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New! Classroom Posters (Click on images for larger view)

Free for educator’s from our office.
A Teacher’s Guide
To Nene Our Endangered
State Bird

Free for educator’s, click here for details.
WatershedClassroom Poster

Free for educator’s from our office.
Wao Akua: Sacred Source of Life
 Wao Akua book cover
Available for teachers at a 30% discount at our Kalanimoku Bldg. office. Also available in
local bookstores.
From The Land And Sea

Favorite music from the Ohia Productions’ traveling theater is now available
on CD as a resource for schools from our Kalanimoku Bldg. office.
- Hawaiian Forest Activity Guide – A Forest Is More Than TreesBy completing this activity students will be able to: distinguish between differentforest types; identify the layers of a forest; discuss the use and conflicts that exist over use of forested lands; apply knowledge of specific animal and plant needs in the Hawaiian rain forest; recognize that altering a forest’s environment affects all living things and interrelationships in that environment. (Targeted to grade 5 -may be modified for other grades.)
- Watershed Activity
- Teacher’s Guide to Endangered Birds of HawaiiAs part of our rich natural heritage, the native birds of Hawai`i can be a fascinating topic of study. By exciting your students’ curiosityto learn more about these birds, you may open the door to a new opportunity for discovering more about the diverse and colorful wildlife Hawai`i has to offer. The activities presented in this guide are designed to raise students’ awareness so that as concerned citizens they may help to prevent further loss of Hawai`i’s unique and endangered bird species. Use the printable Activities and Fact Sheets together (the activities will refer to the fact sheets for more information about each bird.)Printable Activities (Grades 3-7)Coloring BookFact Sheets
Other Resources
Ohia Project
Links to “Ohia Project” Curriculum downloadable activities- Moanalua Gardens Foundation
“From1986 to 1989, Moanalua Gardens Foundation (MGF), along with Bishop Museum and the Hawai`i Department of Education (DOE), developed and disseminated the `Ohi`a Project Curriculum. The project is named for the `ohi`a lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha), an abundant and important tree in many native Hawaiian forests. The goal of the `Ohi`a Project is to assist Hawai`i
schools in implementing effective environmental education curricula to aid teachers and students in making informed choices for our island environment.” Moanalua Gardens Foundation website
Hoikeo Haleakala
Hoike o Haleakala is a multi-disciplinary, science-based environmental education curriculum designed to help sustain the native Hawaiian landscape and culture by helping students establish and deepen connections to the land and the culture it supports. The Hoike curriculum supports State of Hawaii high school educational standards, particularly in the science disciplines. Each activity is correlated to state science standards, offering educators a way to fulfill educational requirements using local ecosystems and issues as a context. These materials help bring science
home for students while fostering a strong science background and critical-thinking
skills.Hoike o Haleakala is a downloadable curriculum for High School. Although it
uses specific examples from Maui, many can be easily adapted for other islands.
Ohia ProductionsExplore the many ecological zones and habitats of our islands and discover why Hawai’i is one of the most special places on Earth through this web-resource from the popular touring show “Under The Hawaiian Sky.” Here you will find lesson plans, songs, and lots of good information about Forest Zones, Adaptive Radiation, Endangered Species, and Hawaii’s Watersheds. The Greatest Good Teacher’s GuideThis Teacher’s Guide offers K-12 educators suggestions for incorporating age-appropriate portions of the film The Greatest Good and its bonus materials into the social studies, science, math, and civics classroom. The film was produced by the U.S. Forest Service in honor of its Centennial celebration in 2005 and provides an in-depth look at natural resource management during the 20th century. The use of this film in a classroom offers an ideal way for students to study many related issues such as forest conservation, the role of fire in our society, wildlife protection, human impacts on the environment, and environmental decision-making in a democracy.
This website provides information, resources and links to learn more about how invasive species impact our lives and the environment.