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Maui Information Exchange Sessions
The Holomua Marine Initiative hosted three Information Exchange Sessions on Maui from September 24-26, 2024. The Navigation Team, a community-nominated group of Maui residents, has been working on developing a draft management plan for the nearshore waters of Maui for the past year and a half with support from the Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR). During these Information Exchange Sessions, the Navigation Team shared their management proposal for the first time to the public for input and feedback. The proposal included management actions that promote pono practices, align and expand restoration activities, strengthen monitoring, and continue to support place-based management planning.
The proposal was first shared to the Maui community in late September 2024 during in-person Information Exchange Sessions, and the Maui Navigation Team provided an additional opportunity for feedback online through a Google form. The team is now reviewing all of the feedback received and considering revisions to the proposal. The revised proposal and a Maui management plan will be shared for additional feedback once the drafts are updated.
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Maui Pilot Process
Holomua Marine Initiative is a place-based community led process for developing a comprehensive island-wide strategy to effectively manage the nearshore resources.
Maui is the first island to take part in the Holomua process. Over the last year and a half, the Maui Navigation Team has been meeting to discuss possible management actions and develop proposed management recommendations.
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Continue to follow us for up to date information about Holomua and the Maui Pilot Process. Learn more here: Holomua on Maui
#HolomuaMarine #NearshoreWaters #MarineManagement
How It All Began
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Swipe through to see how the Holomua Marine Initiative came to be! The initiative’s vision is for healthy marine ecosystems and abundant nearshore resources that allow the people of Hawai‘i to enjoy coastal waters, support livelihoods, and feed our families for generations to come. To learn more about the initiative and how to get involved, follow us on socials: @HolomuaMarine or visit our website: Holomua Marine Initiative
#HolomuaMarine #NearshoreResources #CommunityEngagement #CommunityProcess #NearshoreWaters