Get Involved
Community involvement is key to achieve our shared vision of healthy marine ecosystems with abundant resources. By working with others in your community, you can help inform the design of your island’s marine management strategies by identifying locally-important resources and providing ideas about what kind of management could work well for each area.
Your involvement will help determine the future use of Hawai‘i’s nearshore waters and its resources.
Holomua on Maui
After more than year and a half of careful planning, difficult conversations and thoughtful considerations, the community nominated Maui Navigation Team shared the draft management recommendations with the Maui community through a series of Information Exchanges hosted in September 2024. The Navigation Team is grateful to everyone who attended these sessions and took time to share their perspectives and feedback. Next, based on the comments received during the Information Exchanges, the Navigation Team will further revise the proposal to reflect the priorities and needs of the Maui community.
After Maui communities have had the opportunity to review the management recommendations and provide their input, the revised proposal and a Maui management plan will be shared through a statewide scoping session.
Feedback for Maui Navigation Team’s Management Proposal
The proposal was first shared to the Maui community in late September 2024 during in-person Information Exchange Sessions, and the Maui Navigation Team provided an additional opportunity for feedback online through a Google form. The team is now reviewing all of the feedback received and considering revisions to the proposal. The revised proposal and a Maui management plan will be shared for additional feedback once the drafts are updated.
If you have additional feedback to share or questions on the draft proposal, you may also directly contact the Maui Navigation Team members below:
- Maile Shannon: [email protected]
- Darrell Tanaka: [email protected]
- Brian Ventura: [email protected]
After Maui communities have had the opportunity to review the management recommendations and provide their input, the revised proposal and a Maui management plan will be shared through a statewide scoping session.
ʻAʻohe hana nui ke alu ʻia.
No task is too big when done together by all.
– Mary Kawena Pukui, ʻŌlelo Noʻeau #142
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Holomua Marine Initiative
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- Learn about the ecological and socio-cultural design principles that guide marine management recommendations
- Follow the current Maui Pilot Process
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