Land Board Submittals – 9/9/22


                                         DATE:             September 9, 2022

          TIME:              9:15 A.M.

LOCATION:   In person at 1151 Punchbowl St. Room 132
(Kalanimoku Building),
Online via ZOOM, Livestream via YouTube


Board members, staff, applicants, and testifiers can choose to participate either in-person, via ZOOM or by telephone.  NOTE: The Board members will be participating via ZOOM for this meeting.  Members of the public are asked to wear a mask if attending in-person.

Meeting materials are available for public review in advance of the meeting at:

The meeting will be livestreamed at:

To provide in-person testimony (Please wear a mask):
Attend live at 1151 Punchbowl St. Room 132 (Kalanimoku Building), Honolulu, Hawaii

To provide video testimony:
Send your request to
Include your name and the agenda item on which you would like to testify. Once your request has been received, you will receive an email with the Zoom link. Requests may be made during the meeting.

To provide oral testimony by telephone:
Dial: +1 (669) 900-6833
At the prompts, enter:
Meeting ID: 871 6483 9287 #  Passcode: 777320#
Note: To unmute, press *6.

Written Testimony:

Interested persons can submit written testimony in advance of each meeting that will be distributed to Board Members prior to the meeting. Submit written testimony to or via postal mail to the Board of Land and Natural Resources at P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, Hawaii 96809.  We request written testimony be submitted no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting to ensure time for Board Member review. Late written testimony will be retained as part of the record and distributed to Board Members as soon as practicable, but we cannot ensure that Board Members will receive it with sufficient time for review prior to decision-making.

The Board may go into Executive Session pursuant to Section 92-5(a)(4), Hawaii Revised, Statutes, in order to consult with its attorney on questions and issues pertaining to the Board’s powers, duties, privileges, immunities, and liabilities.

Individuals requiring special assistance or auxiliary aids or services (e.g., sign language interpreter), please contact staff at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at 808.587.0404 so that arrangements can be made.

In some of the matters before the Board, a person may wish to request a contested case hearing.  If such a request is made before the Board’s decision, then the Board will consider the request first – before considering the merits of the item before it.  A person who wants a contested case may also wait until the Board decides the issue, then request the contested case after the decision.  It is up to you.  Any request must be made in writing within ten days.  If no request for contested case is made, the Board will make a decision.  The Department will treat the decision as final and proceed accordingly.


1.    Approval of the Board meeting held on June 24, 2022, Summary Minutes



1.    Consent to Assign General Lease No. S-5425, Amy M. Kaawaloa and Andrea M. Kaawaloa-Okita, Assignors, to Jolynn M. Kaawaloa-Casco, Assignee, Lot 35, KikalaKeokea Residential Subdivision, Kalapana Section, Puna, Island of Hawaii; Tax Map Key: (3) 1-2-043:025.

2.    Amend Prior Board Action of July 22, 2022, Item D-5, Authorize the Issuance of a Request for Qualifications / Request for Proposals for Lease of Improved Public Lands; Waiakea, South Hilo, Hawaii, Tax Map Key: (3) 2-1-005:020.

The purpose of the amendment is to delete a reference in Recommendation 2 of the prior Board action to the sale of improvements on the subject lands and affirm that the Request for Qualifications / Request for Proposals seeks to issue a lease of improved public lands.

3.    Amend Grant of Perpetual, Non-Exclusive Easements under Land Office Deed (LOD) No. 28,942, State of Hawaii, Board of Land and Natural Resources, Grantor, to RCFC Kaloko Heights, LLC, Grantee, for Access and Utility Purposes Over the Road To The Sea Trail at Kaloko, North Kona, Hawaii, TMK: (3) 7-3-009: portions of 032 and 071.

The purpose of the amendment is to relocate one (1) of the four easements to allow development of the Kaloko Heights Affordable Housing Project.

4.    Consent to Placement of Additional Notice of Federal Interest on Leasehold Improvements (Rehabilitation Center) and Approve Third Amendment of General Lease No. S-5548, Hana Health, a Hawai`i nonprofit corporation, formerly known as Hana Community Health Center, Inc., Lessee, Kawaipapa, Hana, Maui, Tax Map Keys: (2) 1-4-003:022 and 024.

5.    Issuance of Right-of-Entry Permit to Kupono Partners LLC to Perform Archaeological Inventory Survey (AIS) at Kalepolepo Beach, Waiakoa & Waiohuli-Keokea (Kihei), Wailuku, Maui; Tax Map Keys (TMK): (2) 3-9-001: Seaward of 015, 025, 083, 120, 147 and Landward Portion of 025 [Testimony]

6.    Issuance of Right-of-Entry Permit to Waikiki Beach Activities, Inc. over portion of Duke Kahanamoku Beach for Beach Activities Purposes on September 19, 2022, Waikiki, Honolulu, Oahu, Tax Map Key: (1) 2-3-037: Portion of 021.



1.    Continuation of Revocable Permit Parking Concession to Secure Parking LLC, for Management of Vehicular Parking in the Designated Areas Located Within the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor, Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Identified by Tax Map Keys: (1) 2-6-010:003 (Portion), (1) 2-3-037:012 (Portion), 024: 027: 033: 035 and 037; and

Declare Project Exempt from Requirements of Chapter 343, HRS and Title 11, Chapter 200.1, Hawaii Administrative Rules.

2.     Issuance of a Revocable Permit to Darryl and Lauren Fujimoto, Husband and Wife, located at Honokohau Small Boat Harbor, Kealakehe, North Kona, Hawaii, Tax Map Key: (3) 7-4-008:003 (Portion); and

Declare Project Exempt from Requirements of Chapter 343, Hawaii Revised Statutes and Title 11, Chapter 200.1, Hawaii Administrative Rules.

3.     Issuance of a Revocable Permit to Frank V. Coluccio Construction Company, Inc., for Purposes of Trailer Office, Boat and Marine Equipment Storage, Situated at Kalihi-Kai, Island of Oahu, Hawaii, Identified by Tax Map Key: (1) 1-2-023:037; and

Declare Project Exempt from Requirements of Chapter 343, HRS and Title 11, Chapter 200.1, Hawaii Administrative Rules.



1.    Issuance of a Revocable Permit to Install an Above-Ground Fuel Storage Tank and to Stage a Fuel Truck, Pacific Flight Academy LLC, Daniel K. Inouye International Airport, Tax Map Key: (1) 1-1-76: Portion of 002.

2.    Issuance of a Revocable Permit for Counter Space in the Commuter Terminal for Air Charter Operations, K & S Helicopters, Inc., Kahului Airport, Tax Map Key: (2) 3-8-01: Portion of 217.

3.    Amendment to Prior Board Action of April 8, 2022, Item M-12, Request an Amendment to the Area, Term of Lease, and the Annual Rental and Rental Reopening’s, Issuance of a Directly Negotiated Charter Terminal Lease, Lanai Resorts, LLC dba Pulama Lanai, Lanai Airport, Tax Map Key: (2) 4-9-002: Portion of 041 and (2) 4-9-002: 059.

4.    Issuance of Lease by Direct Negotiation to Liquid Robotics, Inc., for North Shed and Adjacent Open, Paved area, situated at Kawaihae Harbor, Island of Hawaii, Tax Map Key Nos: (3) 6-1-003: Portion of 023 and (3) 6-1-003: Potion of 048, Governor’s Executive Order 1862.

5.    Issuance of a Month-to-Month Revocable Permit to Hawaiian Cruises, Limited, for Office Space, Fast Land, and Submerged Land situated at Pier 6, Honolulu Harbor, Oahu, Tax Map Key Nos.: (1) 2-1-001: Portion of 059, and (1) 2-1-001: Portion of 057, Governor’s Executive Order No. 3542.

6.    Consent to Sublease under Harbor Lease No. H-05-24, Fresh Island Fish, LLC, Lessee, to Nami Kaze LLC, Pier 38, Honolulu Harbor, Island of Oahu, Tax Map Key No. (1) 1-5-042: Portion of 007, Governor’s Executive Order No. 1346 and 4092.

7.    Authorize Conveyance of subject Property, designated as Parcel 4, formerly a portion of Remnant R-1, East Molokai Road, Federal Secondary Aid Project No. FAS 2-A (1), Molokai, Maui, Hawaii, Tax Map Key (2) 5-4-001:102 (portion). The remainder of Remnant R-1 was sold by the State of Hawaii, in Liber 12219, Page 364.