Kailua Ocean Waters, Community Outreach Meeting, 10/10/2017
In response to stakeholder concerns about Kailua ocean waters, DOBOR held an informal outreach meeting at Kailua District Park on October 10, 2017 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm to gather community feedback. Attendees were asked to raise any issues or concerns to be potentially addressed by administrative rule amendments. The October 10 meeting was the first such informal meeting, and DOBOR plans to hold additional meetings to continue to gather feedback from as many interested stakeholders as is possible.
As part of any administrative rule amendments, DOBOR plans to amend Ocean Recreation Management Area (ORMA) provisions in Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) to define Kailua Bay Ocean Waters because there is currently no such boundary or definition. At the October 10 meeting, DOBOR presented three maps, available below. The maps show boundaries as follows:
–Map 1: Displays existing boundaries involving Kailua Bay as defined in HAR.
–Map 2: Displays the existing boundaries from Map 1 plus a proposed boundary line demarcating Kailua Bay. This proposed boundary does not include the Mokulua Islands and is not final.
–Map 3: Displays the existing boundaries from Map 1 plus a second option for a proposed boundary line demarcating Kailua Bay. This proposed boundary was drawn to include the Mokulua Islands and is not final.
DOBOR regulates the ocean waters and activities occurring within ocean waters but does not have jurisdiction over any activities on land. The City & County of Honolulu (C&C) Department of Parks and Recreation (DOPAR) and DLNR Land Division regulate activities on land: DOPAR regulates Kailua Beach Park; DLNR Land Division regulates beach land from the highest wash of the waves to the vegetation line (State unencumbered lands). Additionally, interested individuals may contact the C&C Ocean Safety and Lifeguard Services Division (OSLS) for rescue and safety concerns.
DOBOR welcomes email comments regarding Kailua ocean waters ORMA rules. Please send comments to [email protected] by Sunday, November 12, 2017.
Contact information:
DLNR DOBOR: 587-1966; https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dobor
DLNR Land Division: 587-0400; https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/ld
C&C DOPAR: 233-7300; https://www.co.honolulu.hi.us/parks
C&C OSLS: 723-7861; https://www.honolulu.gov/esdosls.html