581.

Dec. 5, 2023

The Supreme Court of Hawaii held oral arguments in Case No. SCOT-21-0000581.

Aug. 5, 2021

Filings by Parties:

Jul. 8, 2021

Filings by Parties:

Jul. 6, 2021

Filings by Parties for Clarification and/or Partial Reconsideration:

Jun. 30, 2021

Commission on Water Resource Management issues an Errata to the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order.

Jun. 28, 2021

Commission on Water Resource Management issues its Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order.

Nov. 18, 2019

Stipulation regarding Surface Water Use Permit Application 2206, agreed to by Mahi Pono, LLC, Hui o Nā Wai ‘Ehā, Maui Tomorrow Foundation Inc., and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.

Aug., 23, 2019

MMK Maui, LP’s Supplemental Response to Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company and Mahi Pono, LLC’s Joint Motion for Withdrawal and Substitution of Parties for SWUPA 2206, Filed May 14, 2019 and Certificate of Service

Jul. 10, 2019

Office Of Hawaiian Affairs’ supplemental response to Hawaiian commercial & sugar company and Mahi Pono, LLC’s joint motion for withdrawal and substitution of parties for SWUPA 2206, filed May 14, 2019; CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

Jul. 9, 2019

Earthjustice, on behalf of Hui o Nā Wai ‘Ehā and Maui Tomorrow Foundation Inc., filed its written Response to Mahi Pono, LLC’s Omnibus Reply to Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company’s and Mahi Pono, LLC’s Joint Motion for Withdrawal and Substitution of Parties for SWUPA 2206.

Jul. 5, 2019

Mahi Pono, LLC filed its written reply to Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company’s and Mahi Pono, LLC’s Joint Motion for Withdrawal and Substitution of Parties for SWUPA 2206.

Jun. 21, 2019

Parties filed their written responses/opposition to Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company’s and Mahi Pono, LLC’s Joint Motion for Withdrawal and Substitution of Parties for SWUPA 2206.

NOTICE: Reminder to serve all responsive documents on the attorneys for Mahi Pono, LLC.

NOTICE: Change of contact information and firm affiliation for office of Hawaiian affairs: CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

May 14, 2019

Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company and Mahi Pono, LLC filed a Joing Motion for Withdrawal and Substitution of Parties for SWUPA 2206.

Jan. 5, 2018

Parties filed their written exceptions to the Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order.

Nov. 1, 2017

Hearings Officer’s Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, & Decision and Order (2.5 MB)

Feb. 17, 2017

Parties filed their Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Decision and Order.

Jan. 24, 2017

Additional information posted for Waikapu Properties, LLC (2206, 2356, 2297, 3471, 3472), Wailuku Country Estates Irrigation Company (2189, 2190, 2196), Office of Hawaiian Affairs

Oct. 11, 2016

Supplemental Testimony of Ayron Strauch, Ph.D.

Oct. 4, 2016

Testimony by the Commission on Water Resource Management

Sep. 14, 2016

Additional information posted for Noelani Almeida (3623), Michael Bailie (2348), Gary Brito (2215/2216), Gordon Cockett (2223), Robert Hanusa (2153), Kaanapali Kai (2181), Living Waters Land Foundation (2144), Elsie Miyamoto/Jerri Jane K. Young (2259), and John Varel (2298/2299).   New information is highlighted in yellow in the summary table above.

Jul. 26, 2016

Additional information posted for Charles Dando, Sr. and Charles Dando, Jr. (2191/2192), Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. (2206), Kihei Gardens & Landscaping Co., LLP (21833), Leinaala Kihm (2315), MTP Operating Co., LLC/Waikapu Properties, LLC (2203/2356/3471/3472), Pohakulepo Recycling, LLC (2187), Wahi Hoomalu Limited Partnership (2351), Wailuku Water Co. (2157), Wailuku Country Estates Irrigation Co. (2189/2190/2196), Ken Ota (3665), Kurt Sloan (3671), Gerald Lau Hee (4442), Roy Kitagawa (4443), Anthony Takitani (4444), SPV Trust (Shane Victorino) (4445), Office of Hawaiian Affairs. New information is highlighted in yellow in the summary table above.

Jul. 8, 2016

Additional SWUPAs for New Use filed by  Takitani Agaran & Jorgensen for Ken & Saedene Ota (3665), Kurt Sloan (3671), Gerald Hee (4442), Roy Kitagawa (4443), Anthony Takitani (4444), and Shane Victorino (4445). New information is highlighted in yellow in the summary table above.

 Jul. 7, 2016

Additional Information.

Additional information posted for Francisco Cerizo (2307/2308N), DLNR Division of State Parks (2304), David Niehaus (2163), and Wailuku Country Estates Irrigation Company (2189/2190N/2196).  An Amended List of Witnesses for Cross Examination was filed also by the County of Maui, Department of Water Supply.  New information is highlighted in yellow in the summary table above.

Jun. 22, 2016

Filings for List of Witnesses for Cross Examination.

Filings were received from County of Maui, Department of Water Supply; Wailuku Water Company; MMK Maui, LP; Wailuku Country Estates Irrigation Co. and Wailuku Country Estates Community Association; Waikapu Properties, LLC and MTP Operating Company, LLC; Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company; Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of State Parks; Wahi Ho’omalu, LP; Hui o Na Wai Eha and Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Inc.; Office of Hawaiian Affairs; and Takitani Agaran & Jorgensen, LLLP.

Filings are highlighted in yellow in the summary table above.

Jun. 17, 2016

The Commission approved the Staff Submittal for Action on the Petition to Amend an Instream Flow Standards for Waihe‘e River, North and South Waiehu Streams, Wailuku River, and Waikapū Stream; And Motion to Consolidate or Consider in Parallel with Contested Case No. CCH-MA15-01, Filed by Earthjustice on behalf of Hui o Nā Wai ‘Ehā and Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Inc., Maui, Hawaii.

Jun. 15, 2016

Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company filed a Notice of Appearance of Counsel.

Jun. 6, 2016

Filings, including Reply Briefs, Reply Witness Lists, Reply Written Witness Statements, Responsive Exhibit Lists, and Responsive Exhibits.

Reply Briefs were received from County of Maui, Department of Water Supply; Wailuku Water Company; MMK Maui, LP; Wailuku Country Estates Irrigation Co. and Wailuku Country Estates Community Association; Waikapu Properties, LLC and MTP Operating Company, LLC; Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company; Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of State Parks; and Wahi Ho’omalu, LP.

Filings are highlighted in yellow in the summary table above.

Apr. 29, 2016

Filings, including Responsive Briefs, Responsive Witness Lists, Responsive Written Witness Statements, Responsive Exhibit Lists, and Responsive Exhibits, due to the Commission.

Responsive filings were received from County of Maui Department of Water Supply (2178/2179), MMK Maui, LP (2186), Hui o Na Wai Eha & Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Inc., and Office of Hawaiian Affairs.  Filings are highlighted in yellow in the summary table above.

Mar. 18, 2016

Extended Deadline for Filings, including Opening Briefs, Witness Lists, Direct Written Witness Statements, Exhibit Lists, and Exhibits, due to the Commission.

Filings were received from Wailuku Water Company (2157), MMK  Maui, LP (2186), Wailuku Country Estates Irrigation Company (2189/2190), McLean(2204), HC&S (2205/2206), Faustino (2228/22229), Riyu (2268), Sevilla (2275), Haller (2287), DLNR Division of State Parks (2304), Riyu (2338), Wahi Hoomalu Limited Partnership (2351), and Takitani Agaran & Jorgensen.  Filings are highlighted in yellow in the summary table above.

Mar. 9, 2016

Earthjustice, on behalf of Hui o Nā Wai ‘Ehā and Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Inc. filed a Petition to Amend Upward the Interim Instream Flow Standards for Waihe‘e River, North and South Waiehu Streams, Wailuku River, and Waikapū Stream and their Tributaries; and Motion to Consolidate or Consider in Parallel with Case No. CCH-MA15-01.

Feb. 5, 2016

Filings, including Opening Briefs, Witness Lists, Direct Written Witness Statements, Exhibit Lists, and Exhibits, due to the Commission.

Completed Witnesses

SWUPA No. / Applicant / Hydro Unit
Witnesses / Cross Exam
Jul. 11, 2016
  • Hui o Na Wai Eha & Maui Tomorrow Foundation
    Witness: Lilikala Kameeleihiwa
    Cross: Wahi Hoomalu, Wailuku Country Estates Irrigation Co.
  • Office of Hawaiian Affairs
    Witness: Paul Reppun
    Cross: Wailuku Country Estates Irrigation Co., Wailuku Water Co.
  • 2171: Molina, Renee
    Witness: Renee Molina
Jul. 12, 2016
  • 2362N: Alueta, Joseph (Waihee)
    Witness: Joseph Alueta
  • 2221/2222n: Chang, Cordell(Waihee)
    Witness: Cordell Chang
  • 2247/2248N: Ciotti, Jordanella [Vanessa J. Ince & WS Kinzer] (Waihee)
    Witness: Jordanella Ciotti
  • 2361N: De Hart, Kathleen (Waihee)
    Witness: Kathleen De Hart
  • 2228/2229N: Faustino, Stanley (Waihee)
    Witness: Stanley Faustino
  • 2364N: Freitas, William (Waihee)
    Witness: Miki’ala Pua’a-Freitas
  • 2249: Kahalekai, Kenneth (Waihee)
    Witness: Kenneth Kahalekai
  • 2182: Chang, Cecilia (Waihee)
    Witness: Cecilia Chang
  • 2250/2251N: Kailiehu, Jr., Alfred (Waihee)
    Witness: Alfred Kailiehu
  • 2241/2242N: Higa, Darrell (Waihee)
    Witness: Mary Ann Velez (tentative scheduled for July 11 or 12)
  • 2283: Pang, Lorrin (Waihee)
    Witness: Lorrin Pang
  • 2706N: Hawaiian Islands Land Trust (Waihee)
    Witness: Scott Fisher
July 13, 2016
  •  2294: Sarasin, Sr., Bryan (Waihee)
    Witness: Bryan Sarasin, Jr.
  • 2245/2246N: Ibara, Greg (Waihee)
    Witness: Greg Ibara
  • 2265/2265N: Piko Ao, LLC, Lei Ishikawa (Waihee)
    Witness: Lori Lei Ishikawa
  • 2269/2270N: Rodrigues, Michael and William Freitas (Waihee)
    Witness: Michael Rodrigues
  • 2369N: Smith, Jeff and Ramona Lei (Waiehu)
    Witness: Ramona Lei Waiwaiole Smith
  • 2334/2335N: Sakata, Burt and Peter Fritz (Waihee)
    Witness: Burt Sakata
  • 2280/2281N: Texeira, Thomas and Patricia, and Denise Texeira (Waihee)
    Witness: Thomas Texeira
  • 2312: Kahalekai, Kaui (Waihee)
    Witness: Kaui Kahalekai
  • 2313/2314N: Kana, Charlene (Waihee)
    Witness: Charlene Kana
  • 2307/2308N: Cerizo, Francisco (Waiehu)
    Witness: Francisco Cerizo
  • 2355: Coffey, Fred (Waiehu)
    Witness: Fred Coffey
  • 2368: Kamasaki, Teruo and Evelyn, Cynthia Ann McCarthy, Claire Kamasaki
    Witness: Cynthia Ann McCarthy
  • 2366N: Higa, George and Yoneko
    Witness: Yoneko Higa
  • 2043/2273/2274N: Santiago, Alfred / El Ranchitos De Mello (Owner) (Waihee)
    Witness: Alfred Santiago
  • 2252/2253N: Koki, Clifford and Cristal (Waihee)
    Witness: Clifford or Cristal Koki
  • 2266/2267N: Rivera, Isabelle (Waiehu)
    Witness: Isabelle Rivera
July 18, 2016
  •  2268: Riyu, Katherine (Waikapu)
    Witness: Pamela Dickson
  • 2338: Riyu, Melvin and Judith Yamanoue (Waikapu)
    Witness: Pamela Dickson
  • 2363N: Suehiro, Yoshie and Natalie Hashimoto (Waiehu)
    Witnesses: Natalie and Carl Hashimoto
  • 2225/2226N: Doherty, Michael (Waihee)
    Witness: Ka’iulani Doherty
  • 2188: Vida, Jr., Leslie (Iao)
    Witness: Leslie Vida, Jr.
  • 2292: Vida, Sr., Leslie (Iao)
    Witness: Donna Vida
  • 2293: Vida, Sr., Leslie (Iao)
    Witness: Donna Vida
  • 2303: Pinto, Robert (Iao)
    Witness: Claire Pinto
  • 2370N: Ornellas, Francis (Iao)
    Witness: Francis Allan Ornellas
  • 2260/2261N: Jinsei Miyashiro Trust, Lisa Battad (Waikapu)
    Witness: Ho’okahi Alves
  • 2212: Bell, Douglas (Waikapu) Witness: Douglas Bell
  • 2235: Gushi, Russell (Waikapu)
    Witness: Russell Gushi
  • 2237: Harders, Karl and Lee Ann (Waikapu)
    Witness: Nicholas Harders
  • 2239: Harders, Theodore and Zelie (Waikapu)
    Witness: Nicholas Harders
  • 2311: Harders, Theodore and Zelie (Waikapu)
    Witness: Nicholas Harders
  • 2240: T&Z Harders (Waikapu)
    Witness: Nicholas Harders
  • 3467N: Theodore and Zelie Harders Family Ltd.  Partnership (Waikapu)
    Witness: Nicholas Harders
  • 2238: Theodore and Zelie Harders Family Ltd. Partnership, Edmund Rogers, Waldemar Frank Rogers (Waikapu)
    Witness: Nicholas Harders
  • 2276: Shimizu, Ione (Waikapu)
    Witness: Ione Shimizu
  • 2275: Sevilla, Duke and Jean and Christina Smith (Iao)
    Witness: Duke A. Sevilla
  • 2204: McLean, Glenn (Iao)
    Witness: Luke McLean
  • 2332/2333N: Pellegrino, Victor and Wallette (Waikapu)
    Witness: Hōkūao Pellegrino
  • 2371N: Lozano, Kimberly (Iao)
    Witness: Kimberly Pauahi Lozano
  • 2343N: Cerizo, Thomas (Waiehu)
    Witness: Thomas Cerizo
  • 2155: Suzuki, Clayton and Linda Kadosaki, Reed Suzuki, Scott Suzuki (Waikapu)
    Witness: Clayton Suzuki
    Cross: Office of Hawaiian Affairs
  • 2156: Makimoto, Nadao (Waikapu)
    Witness: Clayton Suzuki
  • 2339: Yamaoka, Roger and Kevin (Iao)
    Witness: Roger and Kevin Yamaoka
July 19, 2016
  • 2217/2218N: John Minamina Brown Trust, Crystal Alboro (Waikapu)
    Witness: Crystal Smythe
  • 2178/2179N: County of Maui, Department of Water Supply (Iao)
    Witnesses: Dave Taylor, Michele McClean, Craig Lekven, Robert Parsons
    Cross: Hui ‘o Na Wai ‘Eha/Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Wailuku Water Company, Ota etal.
  • 2304: Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of State Parks (Iao)
    Witnesses: Holly McEldowney, Russell Kumabe, E. Mahoe Collins
  • 3665N: Ota, Ken and Saedene (Iao)
    Witness: Ken Ota
  • 4444: Takitani, Anthony (Iao)
    Witness: Anthony Takitani
  • 2351N: Wahi Ho’omalu Limited Partnership (Iao)
    Witnesses: Doris Moana Rowland, Colleen H. Uahinui, John Russell
    Cross: Hui ‘o Na Wai ‘Eha/Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
  • 2207/2208N: Makani Olu Partners, LLC, Avery and Mary Chumbley (Iao)
    Witness: Avery Chumbley
July 22, 2016
  • 186: MMK Maui, LP, The King Kamehameha Golf Club (Various)
    Witnesses: B. Russell Dooge, Ikaika Bechert, Scott C. Carroll
    Cross: County of Maui, Department of Water Supply, Hui ‘o Na Wai ‘Eha/Maui Tomorrow Foundation
  • 2157: Wailuku Water Company (Various)
    Witness: Avery Chumbley
    Cross: Hui ‘o Na Wai ‘Eha/Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
  • 3671N: Sloan, Kurt (Iao)
    Witness: Kurt Sloan
July 28, 2016
  • 2224: Dodd, James (Waikapu)
    Witness: James Phillip Dodd
  • 2230: Federcell, Patricia (Waikapu)
    Witness: James Phillip Dodd
  • 2258:  Miyahira, Lawrence (Waiehu)
    Witness: Jason Miyahira
  • 2243/2244N: Hooululahui/Duey
    Witness: Rose Marie H. Duey
  • 2189/2190N/2196: Wailuku Country Estates Irrigation Company, Wailuku Country Estates Community Association (Iao)
    Witness: Joseph Blackburn II
    Cross: Hui ‘o Na Wai ‘Eha/Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
  • 2342: Higashino, Paul (Waiehu)
    Witness: Paul Higashino
  • 2203: MTP Operating Company, LLC (Maui Tropical Plantation)
    Witnesses: William Jacintho, Grant Schule, Robert Pahia
    Cross: Hui ‘o Na Wai ‘Eha/Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
  • 2356/2297N: Waikapu Properties, LLC
    Witnesses: William Jacintho, Grant Schule, Robert Pahia
    Cross: Hui ‘o Na Wai ‘Eha/Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
July 29, 2016
  • 2203: MTP Operating Company, LLC (Maui Tropical Plantation)
    Witness: Michael Atherton
    Cross: Hui ‘o Na Wai ‘Eha/Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
  • 2356/2297N: Waikapu Properties, LLC
    Witness: Michael Atherton
    Cross: Hui ‘o Na Wai ‘Eha/Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
  • 3471N: Waikapu Properties, LLC
    Witness: Michael Atherton
  • 3472N: Waikapu Properties, LLC
    Witness: Michael Atherton
  • 2191/2192: Dando, Sr., Charles and Dando, Jr., Charles
    Witness: Charles Dando, Sr.
  • 2205: Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar (Various)
    Witnesses: Rick W. Volner, Jr., Garret Hew
    Cross: Hui ‘o Na Wai ‘Eha/Maui Tomorrow Foundation, Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Sep. 19, 2016
  • 3623N: Almeida, Gordon
    Witness: Alan James Almeida, Jr.
  • 2287: Haller, Steve
    Witness: Michele Haller
  • 2215/2216N: Brito, Gary and Evelyn
    Witness: Gary Brito
  • 2153: Hanusa, Robert
    Witness: Robert, Hanusa
  • 2290N: Smith, Murray and Carol
    Witness: Murray Smith
  • 2213/2214N: Birnie, Alan
    Witness: Alan Birnie
  • 2223: Cockett, Winifred and Gordon
    Witness: Marla Cockett
  • 4442N: Lau Hee, Gerald
    Witness: Kaeo Lau Hee
  • 2320: Anakalea, Ramsay and Lester Nakama (Aloha Poi Factory, Inc.) (Waihee)
    Witness: Lester Nakama
  • 2316/2317N: Apo, Gordon and Lester Nakama (Aloha Poi Factory, Inc.) (Waihee)
    Witness: Lester Nakama
  • 2322/2323N: Barrett, Robert and Lester Nakama (Aloha Poi Factory, Inc.) (Waihee)
    Witness: Lester Nakama
  • 2326/2327N: Ciacci, Mary and Lester Nakama (Aloha Poi Factory, Inc.) (Waihee)
    Witness: Lester Nakama
  • 2318/2319N: Ideoka, Nolan and Merle, and Lester Nakama (Aloha Poi Factory, Inc.) (Waihee)
    Witness: Lester Nakama
  • 2324/2325N: Laa, William, Emmett and Renette Rodrigues, Lester Nakama (Aloha Poi Factory, Inc.) (Waihee)
    Witness: Lester Nakama
  • 2330/2331N: Lee, Peter and Lester Nakama (Aloha Poi Factory, Inc.) (Waihee)
    Witness: Lester Nakama
  • 2328/2329N: Nakama, Lester (Aloha Poi Factory, Inc.) (Waihee)
    Witness: Lester Nakama
  • 2144: Living Waters Land Foundation (Waihee)
    Witness: Noel Baloaloa, Justina Evangelista
  • 2298/2299N: Varel, John (Various)
    Witness: John Varel
  • 3470N: Emmanuel Lutheran Church (Waihee)
    Witness: John Varel
  • 2593N: Koolau Cattle Company, LLC (Waihee)
    Witness: John Varel
  • 2262/2263N: Paleka, Kalani and Tera (Waihee)
    Witness: John Varel
Sep. 20, 2016
  • 2189/2190N: WCEIC
    Witness: Thomas Nance
  • 2181: Kaanapali Kai, Inc.
    Witness: Sheryl-Lynn Suzuki
  • 2203/2356: Waikapu Properties/MTP (Waikapu)
    Witnesses: Michael Atherton
  • 2351N: Wahi Hoomalu Limited Partnership
    Witness: John Russell
  • 2183: Kihei Gardens & Landscaping (Iao)
    Witness: John Okamura
Oct. 14, 2016
  • 2151: Pohakulepo Recycling, LLC
    Witness: David Gomes
  • 2189/2190N: WCEIC
    Witness: Darren Unemori
    Rebuttal Witness: Andrew P. Hood, M.S. (Hui ‘o Na Wai ‘Eha/Maui Tomorrow Foundation)
  • Commission on Water Resource Management
    Witness: Ayron Strauch, Ph.D.