Communicator’s Toolkit
Communicators’ Toolkit
This social media toolkit is designed for individuals and organizations to help expand awareness about the Holomua Marine Initiative.
Any images supplied are intended to be used only for posts supporting the Holomua Marine Initiative. They are not to be used for any other purposes.
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Maui Information Exchange Sessions
Images are provided below. Please do not crop out photo credits. To download the images: click to enlarge, right click, and save.
Holomua Marine Initiative is a place-based community led process for developing a comprehensive island-wide strategy to effectively manage the nearshore resources.
Maui is the first island to take part in the Holomua process. Over the last year and a half, the Maui Navigation Team has been meeting to discuss possible management actions and develop proposed management recommendations.
DLNR DAR and the Maui Navigation Team invites the Maui community to one of three information exchanges to learn about the proposed plan and share you input. These meetings will encourage collaboration and conversations so we can learn from each other. Please RSVP so we can ensure we have enough refreshments for all the attendees.
Tuesday, Sept. 24th
Hāna, Helene Hall
Wednesday, Sept. 25th
Lahaina, Lahaina Intermediate
Thursday, Sept. 26th
Kahului, Maui Waena Intermediate
Maui Pilot Process
Image(s) are provided below. Please do not crop out photo credits. To download the image(s): click to enlarge, right click, and save.
Maui is the first island to take part in the Holomua process. Over the last year and a half, the Maui Navigation Team has been meeting to discuss possible management actions and develop proposed management recommendations.
Holomua Marine Initiative is a place-based community led process for developing a comprehensive island-wide strategy to effectively manage the nearshore resources.
Continue to follow us for up to date information about Holomua and the Maui Pilot Process. Learn more here: Holomua on Maui
#HolomuaMarine #NearshoreWaters #MarineManagement
How It All Began
Image(s) are provided below. Please do not crop out photo credits. To download the image(s): click to enlarge, right click, and save.
Swipe through to see how the Holomua Marine Initiative came to be! The initiative’s vision is for healthy marine ecosystems and abundant nearshore resources that allow the people of Hawai‘i to enjoy coastal waters, support livelihoods, and feed our families for generations to come. To learn more about the initiative and how to get involved, follow us on socials: @HolomuaMarine or visit our website: Holomua Marine Initiative
#HolomuaMarine #NearshoreResources #CommunityEngagement #CommunityProcess #NearshoreWaters