Marine Fishes and Other Vertebrates

Minimum size 3 pounds (sale)
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 5 inches
HAR 13-95
‘Ama‘ama‘Ama‘ama (striped mullet)
Closed season December - March
Minimum size 11 inches (see measurement guide)
HAR 13-95, HRS 188-44
Minimum size 9 inches
HAR 13-95
Closed season June - August
Minimum size 11 inches
Bag limit 15
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 14 inches
HAR 13-95
UhuUhu (all species, except as noted below)
Minimum size 10 inches
Bag limit 2 total all species
HAR 13-95
uhu 'ele'eleUhu ‘ele‘ele
No take on Maui
Minimum size 14 inches
Bag limit 2 total all species
Commercial fishers may take and sell more than 2 ulu ‘ele‘ele with a permit
HAR 13-95
HAR 13-95.1
How to identify regulated large uhu species (pdf)
uhu uliuliUhu uliuli
No take on Maui
Minimum size 14 inches
Bag limit 2 total all species
HAR 13-95
HAR 13-95.1
How to identify regulated large uhu species (pdf)
uhu palukalukaUhu pālukaluka
Minimum size 14 inches
Bag limit 2 (total all species)
Commercial fishers may take and sell more than 2 uhu pālukaluka with a permit
HAR 13-95
HAR 13-95.1
How to identify regulated large uhu species (pdf)
uhu 'ahu 'ulaUhu ‘ahu‘ula
Minimum size 14 inches
Bag limit 2 (total all species)
HAR 13-95
HAR 13-95.1
How to identify regulated large uhu species (pdf)
Ulua and papioUlua and pāpio
Minimum size 10 inches
Minimum size 16 inches for sale
Bag limit 20 (total all species, non-commercial only)
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 10 inches (statewide except Maui)
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 12 inches (Maui rules)
Bag limit 1 (Maui rules)
HAR 13-95.1
Minimum size 7 inches (statewide except Maui)
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 8 inches (Maui rules)
HAR 13-95.1
moano_keaMoano kea (Maui rules)
Minimum size 12 inches
Bag limit 2
HAR 13-95.1
munuMunu (Maui rules)
Minimum size 8 inches
Bag limit 2
HAR 13-95.1
Weke and ‘OamaWeke and ‘oama (statewide except Maui)
Minimum size 7 inches (sale)
Bag limit 50 ‘oama (‘oama are weke under 7 inches)
HAR 13-95

Weke ‘ā, weke ‘ula, and ‘oama (Maui rules)
Minimum size 8 inches
Bag limit 50 ‘oama (‘oama are weke under 8 inches)
‘Oama may be taken by hook-and-line only
HAR 13-95.1
weke_nonoWeke nono (Maui rules)
Minimum size 12 inches
HAR 13-95.1
weke4crAll other goatfishes (Maui rules)
Minimum size 8 inches
HAR 13-95.1
Minimum size 14 inches
Bag limit 4
Commercial fishers may take and sell more than 4 kala per day with a permit
HAR 13-95
‘Opelu kalaKala ‘ōpelu
Minimum size 16 inches
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 5 inches
HAR 13-95
Minimum size 6 inches
HAR 13-95
Take prohibited in West Hawaii Regional Fishery Management Area through 12/17/26
HAR 13-60.4
`Ula`ula koa`e‘Ula‘ula koa‘e (onaga)
Minimum size 1 pound (sale)
Bag limit 5 (total all Deep 7 species, applies to non-commercial fishing only)
See additional bottomfishing information
HAR 13-95, HAR 13-94, HAR 13-74
Minimum size 1 pound (sale)
Bag limit 5 (total all Deep 7 species, applies to non-commercial fishing only)
See additional bottomfishing information
HAR 13-95, HAR 13-94, HAR 13-74
`Ula`ula‘Ula‘ula (ehu)
Bag limit 5 (total all Deep 7 species, applies to non-commercial fishing only)
See additional bottomfishing information
HAR 13-94, HAR 13-74
Bag limit 5 (total all Deep 7 species, applies to non-commercial fishing only)
See additional bottomfishing information
HAR 13-94, HAR 13-74
Bag limit 5 (total all Deep 7 species, applies to non-commercial fishing only)
See additional bottomfishing information
HAR 13-94, HAR 13-74
`Ukikiki‘Ukikiki (gindai)
Bag limit 5 (total all Deep 7 species, applies to non-commercial fishing only)
See additional bottomfishing information
HAR 13-94, HAR 13-74
Bag limit 5 (total all Deep 7 species, applies to non-commercial fishing only)
See additional bottomfishing information
HAR 13-95, HAR 13-94
Minimum size 1 pound (spearing and sale)
HAR 13-95
Akule and HalaluAkule and halalū
Unlawful to take akule under
8-1/2 inches with net July through October, or possess or sell more than 200 pounds of akule under
8-1/2 inches per day from July through October
See additional akule net rules
HAR 13-95
No minimum mesh size;
Unlawful to use animal bait except with hook-and-line in waters of South Kona between Kiilae-Keokea and Kapua-Kaulanamauna boundaries
HAR 13-95
Bag limit one gallon (home consumption);
Nets over 50 feet for commercial use only;
Bait license required for commercial use;
Unlawful to sell or trade dried or cured nehu
HAR 13-95, HAR 13-90, HRS 188-45
Commercial use only, bait license required;
Unlawful to sell or trade dried or cured ‘iao
HAR 13-95, HRS 188-45
shark and rayMano (shark) and hīhīmau (ray)
Unlawful to intentionally or knowingly capture or entangle any shark or ray, whether alive or dead, or kill any shark or ray in state marine waters.
HRS 188-39.5, HRS 188-40.8

Other Regulated Marine Vertebrates

HonuHonu (Sea turtles)
No open season
Federal laws also apply to these endangered and threatened species
HRS 195D-4
‘Ilio-holo-i-ka-uaua‘Īlioholoikauaua (Hawaiian monk seal)
Unlawful to molest, kill, capture, or possess at any time;
Federal laws also apply to these endangered species
HRS 195D-4