Holomua Advisory Network

Introducing the Holomua Advisory Network

The Holomua Advisory Network is made up of local fisheries scientists, ecologists, social scientists, and cultural practitioners.

The Role of the Advisory Network

Their role is to provide information and advice to the Maui Navigation Team and DAR to consider as they develop and refine management recommendations. They may also help answer any specific questions. Advice is based on their area expertise and experience with Hawai’i’s oceans and communities. As the Maui Navigation Team developed the draft management proposal, at different steps a long the way, the proposal was shared with the Advisory Network for feedback and thoughtful consideration. This input was then shared back to the Navigation Team for them to determine the best way to incorporate into and refine the proposal, based on their intentions of the proposed management recommendations.

Eileen Nalley

Fisheries Extension Faculty

Area of Expertise: Fisheries and the ties between ecosystem and human health

Kevin Weng

Associate Professor

Area of Expertise: Spatial ecology, life history of fishes

Lillian Tuttle Raz

Assistant Unit Leader

Area of Expertise: Mitigating the effects of pollutants and invasive species on the health of fish, fisheries, and coral reef ecosystems

Alan Friedlander

Chief Scientist

Area of Expertise: Help understand and conserve iconic, special places in the ocean; marine protected areas that range from small, locally community-managed areas to some of the largest protected areas on the planet

Noelani Puniwai

Associate Professor

Area of Expertise: Facilitates the communication of knowledge between scientists, local communities, and management agencies with a focus on seascapes and ocean health and Indigenous knowledges.

Rob Toonen


Area of Expertise: Coral Reefs, conservation, genetics, connectivity

Kirsten Oleson


Area of Expertise: Modeling human-nature interactions especially along coasts; non-market valuation and natural capital accounting; decision science

Meghan Dailer

Environmental Health Specialist

Area of Expertise: Land-based nutrient source detection in coastal areas and ocean water quality monitoring

Mary Donovan

Assistant Professor

Area of Expertise: Quantitative ecologist focused on applied questions that inform conservation and management of coupled human-natural systems

Mark Hixon


Area of Expertise: Reef corals and fishes, marine ecology, and conservation biology

Jamie Gove

Research Oceanographer

Area of Expertise: Oceanography and marine ecosystem dynamics

Pelika Andrade

Education and Community Engagement Specialist

Area of Expertise: Providing culturally grounded programs and partnerships that support the overall health of our communities; mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually

Scott Crawford

Maui Marine Director

Area of Expertise: Community based co-management for nearshore fisheries

Kostantinos Stamoulis


Area of Expertise: Spatial ecology and conservation planning for sustainable management of coastal and marine resources

Tim Grabowski

Unit Leader

Area of Expertise: Fish reproduction, life history, and population dynamics; fisheries conservation; fish distribution, movement, and habitat use

Rachel Dacks

Assistant Professor

Area of Expertise: uses qualitative and quantitative methods to better understand people’s relationship to their land- and seascapes, how these relationships support human health and wellbeing, and how these relationships both shape and are shaped by natural resource management (including fisheries management)

Natalie Kurashima

Integrated Resources Manager
Affiliate Faculty

Area of Expertise: Natural and cultural resource stewardship, including through community-based management

Kirsten Leong

Social Scientist

Area of Expertise: Human dimensions specialist in biological conservation of lands and water resources

Bob Richmond

Area of Expertise: Marine conservation biology, coral reefs

Puaʻala Pascua

Area of Expertise: Bio-cultural and community-based resource management

Jim Beets

Area of Expertise: Coral reef community ecology and tropical marine fisheries.

Kaipo Perez

Area of Expertise: Works to minimize environmental impacts and ensure proper marine and natural resource management and conservation; active community member who shares his knowledge and expertise with youth, community members, and state agencies, helping to bridge the gap between science and traditional ecological knowledge

Jonathan Fisk

Area of Expertise: Critical sociopolitical frameworks in regards to fisheries management

Marc Nadon

Area of Expertise: Life history, stock assessment, fisheries

Underwater photos courtesy of Bert Weeks