HONOLULU -- It’s Fall in Hawai‘i, and once again time to watch out for the “fallout” of young seabirds on our islands. At this time of year, native Hawaiian seabirds become disoriented by artificial lights during their maiden flights from their burrows out to sea.
News Releases
LIHU‘E -- The DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife(DOFAW) will reopen the 2.1-mile-long Nualolo Cliff hiking trail on Kaua‘i on Saturday, November 11, 2017, following completion of work by state trail crews to reroute portions of the trail that were washed out and eroded.
HILO, HAWAII -- The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) Division of State Parks has completed repair work to the 0.4-mile loop trail at Akaka Falls State Park necessitated due to accidental damage caused by earlier removal of invasive albizia trees in February this year.
HONOLULU -- The DLNR Division of State Parks announces updated full closure days and half-day closure dates for a continuing project to remove rockfall hazards along the Diamond Head State Monument summit trail. Anyone planning to hike the summit trail between late November and into mid-December, needs to carefully review the construction schedule that now includes some all-day weekday closures. See the Division of State Parks website at https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dsp/parks/oahu/diamond-head-state-monument/
The first of three phases of capital improvement construction costing just over $4.2 million, that will last almost a year, is underway at Hapuna Beach State Recreation Area. These will affect the makai and mauka areas of the Hapuna Beach section and the park’s Waialea section. Work is being done by contractor Site Engineering, Inc.
In celebration of Arbor Day in Hawaii on November 4, the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) invites native plant enthusiasts to plant sales and giveaways happening across the state this weekend. DOFAW plant nurseries on Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Maui, and Hawaiʻi island will be offering a variety of native plants to encourage their use in home gardening and landscaping.
The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), O‘ahu Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) and the Moanalua Gardens Foundation (MGF), in conjunction with Community Planning & Engineering, Inc. (CPE) have begun road repairs to the Kamananui Valley Road in Moanalua Valley. Kamananui Valley Road and the popular Kulana‘ahane hiking trail will remain open during regular trail hours; however, some phases of the project will require periodic, full-valley closures.
BLNR Chair Suzanne Case issued the following statement today about protesters at Friday’s Land Board meeting calling for Board Member Sam Gon’s resignation.
The Department of Land and Natural Resources announces the opening of the 2017-2018 game bird hunting season on Saturday, November 4, 2017. The fall game bird hunting season will run through Sunday, January 28, 2018. A valid hunting license and a game bird stamp are required for all game bird hunting on public and private lands. All game bird hunting is regulated by Hawaii Administrative Rules Title 13, Chapter 122 (see https://hawaii.gov/dlnr/dofaw “Administrative Rules” for all legal hunting days).
Circuit Court Judge Jeffrey Crabtree ruled today that, based upon a Hawaiʻi Supreme Court opinion issued on September 6, 2017, existing permits for use of fine mesh nets to catch aquatic life for aquarium purposes are illegal and invalid. Judge Crabtree also ordered the DLNR not to issue any new permits pending environmental review.