Posted on Dec 20, 2021 in Forestry & Wildlife, Hunter Ed, Main, Media, News Releases, slider
News Release

For Immediate News Release: December 20, 2021


(Lānaʻi City) – The DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) announce that online applications for a combination 2022 Lānaʻi Axis Deer and Mouflon Sheep hunting season will be available beginning Monday, January 10, 2022.  A ten-dollar ($10.00) application fee will be assessed for each person applying for the hunt. The application fee is non-refundable even if the hunt is canceled or you are unable to participate. A game mammal tag fee will be assessed at the time of hunter check-in.  Hawaiʻi residents will be assessed twenty dollars ($20.00) and non-Hawaiʻi residents one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00) for each Axis deer and Mouflon sheep tag.  Accepted forms of payment for game mammal tags include debit cards, credit cards, and cash.

It is important that hunter applicants obtain and pay attention to the hunt announcement, instruction sheet, and addendum; and monitor online information for any changes that may be made to the application process and/or hunting season. Due to Covid-19, the 2022 Lānaʻi Axis Deer and Mouflon Sheep hunting season may be modified, rescheduled, temporarily postponed, restarted, or canceled at any point prior to or during the season for health and/or safety concerns or for any other unforeseen reasons.  All Federal, State, and County Covid-19 restrictions/guidelines apply and must be adhered to for participation in this hunt.  Hunters will be required to follow all Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines.

Hunt Dates, Special Conditions, and Procedures

Pursuant to Title 13, Chapter 123, “Rules Regulating Game Mammal Hunting” (13-123-4) the following special conditions and procedures will be in effect for this hunt.

The 2022 Lānaʻi Axis Deer and Mouflon Sheep Season will consist of four separate hunts:


  • The Archery Hunt will be held over two nine-day periods and consist of two draws. Subject to limited participation for non-Lānaʻi residents.
  • The first draw hunt will begin on May 14, 2022, and end on May 22, 2022.
  • The second draw hunt will begin on May 28, 2022, and end on June 5, 2022.


  • The Youth Hunt will be open from Wednesday through Sunday, June 8-12, 2022. Subject to limited participation for non-Lānaʻi residents.


  • The Muzzleloader Hunt will be open from Wednesday through Sunday, June 15-19, 2022. Subject to limited participation for non-Lānaʻi residents.


  • The General Rifle Hunt will be held over eighteen consecutive weeks and open on Wednesdays through Sundays, beginning on June 22, 2022, and ending on October 23, 2022. Subject to limited participation for non-Lānaʻi residents.


All four hunts will be subject to a lottery drawing.  There will be no standby hunting opportunities for the four hunts.  Drawn hunters will receive an application/permit card in the mail indicating the date drawn.

Hunter assistants will only be allowed to accompany hunters who are senior citizens (age 65 or older) or disabled.  Proper documentation is required at the time of hunter check-in.

The 2022 Lānaʻi Axis deer and Mouflon sheep season will be a combination hunt.  The bag limit for Axis deer will be three animals: two does and one deer of either sex.  Hunters will be required to purchase two doe tags before being able to purchase an either-sex Axis deer tag.  If conditions allow, doe bag limits will be increased with hunters being issued free doe tags after the purchase of all upfront tags.  The bag limit for Mouflon sheep will be four: two ewes, one Mouflon sheep of either sex and one non-typical ram.  Hunters will be required to purchase two ewe tags before being able to purchase an either-sex Mouflon sheep tag.  A non-typical ram tag will be issued free of charge if one Mouflon sheep tag is purchased.  All heads of non-typical rams must be disposed of properly in the field or at the Lānaʻi hunter check station.  Tags are non-transferable and are valid only for the specific hunt for which it was issued.

Archers must apply for this hunt by submitting an application.  The group size for the archery hunt will be eight hunters.  Due to a new format for the archery hunt, a lottery drawing to assign hunting dates for the Archery Hunt will be conducted.  Hunters applying for the Archery Hunt will be allowed to apply for and may be able to participate in either the Muzzleloader Hunt or the General Rifle Hunt.  Archery hunters may check in on the Thursday or Friday preceding the first day of the Archery Hunt between the hours of 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM or daily during the hunt between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM to validate permits and acquire their tags.  Hunter Check-in and harvest reporting will be available through the OuterSpatial Trails and Hunting mobile application and purchasing of tags may be available online at https://gohunthawaii.ehawaii.gov/public/tags, requiring hunters to only sign Pūlama Lānaʻi waiver forms at the check station.  Checking in and purchasing of tags will remain available at the Lānaʻi hunter check station.  Check station hours may be modified based on hunter participation levels and online check-in/tag purchase options.  Archery hunters must check out of the hunting area daily and report their take or their intent to hunt the next day providing their tags remain unfilled. 

Axis Deer and Mouflon Sheep Hunting Opportunities for Youth Hunters

  • Youth hunters must be 15 years of age or younger (HAR 13-123-2) on the hunt date, possess a valid 2021-22 or 2022-23 State of Hawaiʻi hunting license, and be accompanied by a non-hunting adult (18 years of age or older) who also possesses a valid 2021-22 or 2022-23 State of Hawaiʻi hunting license.  Youth hunters must apply to participate in this hunt.
  • Youth hunters will be issued tags at the time of hunter check-in.  Tags are valid only for the specific hunt applied for.
  • Youth hunters will be limited to carrying one (1) type of hunting equipment while in the hunting area.  Blaze orange is required for all youths and accompanying adults.
  • Youth hunters who apply for the youth hunt will be allowed to apply for and may be able to participate in the archery and the muzzleloader or general rifle hunts. 


Interested hunters must apply for either the Muzzleloader Hunt or the General Rifle Hunt but may not apply for bothThe group size for the muzzleloader and general rifle hunt will be eight (8). Muzzleloader applicants will automatically be assigned to the scheduled date. General Rifle Hunt dates will be assigned by lottery drawing.

Applying for the Hunt

Due to Covid-19, hunters will be required to apply online for this hunt at https://gohunthawaii.ehawaii.gov. Please select 2022 Lānaʻi Axis Deer and Mouflon Sheep Season. The DEADLINE for submitting applications will be 4:00 PM on Friday, February 11, 2022

Public drawings for the archery and for the youth and muzzleloader hunts will be held at 10:00 am on Friday, March 11, 2022, at the DOFAW Maui base yard in Kahului, with limited public participation.  The public drawing for the General Rifle Hunt lottery will be held at 12:00 noon at the above location.  The Lānaʻi resident public drawing will be held at 9:00 am at the same location.

All eligible Youth, Muzzleloader and General Rifle participants must check-in either on Tuesday preceding their assigned hunting date between 8:00 am and 7:00 PM or on Wednesday through Friday between 7:00 – 9:00 AM and 1:30 – 3:30 PM at the DOFAW office in Lānaʻi City to certify hunter permits and acquire their tags.  Hunter Check-in and harvest reporting will be available through the OuterSpatial Trails and Hunting mobile application and purchasing of tags may be available online at https://gohunthawaii.ehawaii.gov/public/tags, requiring hunters to only sign Pūlama Lānaʻi waiver forms at the check station.  Checking in and purchasing of tags will also remain available at the Lānaʻi hunter check station.  Check station hours may be modified based on hunter participation levels and online check-in/tag purchase options. Once each hunter fills all allocated tags, they will not be eligible to participate for the remainder of the 2022 Lānaʻi Axis Deer and Mouflon Sheep Season.  Hunting Units 1, 2, and 3 will be open for the Archery Hunt.  For the Youth, Muzzleloader, and General Rifle hunting season, Units 1 and 2 will be available for hunting Wednesdays through Sundays.


 Additional details for this season, or about the hunting program and rules in general, are available at state DOFAW offices by visiting https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/recreation/hunting, or at the following telephone numbers:


            Oʻahu: 587-0166                                 Maui: 984-8100

            Hawaiʻi: 974-4221 (Hilo)                     Molokaʻi: 553-1745

            Kauaʻi: 274-3433                                 Lānaʻi: 565-7916

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For more information on the OuterSpatial mobile hunter check in and harvest reporting feature please go to: https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dofaw/app/

Media Contact:

AJ McWhorter
Communications Specialist
Hawai’i Department of Land and Natural Resources
808-587-0396 (Communications Office)