Miloli‘i Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area
HRS 188-22.7, HAR 13-60.10

Location |
The Miloli‘i Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area (CBSFA) includes the waters and submerged lands from the shoreline to the 100-fathom depth contour on the southwest coast of Hawai‘i Island, from Pa‘akai Point at Kīpāhoehoe in the north to Kaunā Point in the south and contains numerous sub-zones, as shown. GPS coordinates can be found in the administrative rule.
Sub-zones and their shoreline boundaries:
‘Ōpelu Traditional Management Zone:
From Nāpōhakuloloa (“2-Stone”) in the north to Kāki‘o Point (Kaupō) in the south.
Pu‘uhonua Pāpā:
From Lae o Kamimi in Pāpā Bay in the north to Makahiki Point in the south.
Pāku‘iku‘i Rest Area:
From Makahiki Point in the north to Kapulau (Honomalino Point) in the south.
Puakai‘a Miloli‘i:
From Kapukawa‘aiki (Miloli‘i Lighthouse) in the north to Lae Loa in the south.
Pu‘uhonua Honomalino:
From Kapulau (Honomalino Point) in the north to Pūke‘oke‘o (Pōhaku Ke‘oke‘o) in the south.
Pu‘uhonua Kapu‘a:
From Kalapili (Okoe Bay) in the north to Kāki‘o Point (Kaupō) in the south.
Pu‘uhonua Manukā:
From Kamoi Point (north point of Manukā Bay) in the north to the south point of Manukā Bay.
Permitted |
To possess prohibited gear and restricted species while onboard a vessel in active transit through the area, provided no prohibited gear is in the water.
To fish outside the four Pu‘uhonua except as indicated in prohibited activities below.
Within the four Pu‘uhonua:
To fish from shore using throw net, scoop net, and hook-and-line;
To fish from a vessel using hook-and-line;
To fish using a pole spear;
To fish for akule using legal nets.
Prohibited |
Aquarium fishing.
To take or possess female ‘a‘ama crab with eggs.
To take or possess kole during the months of March through June. From July through February the bag limit for kole is 20 per person per day, and minimum size is five inches.
To take or possess ‘opihi kō‘ele.
To take or possess more ‘opihi makaiauli and ‘opihi ‘ālinalina (with shell) than can fit in a one-gallon size bag per person per day.
To take or possess pāku‘iku‘i before July 1, 2027. Beginning July 1, 2027 pāku‘iku‘i bag limit is five per person per day, and minimum size is five inches.
To spear uhu at night using any gear type.
To take or possess uhu ‘ele‘ele or uhu uliuli.
To take or possess uhu ‘ahu‘ula or uhu pālukaluka during the months of March through May. From June through February the minimum size for these species is 14 inches and maximum size is 20 inches, and the bag limit is one fish per person per day.
To take or possess more than three other uhu per person per day; only one may be a terminal-phase uhu.
To take or possess more than two ula per person per day.
To take or possess any ‘ū‘ū from April through June.
Prohibited within selected areas |
‘Ōpelu Traditional Management Zone:
To take any ‘ōpelu except by hook-and-line from February through August.
The four Pu‘uhonua:
To harvest any ‘opihi;
To fish using any gear or method other than indicated in “Permitted” activities above.
Pāku‘iku‘i Rest Area:
To take or possess any pāku‘iku‘i.
Puakai‘a Miloli‘i:
To use or possess any spear except pole spear;
To spear any uhu, pāku‘iku‘i, weke ‘ula, moano kea, or ‘ū‘ū;
To use a lay net at night.