
DLNR proposes to repair approximately 100 feet of a severely eroded section in the streambank of the Hanalei River. The breach is located approximately 5 river miles upstream of the river mouth. Engineering improvements to repair the stream bank will reduce future erosion and reduce chances for breaching during future flood events.

“The public can help prevent damage to our coral reefs and waste of marine life in our ocean environment by reporting abandoned nets or entangled marine life to DOCARE at 643-DLNR. Fishers can also help by registering and tagging their lay nets and following state soak time and checking time rules,” urged William J. Aila, Jr., DLNR chairperson.

On August 29, 2013, Perry D. Rauch was charged and sentenced at Wahiawa District Court for violating Hawaii Administrative Rule (H.A.R.) 13-256-63(b)(1) that prohibits motorized vessels within Waimea Bay ocean waters, specifically within 1,837 feet from the shoreline. The judgment imposed fines and court fees total $855 and 6 months probation. Violator must remain arrest and conviction free for duration of the probation period.

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