12/02/16 – DLNR Accepting Public Comment On 2016 Forest Action Plan

Posted on Dec 2, 2016 in Forestry & Wildlife, News Releases, slider

News Release


For Immediate News Release December 2, 2016    



HONOLULU — The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) is the lead agency in developing and updating the Hawaiʻi Forest Action Plan 2016.

The original assessment and strategy was produced in 2010 and was called the Hawaiʻi Statewide Assessment of Forest Conditions and Trends. Since then, the name of these plans has been changed to better reflect the intent of the document to describe current conditions and identify future management needs, and they are now called Forest Action Plans.

The current update covers all forest land ownerships —state, private, and federal — and views forests as a whole rather than by programs. It will enable DOFAW to continue to seek funding for landscape-scale management and to integrate the many programs the division administers through one planning document.

David Smith, State Forester and administrator for DOFAW, said, “This plan helps us to keep current on recent advances in forest conservation and watershed management, identify new threats that have emerged since 2010, and incorporate recent progress made with development of the forest products industry and planning on climate change.:

“We hope this information will be used to influence our communities, our state and national governments, and other leaders to invest in Hawai‘i’s forests for the future,” Smith said.  

The plan identifies nine priority areas for Hawai‘i’s forests that include:  water quality and quantity; forest health, invasive species, insects and disease; wildfire; urban and community forestry; climate change and sea level rise; conservation of native biodiversity; hunting, nature-based recreation, and tourism; forest products and carbon sequestration; and US tropical island state and territorial issues.

It can be viewed on the Division of Forestry and Wildlife website at https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/forestry/files/2016/12/Forest_Action_Plan_Draft_2016.pdf 

Public comment on the draft plan is being accepted through December 14, 2016. Comments may be submitted in writing to:  Robert.D.Hauff@hawaii.gov  or to Forest Action Plan, Division of Forestry and Wildlife,  Room 325, 1151 Punchbowl St., Honolulu, HI 96813.

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About Hawaii’s forest reserves:

Hawai‘i’s forest reserves are multi-use land areas that encompass and incorporate a variety of public uses and benefits. Each forest reserve within the system has differing management and use goals associated with it depending on the nature of the resources found within the reserve. Administrating these reserves with a multi-use designation can be both challenging and complex, requiring a balanced approach to management. The Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife manages the forest reserves individually for their unique resources as well as provides an overall management philosophy for the entire Forest Reserve System.

Key goals seek to:

  • Protect and manage forested watersheds for production of fresh water supply for public uses now and into the future:
  • Maintain biological integrity of native ecosystems:
  • Provide public recreational opportunities:
  • Strengthen the economy by assisting in the production of high quality forest products in support of a sustainable forest industry:


Media contact:

Deborah Ward
DLNR Communications Specialist
Phone: (808) 587-0320