
The following reports are in pdf format. Approximate file size is noted if 1 MB or greater.

Reports to the Legislature

Report on findings and recommendations regarding the populations status of individual species and families of coral reef herbivores around the island of O‘ahu. A report prepared by the DLNR in response to Senate Resolution 104 (2024), December 2024. (9 MB)

Findings and recommendations of effectiveness of the West Hawai‘i Regional Fishery Management Area. A report prepared by the DLNR in response to Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §188F-5, November 2024. (14 MB)

Findings and recommendations of effectiveness of the West Hawai‘i Regional Fishery Management Area. A report prepared by the DLNR in response to Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §188F-5, November 2019. (4.7 MB)

A report on the findings and recommendations of effectiveness of the West Hawai‘i Regional Fishery Management Area. A report prepared by the DLNR in response to Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §188F-5, December 2014. (2.5 MB)

A report on the findings and recommendations of effectiveness of the West Hawai‘i Regional Fishery Management Area. A report prepared by the DLNR in response to Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §188F-5, January 2010. (1.4 MB)

Report on the progress for the adoption of rules to regulate the ornamental reef fishery industry in South Maui and Kane‘ohe Bay, Oahu, to confer with geographical stakeholders, and to propose appropriate legislation. A report prepared by the DLNR in response to House Concurrent Resolution 347, Regular Session of 2008.

Report on the implementation of Act 134, Session Laws of Hawai‘i 2000. A report prepared by the DLNR in compliance with Section 18.3 of Act 160, SLH 2006, relating to Alien Aquatic Organisms.

Requesting participation in a federal program to assist states in obtaining scrapped federal ships to use as artificial reefs in the waters of the State of Hawai‘i. A report prepared by the DLNR in response to Senate Concurrent Resolution 143, Regular Session of 2005.

A report on the findings and recommendations of effectiveness of the West Hawai‘i Regional Fishery Management Area. A report prepared by the DLNR in response to Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §188F-5, December 2004.

Report on a request to establish a task force to study the feasibility of establishing a freshwater fishery at the Wahiawa Reservoir, Oahu. A report prepared by the DLNR in response to House Concurrent Resolution 200, Regular Session of 2002. (1 MB)

A report on the development of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve Operations Plan and clarification of the State’s role and responsibilities. A report prepared by the DLNR in response to Senate Concurrent Resolution 89, Regular Session of 2001.

Technical Reports

Moloka‘i Island Gill-net Project, May 2008 to June 2009. Puleloa, W. DAR Tech Rep. 12-01. December 2012. Division of Aquatic Resources, Molokai. (10 MB)

Hawaii’s Ulua and Papio Tagging Project, 2000 to 2004. Tagawa, A. and C. Tam. DAR Tech Rep. 06-01. May 2006. Division of Aquatic Resources, Honolulu. (1.6 MB)

Stream macroalgae of Hawai‘i: an identification guide to the common genera. Sherwood, A. DAR Tech Rep. 04-02. May 2004. Division of Aquatic Resources, Honolulu. (8.4 MB)

Seasonality of algae in Waiahole and Kahana streams, Windward O‘ahu, Hawai‘i. Sherwood, A. DAR Tech Rep. 04-01. May 2004. Division of Aquatic Resources, Honolulu. (3.4 MB)

Evaluation of the status of the recreational fishery for ulua in Hawai‘i, and recommendations for future management. Gaffney, R. DAR Tech. Rep. 20-02. October 2000. Division of Aquatic Resources, Honolulu. (2 MB)

A review of the biology of the family Carangidae, with emphasis on species found in Hawaiian waters. Honebrink, R. DAR Tech. Rep. 20-01. October 2000. Division of Aquatic Resources, Honolulu. (5.1 MB)

Other Reports

Aloha i ke Kai Annual Report 2024. January 2025. Division of Aquatic Resources (8 MB)

Data Review and Management Brief for the West Hawaiʻi Commercial Aquarium Fishery (Updated). March 2024, updated July 2024. Division of Aquatic Resources (5 MB)

Data Review and Management Brief for the West Hawaiʻi Commercial Aquarium Fishery (Updated With Track Changes Shown). March 2024, updated July 2024. Division of Aquatic Resources (5.3 MB)

DAR Accomplishment Report 2023. January 2024. Division of Aquatic Resources (27 MB)

Nonresident Recreational Marine Fishing License Overview and Spend Plan. 2023. Division of Aquatic Resources (4 MB)

Ocean Stewardship User Fee Overview and Spend Plan. 2023. Division of Aquatic Resources (7 MB)

Weng K.C., A.M. Friedlander, L. Gajdzik, W. Goodell, R.T. Sparks (2023). Decreased tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic positively affects reef fish in a high use marine protected area. PLoS ONE 18(4): e0283683.

DAR 2022 Accomplishments Letter. January 2023. Division of Aquatic Resources. (19.5 MB)

DAR Accomplishment Highlights for 2021. December 2021. Division of Aquatic Resources. (3.7 MB)

Sustainable Herbivore Management. November 2021. Division of Aquatic Resources. (9.5 MB)

Peyton, K. et al. April 2021. Aquatic species monitoring of East Maui streams and estuaries at 100% base flow conditions. Division of Aquatic Resources. (5.3 MB)

State of Hawai‘i Ocean Acidification Action Plan 2021-2031. Division of Aquatic Resources. (4.2 MB)

State of Hawai‘i Sport Fish Restoration Strategy 2021-2025. Division of Aquatic Resources. (6.9 MB)

Mo‘omomi Community Based Subsistence Fishing Area testimony compilation and summary. December 2020. Division of Aquatic Resrouces.

Rodgers, K. et al. August 2020. 2019 long-term monitoring and assessment of the Hā‘ena, Kaua‘i Community Based Subsistence Fishing Area, Year 4 CBSFA efficacy study. Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology. (4.7 MB)

Walsh, W.J., J.P. Zamzow, and L. Kramer. November 2018. Continued long-term decline of the coral reef biota at Puakō and Pauoa, West Hawai‘i (1979-2008). Division of Aquatic Resources. (1.5 MB)

Herbivore biocontrol and manual removal successfully reduce invasive macroalgae on coral reefs. August 2018. Neilson, B.J., C.B. Wall, F.T. Mancini, and C.A. Gewecke. PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.5332. (7.3 MB)

Goodell, W. and A. Friedlander. June 2018. Marine resource assessment of Moloka‘i’s north coast (‘Ilio Point – Kalaupapa). Fisheries Ecology Research Lab. (1.5 MB). See also the study’s summary report.

Sackett DK, Kelley CD, Drazen JC (2017) Spilling over deepwater boundaries: evidence of spillover from two deepwater restricted fishing areas in Hawaii. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 568:175-190.

Final report on the movements of predatory reef fishes in the Molokini Marine Life Conservation District. June 2016. Friedlander, A., A. Filous, A. Wong, and R. Sparks. University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. (3.3 MB)

Spatial dynamics of tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) around Maui and Oahu. Meyer, C. et al. May 2016. Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. (4 MB)

Japanese tsunami marine debris aerial imagery analysis and GIS support in the Main Hawaiian Islands. April 2016. Hawai‘i Coral Reef Initiative. (13 MB)

Maui and Lanai monitoring report. Sparks, R. et al. December 2015. Division of Aquatic Resources, Maui. (18.7 MB)

Evaluating the effectiveness of Restricted Fishing Areas for improving the bottomfish fishery in the Main Hawaiian Islands. September 2014. Drazen, J. C., V. Moriwake, D. Sackett, and C. Demarke. University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. (15 MB)

Weng, K and R Honebrink. Occurrence of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in Hawaiian waters. Journal of Marine Biology, vol. 2013, Article ID 598745, 7 pages, 2013.

Long-term monitoring of coral reefs of the Main Hawaiian Islands, final report. Walsh, W. et al. Hawai‘i Island monitoring report NA09NOS4260100. February 2013. Division of Aquatic Resources/NOAA. (pdf, approx. 3 MB)

Northwestern Hawaiian Islands/Kure Atoll Assessment and Monitoring Program. Final Report. Walsh, W., R. Okano, R. Nishimoto, and B. Carman. Results of a September 2001 research study at Kure Atoll. March 2002.

From the DAR Archives

Kelly, K. and A. Messer. 2005. Main Hawaiian Island lobsters: Commercial catch and dealer data analysis (1984-2004). (2.4 MB)

Miyasaka, A. 1996. A compiled key to the living sea urchins in and around the Hawaiian Islands. (1.5 MB)

Division of Aquatic Resources. 1987. Hawaii commercial fishing survey. (2.5 MB)

Onizuka, E. 1972. Management and development investigations of the Kona crab, Ranina ranina (Linnaeus). Final report. (2.4 MB)

McGinnis, F. 1972. Management investigation of two species of spiny lobsters, Panulirus japonicas and P. penicillatus. (1.1 MB)