Divisions & Offices
(Click on image to watch video profiles of our divisions)
Manages the State’s marine and freshwater resources through programs in commercial fisheries and aquaculture; aquatic resources protection, enhancement and education; and recreational fisheries. Major program areas include projects to maximize commercial fishery and aquaculture productivity, protecting native and resident aquatic species and their habitat, and providing facilities and opportunities for recreational fishing consistent with the interests of the State. Issues fishing licenses.
1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 330 Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Phone 808-587-0100, FAX 808-587-0115
Watch – DAR video profile
Responsible for the management and administration of statewide ocean recreation and coastal areas programs pertaining to the ocean waters and navigable streams of the State (exclusive of commercial harbors) which include 21 small boat harbors, 54 launching ramps, 13 offshore mooring areas, 10 designated ocean water areas, 108 designated ocean recreation management areas, associated aids to navigation throughout the State, and beaches encumbered with easements in favor of the public. Registers small vessels.
Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation
4 Sand Island Access Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819
Phone 808-587-1966, FAX 808-587-1977
Watch – DOBOR video profile
Maintains an accurate, timely and permanent record system for title to real property. The Bureau examines, records, indexes, and microfilms over 344,000 Regular System and Land Court documents and maps annually; issues Land Court Certificates of Title; certifies copies of matters of record; and researches UCC requests. Hawaii is the only state in the nation with a single statewide recording office.
1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 121 Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Phone 808-587-0147, FAX 808-587-0136
The Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands is responsible for overseeing approximately 2 million acres of private and public lands that lie within the State Land Use Conservation District. In addition, to privately and publicly zoned Conservation District lands, OCCL is responsible for overseeing beach and marine lands out to the seaward extend of the State’s jurisdiction
Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands
1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 131 Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Phone 808-587-0377, FAX 808-587-0322
Watch – OCCL video profile
Responsible for enforcement activities of the Department. The division, with full police powers, enforces all State laws and rules involving State lands, State Parks, historic sites, forest reserves, aquatic life and wildlife areas, coastal zones, Conservation districts, State shores, as well as county ordinances involving county parks. The division also enforces laws relating to firearms, ammunition, and dangerous weapons.
Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement
Watch – DOCARE video profile
Engineering Division provides engineering services and technical assistance to other Departmental divisions and other State agencies to implement capital improvement or repair and maintenance projects and administer programs for Water and Land Development, Mineral Resources development, and prevention of Natural Disasters.
1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 221 Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Phone 808-587-0230, FAX 808-587-0283
Responsible for the management of State-owned forests, natural areas, public hunting areas, and plant and wildlife sanctuaries. Program areas cover watershed protection; native resources protection, including unique ecosystems and endangered species of plants and wildlife; outdoor recreation; and commercial forestry. Issues hunting permits.
Division of Forestry and Wildlife
1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 325 Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Phone 808-587-0166, FAX 808-587-0160
Watch – DOFAW video profile
Works to preserve and sustain reminders of earlier times which link the past to the present. SHPD’s three branches, History and Culture, Archaeology, and Architecture, strive to accomplish this goal through a number of different activities.
State Historic Preservation Division
601 Kamokila Boulevard Kapolei, Hawai`i, 96707
Phone 808-692-8015, FAX 808-692-8020
Responsible for the management of State-owned lands in ways that will promote the well-being of Hawaii’s people and insure that these lands are used in accordance with the goals, policies and plans of the State. Lands that are not set aside for use by other government agencies come within the direct purview of the division. The division also serves as an office of record and maintains a central repository of all government documents dating back to the “Great Mahele” of 1848.
1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 220 Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Phone 808-587-0419, FAX 808-312-6357
Manages and administers 52 state parks encompassing nearly 25,000 acres on the 5 major islands. These parks offer varied outdoor recreation and heritage opportunities. The park environments range from landscaped grounds with developed facilities to wildland areas with trails and primitive facilities. Issues camping permits.
1151 Punchbowl Street Room 310, Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Phone 808-587-0300, FAX 808-587-0311
Watch – SP video profile
The Office of the Chairperson oversees the many programs conducted by the department to protect the natural and cultural resources of the State. It consists of the Chairperson and two deputies, a Public Information Specialist, a Project Coordinator, a Legislative Advisor and administrative support staff. The Office of the Chairperson organizes and conducts the semi-monthly meeting of the Board of Land and Natural Resources, generating documentation on Board actions. It also provides support services for legislators and the department’s divisions, and informs the public and the media of special events, accomplishments and public meetings.
Office of the Chairperson
1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 130 Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Phone 808-587-0400, FAX 808-587-0390
The Administrative Services Office provides administrative support services, internal management, and comprehensive fiscal services to the Chairperson and Members of the Board, and to the 10 operating divisions and four staff offices of the Department. Major services include processing the Departmental payroll, processing all vendor encumbrances and payments, billing and collecting State land rentals and water licenses and also collecting or accounting for all other revenues and deposits except those revenues collected by the Bureau of Conveyances, and preparing financial reports.
This office also coordinates and assists in the preparation and implementation of the Departmental budgets, which in FY 2006-2007 amounted to around $92 million for the operating budget and over $60 million for the capital improvement project budget; coordinates and provides internal and external audit functions for the Department; maintains a centralized system for monitoring federal grant awards and processing reimbursement claims; and coordinates and assists with the electronic data processing and other telecommunications needs of the Department. Other responsibilities include are Departmental records management, risk management, and reorganizations.
The Administrative Services Office also provides specialized liaison services with the Department of Accounting and General Services, the Department of Budget and Finance, the Legislature, and federal agencies.
Administrative Services Office
1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 110 Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Phone 808-587-0344, FAX 808-587-0360
The Human Resources Office maintains a comprehensive personnel program for the Department. The staff provides supportive services to the Chairperson and to the nine operating divisions and the three staff offices.
Administers the personnel management program for the department including such services as position classification and compensation employee relations, recruitment and evaluation, selection and placement, labor relations, employee training and development, safety, affirmative action and equal employment opportunity, personnel transactions and maintenance of personnel records.
- Administers all departmental personnel management activities.
- Advises the department’s director, administrators, managers and other employees regarding interpretation and application of appropriate personnel management practices; new and existing State and Federal personnel laws, rules, regulations, and policies; and collective bargaining agreements.
- Assists departmental units in planning for personnel needs.
- Plans, coordinates and conducts departmental recruitment, evaluation, selection, and placement; position classification and compensation; employee relations; labor relations; training and safety; and affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs and activities.
- Serves as the department’s liaison unit with the Department of Human Resources and Development and labor organizations
- Supervises and coordinates the processing, recording, and reporting of all personnel transactions.
- Provides technical support services for personnel management programs.
- Maintains departmental personnel records.
- Complete job announcements, minimum qualification requirements and online applications may be found HERE.
Human Resources Office
1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 231 Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
Phone 808-587-0180, FAX 808-587-0188
“The Dept. of Land and Natural Resources Communications Office, located in the Chairperson’s Office is responsible for the coordination, production, and dissemination of internal and external communications and products to the news media and DLNR staff and leadership. The communications team facilitates all requests for comment or information as well as requests for records and documents under Hawaii’s Uniform Information Practices Act (UIPA). Contact information for DLNR Communications Office representatives is listed below.”
All media inquiries should be directed to dlnr.comms@hawaii.gov 808-587-0396.
Dan Dennison, Communications Director, dan.w.dennison@hawaii.gov
Tel: (808) 587-0407
Ryan Aguilar, Communications Specialist, ryan.aguilar@hawaii.gov
Tel: (808) 587-0418
Patti Jette, Communications Specialist, patricia.m.jette@hawaii.gov
Tel: (808) 587-0320
Hawaii Dept. of Land and Natural Resources
Office of the Chairperson, Communications Office
1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 131
Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: (808) 587-0396
Quick Links …
- Aquatic Resources Division (DAR)
- Bureau of Conveyances (BOC)
- Boating and Ocean Recreation (DOBOR)
- Commission on Water Resource Management (CWRM)
- Conservation and Resource Enforcement (DOCARE)
- Engineering Division (ENG)
- Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW)
- Kaho`olawe Island Reserve Commission (KIRC)
- Land Division (LAND)
- Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands (OCCL)
- State Parks (SP)
- State Historic Preservation (SHPD)
Land Board Meetings
- Land Board Meetings in 2025
- Land Board Meetings in 2024
- Land Board Meetings in 2023
- Land Board Meetings in 2022
- Land Board Meetings in 2021
- Land Board Meetings in 2020
- Land Board Meetings in 2019
- Land Board Meetings in 2018
- Land Board Meetings in 2017
- Land Board Meetings in 2016
- Land Board Meetings in 2015
- Land Board Meetings in 2014
- Land Board Meetings in 2013
- Land Board Meetings in 2012
- Prior Meeting Minutes 2011-1981
- Prior Mtg Submittals 2012-2003
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