Licenses & Permits
Commercial Dealers
Aquaculture Dealer License
Applies to | Dealers, retailers, wholesalers, restaurants |
Fees | $200 for two years |
Required for | Any dealer, retailer, wholesaler, or restaurant to resell regulated marine life raised in a licensed aquaculture facility. |
Authority | HRS 187-3.5, HAR 13-74-43 |
Where to Obtain | Online, In person |
Related Online Services:
Renew your permit
New license application
Downloadable Form:
Application for Aquaculture Dealer License
Aquaculture Dealer License Specific Terms and Conditions
Commercial Marine Fisheries Business License/Permit Renewal Application
Aquaculture Facility License
Applies to | Fish pond owners and operators |
Fees | $100 |
Required for | Any fish pond owner or operator to take regulated marine life, including young mullet, from the ocean, or to acquire regulated marine life from non-ocean sources, to stock their pond or facility with the intention of raising the marine life for commercial purposes. |
Required | Initial site inspection, Letter of authorization, Take report |
Authority | HRS 187-3.5, HAR 13-74-43 |
Where to Purchase | Online, In person |
Related Online Services:
Renew your permit
New license application
Downloadable Form:
Aquaculture Facility License Specific Terms and Conditions
Commercial Marine Fisheries Business License/Permit Renewal Application
Commercial Kala Dealer Registration
Applies to | Commercial marine dealers |
Fees | None |
Required for | Any commercial marine dealer wishing to purchase and sell kala. |
Authority | HAR 13-95-11 |
Where to Obtain | In person |
Downloadable Form:
Commercial Kala Dealer Registration Specific Terms and Conditions
Commercial Marine Dealer Registration
Applies to | Wholesaler, retailer, hotel/restaurant, auction, online business |
Fees | None |
Required for | Any wholesaler, retailer, hotel/restaurant, auction, online business wishing to purchase marine resources from commercial marine licensees. |
Authority | HAR 13-74-46 |
Where to Obtain | Contact DAR at 808.587.0088 or email |
Downloadable Form:
Commercial Marine Dealer Registration Form
Commercial Uhu Dealer Registration
Applies to | Commercial marine dealers |
Fees | None |
Required for | Any commercial marine dealer wishing to purchase and sell uhu. |
Authority | HAR 13-95-16 |
Where to Obtain | In person |
Downloadable Form:
Commercial Uhu Dealer Registration Specific Terms and Conditions
Kona Crab/Lobster Closed Season Sales License
Applies to | Wholesaler, retailer, hotel/restaurant |
Fees | $100 |
Required for | Any dealer or restaurant to sell or serve during the closed season any Kona crab or lobster lawfully caught during the open season. |
Authority | HRS 188-57 |
Where to Purchase | Online, In person |
Related Online Services:
Renew your license
New license application
Add a license type
Downloadable Form:
Kona Crab and Lobster Closed Season Sales License Specific Terms and Conditions
Inventory Statement of Regulated Marine Animals
Commercial Marine Fisheries Business License/Permit Renewal Application
Special Marine Product License
Applies to | Importers, wholesalers, retailers, restaurants |
Fees | $100 |
Required for | Any importer, wholesaler, retailer, or restaurant to possess, sell, or offer for sale any marine animal or product obtained out of state and are prohibited or restricted by regulations. |
Authority | HRS 189-6 |
Where to Purchase | Online, In person |
Downloadable Form:
Special Marine Animal or Product Possession and Sales License Specific Terms and Conditions
Inventory Statement of Regulated Marine Animals
Commercial Marine Fisheries Business License/Permit Renewal Application
Commercial Fishers
Bait License
Applies to | Commercial fishers |
Fees | $100 |
Required for |
Any commercial marine licensee to use a small mesh net to take iao, Marquesan sardine, nehu, piha, tabai, and threadfin shad as live bait. |
Required | Commercial Marine License |
Authority | HRS 188-45 |
Where to Purchase | Online, In person |
Related Online Services:
Renew your license
New license application
Downloadable Form:
Bait License (non-Aku Boat) Specific Terms and Conditions
Bait (Nehu) License (Aku Boat or Live-bait Tuna Boat) Specific Terms and Conditions
Commercial Marine Fisheries Individual License/Permit Renewal Application
Bottomfish Fishing Vessel Registration
Applies to | Bottom fishers |
Fees | None |
Required for | Any vessel used to take or possess any of the Deep 7 bottomfishes for commercial or non-commercial purposes, must be registered and assigned an identification number with DAR. Vessel identification required. |
Required | Commercial Marine License, Trip report |
Authority | HAR 13-94 |
Where to Obtain | Online, In person |
Related Online Services:
New Vessel Registration
Registration Renewal
Downloadable Form:
Annual Bottomfish Vessel I.D. Registration
Commercial Kala Fishing Permit
Applies to | Commercial fishers |
Fees | $100 |
Required for | Any commercial marine licensee to wishing to catch and sell kala. |
Authority | HAR 13-95-11 |
Where to Purchase | In person |
Downloadable Form:
Commercial Marine Fisheries Individual License/Permit Renewal Application (includes kala)
Commercial Kala Fishing Permit Specific Terms and Conditions
Commercial Marine License
Applies to | Commercial fishers |
Fees | $100 (resident); $250 (non-resident) |
Required for | Any person to take (catch or harvest) marine life for commercial purposes. Includes persons providing vessel charter services. |
Required | Catch report |
Authority | HRS 189-2,3 |
Where to Purchase | Online, In person |
Related Online Services:
Renew your license
New license application
Add a license type
Submit a fishing report
Downloadable Form:
Commercial Marine Fisheries Individual License/Permit Renewal Application
Commercial License & Permit Specific Terms and Conditions (updated 08/31/21)
Commercial License & Permit General Terms and Conditions (revised 01/13/21)
Commercial Marine Vessel License
Applies to | Commercial fishers |
Fees | $100 for <22′ non-longline vessel, $200 for ≥22′ non-longline vessel, $1,500 for longline vessel |
Required | Commercial marine license; longline vessels must submit end of year report |
Authority | HAR 13-74 |
Where to Purchase | The online portal is still in development and will be available soon. |
Commercial Uhu Fishing Permit
Applies to | Commercial fishers |
Fees | $100 |
Required for | Any commercial marine licensee to wishing to catch and sell uhu. |
Authority | HAR 13-95-16 |
Where to Purchase | In person |
Downloadable Form:
Commercial Marine Fisheries Individual License/Permit Renewal Application (includes uhu)
Commercial Uhu Fishing Permit Specific Terms and Conditions
Lay Net Permit
Lay Net Permit
Applies to | Lay net fishers |
Fees | None (resident), $25 (non-resident) |
Required for | Any person to use or possess a lay net in State waters. |
Authority | HRS 188-75-12.4 |
Where to Purchase | Online |
More information | 2023 lay net amendment summary, lay net marking directions, licensing portal guide, FAQs |
Molokini Shoal MLCD Use Permit
Molokini Shoal MLCD Use Permit
Applies to | Molokini Shoal MLCD commercial operators |
Fees | $50 |
Required for | Any commercial operator who conducts dive tours, charters, and other activities within Molokini Shoal MLCD. |
Required | Documents |
Authority | HAR 13-31 |
Where to Purchase | In person at DAR Maui Office |
Additional Information:
Prohibited Areas for Surface-Supplied Air Diving (PDF)
Pre-trip Briefing and Acknowledgement (PDF)
Vessel Transfer or Change Form (PDF)
You must register with to use the new online data entry system, which replaces the former mandatory Molokini Use Log (Attachment C). Consult the Frequently Asked Questions for guidance.
For further information, see FAQ’s or call the Maui DAR office at 808-243-5294.
Papahānaumokuākea Permit
Papahānaumokuākea Permit
Applies to | Persons desiring to enter Monument waters |
Fees | None |
Required for | All activities taking place within the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. |
Authority | HAR 13-60.5 |
Where to Obtain | By mail |
Additional Information:
Entry into the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument requires an entry permit. Permit applications and instructions can be downloaded from and current applications viewed at the Papahānaumokuākea Monument’s website.
Bottomfish Fishing Vessel Registration
Applies to | Bottom fishers |
Fees | None |
Required for | Any vessel owner to take or possess any of the Deep 7 bottomfishes. Vessel identification required. |
Authority | HAR 13-94 |
Where to Obtain | Online, In person |
Related Online Services:
New Vessel Registration
Registration Renewal
Freshwater Game Fishing License
Applies to | Freshwater fishers |
Fees | Resident and military 16 yrs and over $5; minors 9-15 yrs $3; non-resident $25; 7-day tourist $10; 30-day tourist $20; seniors 65 yrs and over free. |
Required for | Any person to take any introduced freshwater sport fish. |
Authority | HRS 188-59 |
Where to Purchase | Online, In person |
Related Online Services:
Purchase a freshwater game fishing license
Retrieve existing license
Nonresident Recreational Marine Fishing License
Applies to | Saltwater fishers |
Fees | 1-day $20; 7-day $40; annual $70 |
Required for | Any nonresident age 15 or older, except active-duty military and their families, to fish recreationally in the ocean. |
Authority | HAR 13-74-11 |
Where to Purchase | Online |
More information | FAQs, licensing portal guide |
Related Online Services:
Download the NRMFL flyer or sticker images (3×3 or 5×5)
Wahiawa Public Fishing Area Entry Permit
Applies to | Freshwater fishers |
Fees | None |
Required for | Entry to fish in the Wahiawa Public Fishing Area (O’ahu). |
Required | Freshwater Game Fishing License |
Authority | HAR 13-62 |
Where to Obtain | Online, In person |
Related Online Services:
Purchase a freshwater game fishing license
Retrieve existing license
Special Activity Permit
Special Activity Permit
Applies to | Individuals |
Fees | None |
Required for |
Any individual associated with any research, educational, or management institution to collect regulated aquatic organisms or resources, use regulated gear, or collect/conduct activities in regulated areas, for research, educational or management purposes. |
Required |
Annual reports with summary of activity conducted (e.g. description of activity, data collected, results, photos, GPS coordinates, etc.). |
Authority | HRS 187A-6 |
Where to Apply |
DAR is transitioning to a new Arc GIS Online-based portal platform to submit and track Special Activity Permit applications starting May 1; the new portal will be available soon. When the new portal is launched there will be instructions to register and create a user profile and answer the questions on the portal to submit an application. If you have general questions or you need to submit an application during this time please contact Catherine Gewecke at or for assistance. Kaneohe Bay research locations: If you are choosing specific locations for your application for Kāne‘ohe Bay (O‘ahu) locations, please use this map of Kāne‘ohe Bay patch reefs. |