Mo‘omomi online public hearing presentation, FAQs

The presentation for the proposed Mo‘omomi Community-based Subsistence Fishing Area online public hearing is available at this link.

DAR has received questions regarding the process for registering to testify online, written testimony, and how testimony will be reviewed. Please see below for responses.

Q. What is the review process for the testimony?
A. DAR reviews the testimony and recommends changes as we deem appropriate. Our decision is guided by statutes (e.g., the CBSFA statute) and policies (e.g., 30×30). We do a summary of meeting minutes that’s presented to the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR). Ultimately the BLNR makes the final decision.

Q. Are folks who sign testimony submitted by an organization able to submit personal testimony?
A. Yes.

Q. Can multiple people testify from a single computer? For example, can some of the Moloka‘i folks testify from a single computer at a location with good internet service?
A. Yes. When you email or call to register please let us know you will be sharing a computer, and who will be presenting testimony from the shared computer. This will allow us to let those registered on the computer into the zoom public hearing only once and everyone can take turns. Folks will need to state their first and last name for the record and comply with the 3 minute time limit.

Q. What if some folks do not have email and want to sign up and testify online via someone else’s computer? Can someone sign up for them?
A. Yes, they should sign up as a group (see above response).

If you wish to view the online public hearing on August 19, 2020 at 5:30p you can follow this link. If there is no YouTube Live video feed when you arrive at the page, refresh your browser. The YouTube Live stream will  start 10 minutes prior to the public hearing.