IFS: 3033 – Kawainui and 3034 – Ka‘elepulu Streams, O‘ahu

Instream Flow Standard: Hydrologic Units of Kawainui (3033) and Ka‘elepulu (3034)

The Commission on Water Resource Management is preparing to amend the interim instream flow standards for the Kawainui Stream and Ka‘elepulu Stream surface water hydrologic units, Windward O‘ahu.

Diversion on Lāwa‘i Stream The Lāwa‘i Ditch diversion across Lāwa‘i Stream from the left bank.
Lāwa‘i Stream below diversion Lāwa‘i Stream below the Lāwa‘i Ditch intake is consistently subject to high turbidity, high temperatures, and low dissolved oxygen due to reduced flows.

Hearing Schedule

  No hearings scheduled at this time.

Information Updates

Oct. 8, 2019

Instream Flow Standard Assessment Reports for Lāwa‘i.