Marine Invertebrates and Limu

UlaUla (Spiny lobster)
Closed season May - August;
Minimum size 3-1/4 inches (carapace length)
No spearing, whole only, not mutilated;
No taking or killing females.
HAR 13-95, HRS 188-57
Ula papapaUla pāpapa (Slipper lobster)
Closed season May - August;
Minimum size 2-3/4 inches (tail width)
No spearing, whole only, not mutilated;
No taking with eggs; no selling or holding for sale with eggs.
HAR 13-95, HRS 188-57
Kona crabPāpa‘i kualoa (Kona crab)
Closed season May - September;
Minimum size 4 inches (carapace length)
No spearing.
HAR 13-95, HRS 188-57
Kuahonu crabPāpa‘i kūhonu (kuahonu, white or "haole" crab)
Minimum size 4 inches (long or wide) (sale)
No spearing, no taking with eggs;
No selling or holding for sale with eggs.
HAR 13-95
Samoan crabSamoan crab
Minimum size 6 inches (width across back)
No spearing.
No taking or killing females.
HAR 13-95
He`eHe‘e (octopus, tako, "squid")
Minimum size 1 pound
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 1-1/4 inches (shell diameter), 1/2 inch (meat diameter, if meat only)
HAR 13-92
Clam OysterClams, oysters, and other shellfish
Season closed; taking prohibited
HAR 13-83, HAR 13-85
sea cucumbersSea cucumbers
Commercial consumptive take and sale prohibited.
Personal use limited to 10 per person per day.
Tiger tail (Holothuria hilla) and hot dog (H. edulis) sea cucumbers may be taken (from O‘ahu waters only), possessed, or sold for aquarium purposes. Bag limit 20 per person per day, until a catch limit of 3,600 animals per year is reached.
HAR 13-86.1

Coral and Live Rocks

Stony coral
Unlawful to take, break or damage, any stony coral, including any reef or mushroom coral.
Unlawful to damage any stony coral by any intentional or negligent activity causing the introduction of sediment, biological contaminants, or pollution into state waters.
Unlawful to sell or offer for sale any stony coral, except that stony coral rubble pieces or fragments imported for the manufacture and sale of coral jewelry, or dead stony coral obtained through legal dredging operations in Hawaii, may be sold.
HAR 13-95
Note: Taking of sand, dead coral, and coral rubble is prohibited statewide by HRS 171-58.5 and HRS 205A-44
Pink, gold, and black corals
Unlawful to take, destroy, possess or sell any pink or gold corals from State waters.
Unlawful to take, destroy, or possess any black coral with a base diameter of less than 3/4 inches from State waters.
Exceptions: With a permit, to take or possess pink or gold coral for scientific or educational purposes; or to take or possess pink or gold coral for commercial purposes, provided that harvesters make every effort to take only mature colonies of pink coral 10 inches or larger in height. Note: Harvesting of pink, gold or black corals may be suspended at any time.
HAR 13-91
Live rocks
Unlawful to take, break or damage, any live rock, defined as any natural hard substrate to which marine life is visibly attached or affixed.
Unlawful to damage any live rock by any intentional or negligent activity causing the introduction of sediment, biological contaminants, or pollution into state waters.
Unlawful to sell any live rock.
HAR 13-95
