- Cape Flattery Settlement Restoration Project: Restoring Reefs in Kāne‘ohe Bay
- Annual Kapalama: Waikīkī Invasive Algae Management, Coral Module Outplants
- Manatee Mudflower (Micranthemum glomeratum) Field Survey near Nuʻuanu Pali Drive, Oʻahu
- 2022 Accomplishment Report
- Salvinia molesta removal efforts in the Kilauea Stream, Kauai, Hawaiʻi
- Investigation of Algal Bloom Near Kaiona Beach Park, Waimānalo, O‘ahu
- Ballast Water StoryMap
- Biofouling StoryMap
- 2021 Accomplishment Report
- Cape Flattery Settlement Restoration Project: Restoring Reefs in Kāneʻohe Bay – December 2021
- Rapid Response to three species of Invasive Corals in Kāneʻohe Bay, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi
- HISAM Presentation: Aquatic Invasive Species on Kauai: Salvinia, Tilapia and a new Algae
- HISAM Presentation: Ballast Water and Biofouling the Major Vector of Marine Introduced
- HISAM Presentation: Native Urchin Biocontrol of Invasive Algae
- HISAM Presentation: Invasive Algae of Hawaii and iNaturalist
- HISAM Presentation: Nutrient Impacts on Coral Reefs
- HISAM Presentation: Swimming under the radar targeting invasive species in coastal brackish water habitats in Hawaii
- HISAM Presentation: Developing a Taste for Sustainable Seafood in Hawaii
- HISAM Presentation: Maui Freshwater Systems Invasives, Natives and more
- 2020 Accomplishment Report
- Cape Flattery Settlement Restoration Project: Restoring Reefs in Kāneʻohe Bay – December 2020
- HCC Presentation: Improving Hawaiʻi’s Genetic and Taxonomic Organism Inventory Using Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS)
- HCC Presentation: Rapid Response and Distribution Investigation of Bartholomea annulata (the Caribbean Corkscrew Anemone), A Novel Introduction to Hawaiʻi.
- HCC Presentation: Coral Reef Restoration using Native Sea Urchins (Tripneustes gratilla) for Biocontrol of Invasive Macroalgae
- HCC Presentation: Exploring Innovative Control Options for the Caribbean Corkscrew Anenome (Bartholomea annulata), a Novel Introduction to Hawaiʻi
- HCC Presentation: Evaluating United States Policy Intended to Reduce Collisions Between Vessels and Cetaceans in the Pacific
- AIS Strategic Plan 2019-2024
- Cape Flattery Settlement Restoration Project: Restoring Reefs in Kāne‘ohe Bay- December 2019
- 2019 AIS Team Accomplishment Report
- HCC Presentation: Utilizing iNaturalist to Report Aquatic Invasive Species in the State of Hawai‘i
- HCC Presentation: Enhancing Native Species Resilience Through Effective Management of Aquatic Invasive Species
- HCC Presentation: Physical Characteristics of Streams Which Increase Ecosystems Resilience To Salvinia molesta
- HCC Poster: Combating the Ongoing Threat of Aquatic Alien Species Through Ballast Water Risk Analysis
- HCC Poster: Coral Reef Restoration Through Invasive Algae Management in Kāne‘ohe Bay and the Waikīkī MLCD
- Herbivore biocontrol and manual removal successfully reduce invasive macroalgae on coral reefs [PeerJ]
- Salvinia molesta Information Sheet
- Evaluating Aquatic Invasive Species Risk for Hawaii- Which Tool is Best? Powerpoint. HCC 2018
- Laulima- Four sections discussing community participation in AIS management. Powerpoint. Hanauma Bay 2018.
- Coral Reef Restoration in Kaneohe Bay- 1 pager
- Ballast Water and Hull Fouling Program HI- short project overview
- Western Governor’s Association West-wide Invasive Species Top 50
- Cape Flattery Settlement Restoration Project: Restoring Reefs in Kāne‘ohe Bay- December 2018
- Cape Flattery Settlement Restoration Project: Restoring Reefs in Kāne‘ohe Bay- June 2018
- Laulima: Community Partnership in Mapping Invasive Algae Along Molokaʻ i’s Southern Shoreline. HCC Poster 2017
- Sakihara TS, Atsuko F, Peyton KA. 2017. Mugilids Display Distinct Trait-Mediated Patterns with a Reinvasion of Para Grass Urochloa mutica in a Tropical Estuary. Fishes. 2(7):18.
- What’s Lurking in O‘ahu, HI Harbors?: Marine Bioinvasions in the 21st Century. HCC Poster 2017
- Marine Species List for Oahu Harbors: Results of Settlement Panel Survey (2015)
- Associated CTD Profiles (All Harbors Sept and Dec 2015)
- Western Governor’s Association West-wide Invasive Species Risk-Assessment Survey- Top 15 AIS Hawaii
- AIS 2017 Accomplishment Report
- Cape Flattery Settlement Restoration Project: Restoring Reefs in Kāne‘ohe Bay- December 2017
- Cape Flattery Settlement Restoration Project: Restoring Reefs in Kāne‘ohe Bay- May 2017
- Lanai AIS Assessment
- AIS 2016 Accomplishment Report
- Cape Flattery Settlement Restoration Project: Restoring Reefs in Kāne‘ohe Bay- December 2016
- Cape Flattery Settlement Restoration Project: Restoring Reefs in Kāne‘ohe Bay- May 2016
- 2014 Kaneohe Bay, Oahu Snap-Assessment Report
- Kaneohe Bay Mitigation Bank Restoration Project: 2014 Baseline Assessment
- AIS 2014 Accomplishment Report
- AIS Reef Restoration Progress Report Apr.-Sept. 2013
- Alii Beach Park Kappaphycus Assessment August 2013
- AIS Reef Restoration Progress Report Oct. 2012-Mar. 2013
- AIS Reef Restoration Progress Report Apr.-Sept. 2012
- AIS 2012 Annual Report
- Hawaii Dreissena Mussel Assessment 2012
- AIS 2011 Annual Report
- Paiko Fish Pond Assessment 2011
- Molokai Community Based Invasive Species Control 2011
- AIS 2010 Annual Report
- DAR Early Detection 2010
- Chemical Toolbox for AIS Management in Hawaii 2010
- Gracilaria salicornia at Pala’au, Molokai 2010
- Gracilaria salicornia Removal Molokai 2010
- AIS 2008-2009 Report
- Recreational Hull Fouling Report 2009
- Invasive Fish Control and Eradication 2009
- Waialua Alien Algae Investigative Report 2009
- AIS 2008-2009 Report
- Wai Opae Coral Mortality Report 2008
- Actinodiscus Eradication in Ala Wai Harbor 2008
- AIS 2005 Annual Report
- Invasive Algae Mobile Response Vacuum 2005
- Acanthophora spicifera in Kailua-Kona 2005