05/18/17 – Growing a Legacy: Landowner Assistance Summer Workshops

Posted on May 18, 2017 in Education, Forestry & Wildlife, News Releases

News Release


For Immediate News Release May 15, 2017

Learn about acquisition & easements, land management & technical assistance

HONOLULU — Oʻahu landowners are invited to attend a Landowner Acquisition and Easement workshop on Saturday June 3, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Palehua Ranch in Honouliuli.

Coordinated by West O‘ahu Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), HILT, and the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, the workshop brings together a group of landowners, land managers, and resource experts to provide insights on the successes, challenges and opportunities of legacy planning, acquisitions and easements.

Hawaiian Islands Land Trust (HILT) board member McD Philpotts will highlight the efforts taken to conserve, manage, and restore the nearly 3,000-acre estate to preserve the natural and cultural resources of Hawai‘i. Following a short hike exploring the site’s natural and cultural features, community non-governmental and governmental partners will introduce participants to strategies for land legacy planning.

“This is a great opportunity for landowners, farmers, and ranchers, here in Hawaii to learn about a variety of conservation options available to them and the financial benefits and incentives available to protect their lands and natural resources,” said Kawika Burgess, CEO of the Hawaiian Islands Land Trust.

“This workshop is a proactive, peer-to-peer approach to stewardship and land management.” notes Larry Jefts, West Oahu SWCD Chair. “We are honored to join our valued community partners and continue our work of helping land owners and land managers with soil and water conservation best practices since 1950.”

To view the agenda and register for the workshop (required) go to: https://oahujunelandownerassistance.eventbrite.com

Both workshops are limited to 30 persons, cost $15, and include lunch and coffee. For more information, contact: Michelle@WestOahuSWCD.org or 808.729.1676

July 22 workshop on land management and technical assistance — this will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Waimea Valley. The workshop starts with a hike to Waimea Valley’s restoration site with conservation manager, Laurent Pool. He will share best practices for land management from his experience with the DLNR’s Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) and Forest Stewardship Program. After hiking back down, strategize with specialists in conservation, forestry, technical assistance, etc. about how to best manage your land with the support of governmental and NGO programs. Register here: https://waimeavalleylandownerworkshop.eventbrite.com

Workshop schedules:

June 3, 2017: Acquisition and Easements

Meet at: 92-1285 Umena St. Kapolei, HI 96707

8:45 a.m. – Meet at gate and transition to State vehicles to commute to the site. Plan to arrive early, shuttles will leave promptly at 9 a.m.
9:30 a.m. – Introductions
10 a.m. – Site visit at Palehua with McD. This includes a short 30-minute hike up the ridge. The hike is relatively easy with a short incline. Proper footwear and clothing/resources are recommended: sunscreen, close-toed shoes, hat/sun protection, foul weather gear, camera, etc.)
12 p.m. – Lunch (included)
1 p.m. – Presentations from experts (10 minutes each)

– Legacy Land Conservation Program, David Penn
– Hawaiian Islands Land Trust, Kawika Burgess
– The Trust for Public Land, Leah Hong
– North Shore Community Land Trust, Doug Cole
– Division of Forestry and Wildlife and Farm Bill Programs, Malia Nanbara 
– Hawaii Agriculture Research Center, Nick Dudley (Growing a legacy with resilient native hardwoods)

2 p.m. Talk story with the experts and get guidance on programs. Learn about and start the application process for landowner assistance programs on-site!
2:45 p.m. Wrap up and caravan back down hill

Lunch is included with the registration fee of $15. 

July 22, 2017 – Land Management and Technical Assistance

Meet at:  59-864 Kamehameha Hwy. Mauka side of parking lot. See website: https://www.waimeavalley.net/

9 a.m. – Introductions 
9:45 a.m. – Site visit of Waimea Valley with Conservation Specialist Laurent Poole – This includes a 45-minute hike to the Waimea Valley restoration site where we will debrief on programs such as Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program and Forest Stewardship. The hike is easy/medium in difficulty and 1 hour 15 minutes roundtrip, approximately. Proper footwear and clothing/resources are recommended: sunscreen, close-toed shoes, hat/sun protection, foul weather gear, camera, etc.
12 p.m. – Lunch (included)
1 p.m. – Presentations from experts (10 minutes each)

–  Hawaiian Islands Land Trust, Kawika Burgess
–  Hawaii Association of Conservation Districts, Puaonaona Stibbard
–  Oahu Resource Conservation & Development Council, Stephanie Mock
–  Division of Forestry and Wildlife CREP and Forest Stewardship Programs, Malia Nanbara 
–  Natural Resource Conservation Service, Bernadette Luncsford
–  West Oahu Soil and Water Conservation District, Michelle Gorham

2 p.m. – Talk story with the experts and get guidance on programs. Learn about and start the application process for the partner programs on-site!
2:45 p.m. – Wrap up
3 p.m. – Finish

Lunch included with the registration fee of $15. 




Media Contact:
Deborah Ward
Communications Specialist
Hawaii Dept. of Land & Natural Resources
Phone: (808) 587-0320